The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments, with the Apocryphal books,
Wycliffe, John, d. 1384., Forshall, Josiah, 1795-1863., Madden, Frederic, 1801-1873.


*. [Here bigynneth Genesis.]CAP. I.

[verse 1] IN the firste made God of nouȝt heuene and erthe. [verse 2] The erthe forsothe was veyn with ynne and void, and derknessis weren vpon the face of the see; and the Spiryt of God was born vpon the watrys. [verse 3] And God seide, Be maad liȝt; and maad is liȝt. [verse 4] And God sawȝ liȝt*. [Om. F.], that it was good, and deuydid liȝt fro derknessis; [verse 5] and clepide liȝt, day, and derknessis, nyȝt. And maad is `euen and moru*. [euentide and morutide E pr. m.], o day. [verse 6] Seide forsothe God, Be maad a fir|mament in the myddel*. [myddis D.] of watres, and dyuyde*. [dyuydide AD.] it*. [Om. D.] watres fro watrys. [verse 7] And God made the firmament, and dyuydid*. [dyuyde A.] watris that weren vndre the firmament fro thes that weren aboue the fermament; and it is maad so. [verse 8] And God clepide the firma|ment, heuene. And maad is euen and moru, the secounde day. [verse 9] God forsothe seide, Gadrid be watris, the whiche ben vndre heuene, in to o place, and apere the drie; and maad it is so. [verse 10] And God clepid*. [clepith A.] the drie, erthe; and the*. [Om. A.] gader|yngis of watris he clepide, sees. And [verse 11] God saiȝ that it was good; and saith, Burion the erthe grene erbe*. [herbis D.] and mak|ynge seed, and appletre*. [appeltreis D.] makynge fruyt after his kynd, whos seed ben in hym silf, vpon the erthe; and maad it is so. [verse 12] And the erthe brouȝte forthe grene erbe*. [herbis D.] and makynge seed aftre his kynde, and tree makynge fruyt, and echon hauynge Page  80 seed after his special kynde. And God saiȝ that it were*. [was A.] good. [verse 13] And maad is euen and moru, the thrid day. [verse 14] God for|sothe seide, Be ther maad liȝt ȝyuers in the firmament of heuene, and deuyde thei dai and nyȝt; and be thei into signes, and [verse 15] tymes, and daies, and ȝeers; and liȝtne thei in the firmament of heuene, and liȝtne thei the erthe; and maad it is so. [verse 16] And God made two greet liȝt ȝyuerys, the more liȝt ȝyuer that it were bifore to the day, and the lesse liȝt ȝyuer that it were bifore to the nyȝt, and sterres. [verse 17] And he putte hem in the firmament of heuene, that thei shulden ȝyue liȝt vpon the erthe, [verse 18] and that thei were bifore to the day and to the nyȝt, and shulde deuyde liȝt and derknessis. And God saiȝ that it wer*. [was A.] good. [verse 19] And maad is euen and moru, the ferthe day. [verse 20] God also seide, Watres bryng thei forthe the crepynge kynd of the lyuynge soule, and the fleeinge kynde vpon the erth, vndre the firmament of heuene. [verse 21] And God made of nouȝt greet whallis, and al soule lyuyng and mouable, whom*. [whos A.] watres brouȝten forth into ther special kyndes, and al fleynge thing*. [Om. A. thingis D.] after his kynd. And God saiȝ that it wer*. [was AE.] [verse 22] good; and blisside to hem, seiynge, Growith, and beth*. [be BDEFH.] ȝe multiplyed, and fulfillith the watres of the see, and the briddis be multiplied vpon the erthe. [verse 23] And maad is euen and moru, the fyueth day. [verse 24] God forsothe seide, Bryng forthe the erthe soule lyuynge in his kynde, iumentis*. [bestayle D.], and crepynge thingis, and beestis of the erthe, after ther special kyndis; and so it is maad. [verse 25] And God made beestis of the erthe aftir ther spe|cial kyndes, iumentis, and al the*. [Om. BDEFH.] crep|ynge thing of the erthe in his kynde. [verse 26] And God saiȝ that it wer*. [was AE.] good; and seith, Make we man to the ymage and Page  81 oure lickenesse, and bifore be he to the fishis of the see, and to the volatils of heuene, and to the beestis of the erthe, and to al creature, and to al the crepynge thing that moueth in the erthe. [verse 27] And God made of nouȝt man to the ymage and his lickenes; to the ymage of God he made hym; maal and femaal he made hem*. [Om. F.] of nouȝt. [verse 28] And God blissid to hem, and seith, Growe*. [growith D.] ȝe, and be ȝe multi|plied, and fulfille ȝe the erthe, and sogette ȝe it, and haue ȝe lordship to the fishis of the see, and to the volatilis of heuene, and to alle thingis hauynge soule that mouen vpon the*. [Om. D.] erthe. [verse 29] And God seyde, Se! Y haue ȝouun to ȝow al erbe bryng|inge forthe seed vpon the erthe, and alle trees that han in hym silf seed of ther kynde, that thei ben to ȝow into*. [vnto A.] mete; [verse 30] and to alle thingis hauynge soule of the erthe, and to al foule*. [foulis DFH.] of heuene, and to alle thingis that mouen in the erthe, and in the which is soule ȝyuynge lijf, that thei haue for to eet; and maad it is so. [verse 31] And God saiȝ alle thingis that he made, and thei weren ful good. And made is*. [it is A.] euen and moru, the sixte day.


[verse 1] Therfor parfite ben heuene and erthe, and al the anowrnyng of hem. [verse 2] And God fulfillide in the seuenthe day his werk that he made; and he restide the*. [in the B.] seuen|eth day fro al werk*. [his werke B pr. m. werkes D.] that he hadde*. [Om. E pr. m.] ful|fillid; [verse 3] and he blisside to the seuenthe day, and he halwide it; for in it he had*. [Om. E pr. m.] sesyd fro al his werk that God shapide that he shulde make. [verse 4] Thes ben the ge|neraciouns of heuene and erthe, whan thei ben fourmed, in the day that the [verse 5] Lord God made heuene and erthe, and ech bushe of the feeld or it were growun in the erthe, and al erbe of regioun bifore that it buriownde. The Lord God for|sothe had not reyned vpon the erthe, and was noo man that myȝte worche the Page  82 [verse 6] erthe; but a welle ascendide fro the erthe, watering al the ouermost of the erthe. [verse 7] The Lord God thanne fourmede man of the slyme of the erthe, and spi|ride `in to*. [in D.] the face of hym an entre of breth of lijf; and maad is man into a soule ȝyuynge lijf. [verse 8] Forsothe the Lord God had plawntid paradise of delice fro bigynnyng, in the which he sette man whom he had fourmed. [verse 9] And the Lord God brouȝte forthe of the erthe eche tree fayre in siȝt, and swete to ete; also the tree of lijf in the mydle of paradys, and a tree of kunnyng of good and of yuel*. [ylle E.]. [verse 10] And a flood ȝede out of the place of delice to watre paradis, the which fro thens is [verse 11] deuydid in foure hedis; name of*. [to BDEFH.] the toon Phison, he is that goth abowt al the erthe of Euilath, where growith gold, [verse 12] and the gold of that erthe is best; and ther is foundun bdelyum, and the stoon [verse 13] onychynus; and name to the secounde flood Gyon, he is that gothe abowt al the [verse 14] erthe of Ethiope; name*. [and name A.] forsothe of the thrid flood Tigrys, he gothe aȝens Assy|rios; the ferthe forsothe flood, he is Eu|frates. [verse 15] Thanne the Lord God toke man, and putte hym in paradis of delice, that he shulde worche and kepe*. [schuld kepe E pr. m.] it. [verse 16] And he commaundide to hym, seiynge, Of ech tree [verse 17] of paradis ete; of the tree forsothe of kunnyng of good and of yuel ete thow not; in what euer day sotheli thow etist there of*. [herof BDEFH.], with deth thow shalt die. [verse 18] The Lord God forsothe seide, It is not good man to be alone; make we to hym help like hym. [verse 19] Fourmed thanne of the moist erthe alle thingis of the erthe hauynge soule, and al volatile of heuene, the Lord God brouȝte hem to Adam, that he shulde se what he shulde clepe hem; al thing forsothe of soule lyuynge that Adam clepid, that is the name of it. [verse 20] And Adam clepide alle thingis hauynge soule, and al*. [Om. D.] volatile of heuene, and alle beestis of the erthe, bi her names. To Adam Page  83 forsothe was not foundun an helper like hym. [verse 21] Thanne send ynne the Lord God slep into Adam, and whanne he was asleep*. [O slepe BEF.], he toke oon of his ribbis, and fulfillide flehs for it. [verse 22] And the Lord God edifiede the rib, the which he toke of Adam, into a woman, and brouȝte hir to Adam. [verse 23] And Adam seide, This now boon of my bonys, and flehs of my flehs; this shal be clepid mannus dede, for she is takun of a man. [verse 24] Wherfor a man shal forsake his fadre and modre, and shal draw to hys wijf, and two shal be in o flehs. [verse 25] Either forsothe was nakid, Adam, that is, and his wijf, and thei shameden noȝt.


[verse 1] But and the edder*. [nedder A throughout the chapter, but n expunct.] was feller than ony lifers of the erthe, the which made the Lord God. The which seide to the woman, Whi comaundide God to ȝow, that ȝe shulden not ete of ech tree of pa|radis? [verse 2] To whom answeryde the woman, Of the fruyt of trees that ben in paradis [verse 3] we eten; of the fruyt forsothe of the tree that is in the mydil of paradis, commaund|ide us God, that we shulden not eten, and that we shulden not towche it, lest perauenture we dien. [verse 4] Forsothe the eddre seide to the woman, Thurȝ deth ȝe shal [verse 5] not die; God forsothe wote, that in what euer day ȝe eten therof, ȝoure eiȝen shul be openyd, and ȝe shal ben as Goddis, knowynge good and yuel. [verse 6] Thanne the woman saiȝ that the tree were good, and swete for to ete, and fayre to the eiȝen and delitable in the siȝt; and she toke of the fruyt of it, and ete, and ȝaue to hire man, the which ete. [verse 7] And the eiȝen of both ben openyd; and whanne thei knewen hem silf to be nakid, thei soweden to gidre leeues of a fige tree, and maden hem brechis. [verse 8] And whanne thei herden the voys of the Lord God goynge in pa|radis at the shynyng after myd dai, Page  84 Adam hid hym and his wijf fro the face of the Lord God in the myddel of the tree of paradis. [verse 9] And the Lord God clepide Adam, and seide to hym, Where art thow? [verse 10] The which seide, Thi voys I herde in paradis, and I dredde, there thurȝ that I was nakid, and hidde me. [verse 11] To whom seide the Lord, Who forsothe shewide thee that thow was nakid, but that thow ete of the tree of the which Y had*. [Om. E pr. m.] comaundid thee that thow shuldist not ete? [verse 12] And Adam seide, The woman whom thow ȝaue me felow, ȝaue to me of the tree, and I ete. [verse 13] And*. [Om. B.] the Lord seide to the woman, Whi didst thow that? The which answeryde, The eddre bigilide me, and Y ete. [verse 14] And the Lord God seide vnto*. [to BDEFH.] the serpent, For thow hast do this, thow shalt be cursid among alle the*. [Om. BDEFH.] soule hauers and beestis of the erthe; vpon thi breest thow shalt gon, and erthe [verse 15] thow shalt ete alle daies*. [the days BDEFH.] of thi lijf; ene|myte I shal put bitwix thee and the wo|man, and thi seed and the seed of hire; she shal treed thin hede and thow shalt aspie to hyre heel*. [heelthe A.]. [verse 16] To the woman for|sothe God seide, I shal multiply thi my|seses and thi conceyuyngis; in sorwe thow shalt bere, children; and thow shalt be vndre power of thi man, and he shal haue lordship of thee. [verse 17] To Adam forsothe he seide, For thow hast herd the vois of thi*. [the BDEFH.] wijf, and thow hast etun of the tree, of the which I comaundide thee that thow shuldist not etun, cursid is the erthe in thi werk; in traueyls thow shalt [verse 18] ete of it alle the daies of thi lijf; it shal buriown to thee thornes and brembles, [verse 19] and thow shalt ete erbis of the erthe; in the swoot of thi chere, `or face*. [Om. BDEFH.], thou shalt ete thi brede, to the tyme thow turne aȝen into the erthe of the which thow art take; for powdre thow art, and into powdre thow shalt turne. [verse 20] And Adam clepide the name of his wijf Eue, Page  85 thurȝ that that she was moder of alle thingis lyuynge. [verse 21] The Lord God forsothe made to Adam and his wijf lether cootis, [verse 22] and clothide hem; and seide, Se! Adam is maad as oon of vs, knowynge good and yuel; now than, lest perauenture he putte out his hond, and take also of the tree of lijf, and ete, and lyue euermore. [verse 23] And the Lord God sente hym out of paradis of delyte, that he myȝte wyrk the erthe, of the which he was takun. [verse 24] And he threwe out Adam, and he sette cherubyn bifore paradis of delite, and a flawmynge swerd and pleaunt to the weye of the tree of lijf to be kept.


[verse 1] Adam forsothe knewe Eue his wijf, the which conceyuede*. [forsothe conceyued E pr. m.], and bare Caym, sei|ynge, I haue had a man bi God. [verse 2] And*. [Om. D.] eft soons she bare his brother Abel. For|sothe Abel was a sheepherd of sheep, and Caym an erthe tilyer. [verse 3] And don it is after many dayes, that Caym shulde offre of the fruytis of the erthe ȝiftis to the [verse 4] Lord; Abel forsothe offride of the first gotun of his flok, and of the fatnes*. [fatnesses BDEH.] of hem. And the Lord bihelde to Abel and [verse 5] to his ȝiftis; to Caym forsothe and to the ȝiftis of hym he bihelde not. And Caym was greetli wroth, and therwith felle his chere. [verse 6] And the Lord seide to hym, Whi art thow wroth, and whi ther|with fallith thi face? [verse 7] Shalt thow not re|seyue wel*. [Om. BEF.], if thou wel dost; ellis for|sothe euel, anoon in the ȝatis thi synnes shal ben at thee*. [Om. BDEH.]? but vndre thee shal be the appetite of hym, and thow shalt haue lordship of hym. [verse 8] And Caym seide to Abel his brother, Go we out. Whanne thei weren in the feeld, aroos there with Caym aȝens his brother Abel, and slowe him. [verse 9] And the Lord seide to Caym, Where is Abel thi brother? The which answeryde, I wote neuere; whether am I Page  86 the keper of my brother? [verse 10] And he seide to hym, What hast thow don? the*. [Om. BDEFH.] vois of the blood of thi brother crieth to me fro the erthe. [verse 11] Now than thow shalt be cursid vpon the erthe, the which openyde his mowthe, and toke the blood of thi brother of thin honde. [verse 12] Whanne thow worchist the erthe, it shal not ȝiue thee his fruytis; vagaunt and fer*. [ferer D.] fugitif thow shalt be vpon the*. [Om. D.] erthe alle the daies of thi lijf. [verse 13] And Caym seide to the Lord, More is my wickidnes than that I de|serue [verse 14] forȝeuenes; se! thow castist me out to day fro the face of the erthe; and fro thi face I shal be hid, and I shal be va|gaunt and fer fugitif in the erthe; al thanne*. [thei D.] that shal fynd me shal sle me. [verse 15] And the Lord seide to hym, It shal not be do so, but al that shal sle Caym shal seuene fold be punysshid. And the Lord sette a signe in Caym, that ech that fonde hym shulde not sle hym. [verse 16] And Caym, passid out fro the face of the Lord, dwellide fer fugitif in the erthe, at the eest plage of Eden. [verse 17] Caym forsothe knewe his wijf, the which forsothe con|seyuede, and bare Enok; and he bildide*. [belde BEF.] a citee, and callide*. [clepid BDEFH.] the name of it after the name of his sone Enok. [verse 18] Forsothe Enok gate Yrad, and Yrad gate Manyael, and Manyael gate Mathusael, and Ma|thusael [verse 19] gate Lameth; the which toke two wyues, the name of*. [to BDEFH.] the toon Ada, and name of*. [to BDEFH.] `the tother*. [that other D.] Sella. [verse 20] And Ada gate Jabel, that was fadre of dwellers [verse 21] in tentis and of sheepherdis; and the*. [Om. BDEH.] name of his brother Tubal, he was the fadre of syngerys in harp and orgon. [verse 22] Sella forsothe gate Tubalcaym, that was an hamer smyth*. [smyter BDEFH.], and a smyth*. [smyter E.] into alle werkis of bras and of yrun; the sister forsothe of Tubalcaym, Noema. [verse 23] And La|meth seide to his wijfes Ade and Selle, Here ȝe my vois, wifes of Lameth, herken ȝe my word; for I slowe a man into my Page  87 wound, and a litle waxen man into my [verse 24] wannesse; veniaunce shal be ȝouun of Caym seuene fold, of Lameth forsothe seuenti sithes*. [sith BDEFH.] seuenfold. [verse 25] Forsothe ȝit Adam knewe his wijf, and she bare a child, and callide*. [clepid BDEFH.] the name of hym Seth, seiynge, God sette to me another seed for Abel, whom Caym slowe. [verse 26] But and to Seth is borne a sone, whom he callide*. [clepid BDEFH.] Enos; this*. [thees D.] bigan inwardli to clepe the name of the Lord.


[verse 1] This is the boke of the generacioun of Adam, in the day in which*. [the which D.] God made of nouȝt man. To the ymage and lyknes [verse 2] of God he made hym; male and female he made hem of nouȝt, and he blisside to hem, and he callide*. [clepide BDEFH.] the name of hem Adam, in the dai in the*. [Om. BEF.] which thei weren maad of nouȝt. [verse 3] Adam forsothe lyuede an hundrid and thretti wynter, and he gat a sone to the liknes and hys ymage, and callide*. [clepid BDEFH.] the name of hym Seth. [verse 4] And the daies of Adam ben maad after that he gat Seth eiȝte hundrid ȝeer, and he gat sones and dowȝtres. [verse 5] And al the tyme is maad in the which Adam lyuede nyne hundrid and thritti ȝeer, and deed he is. [verse 6] Seth forsothe lyuede an hundryd and fyue ȝeer, and he gat Enos. [verse 7] And Seth lyuede aftir that he gat Enos eiȝt hundrid wyn|tir and seuene, and he gat sones and dowȝtres. [verse 8] And alle the daies of Seth ben maad nyne hundrid and twelue ȝeer, and deed he is. [verse 9] Enos forsothe lyuede [verse 10] nynti ȝeer, and*. [Om. D.] he gat Caynan; after whos birthe he lyuede eiȝt hundrid and fiftene ȝeer, and he gat sones and dowȝ|tris. [verse 11] And alle the dayes of Enos ben maad of nyne hundrid and fyue ȝeer, and deed he is. [verse 12] Caynan forsothe lyuede se|uenti ȝeer, and he gat Malalehel. [verse 13] And Caynan lyuede after that he had gotun Malalehel eiȝt hundrid and fourty ȝeer, Page  88 and he gat sones and dowȝtris. [verse 14] And alle the dais of Caynan ben maad nyne hun|drid and ten ȝeer, and deed he is. [verse 15] Mala|lehel forsothe lyuede fyue and sixti ȝeer, and he gat Jared. [verse 16] And Malalehel lyuede after that he gat Jared eiȝt hundryd and thritti ȝeer, and he gat sones and dowȝtrys. [verse 17] And alle the daies of Malalehel ben maad eiȝt hundrid and nynti and fyue ȝeer, and deed he is. [verse 18] And Jared lyuede an hun|dryd and two and sixti ȝeer, and he gat Enok. [verse 19] And Jared lyuede after that he gat Enok eiȝt hundrid ȝeer, and he gat sones and dowȝtris. [verse 20] And al the daies of Jared ben maad nyne hundrid ȝeer and two and sixti, and deed he is. [verse 21] Forsothe Enok lyuede fyue and sixti ȝeer*. [wynter E.], and he gat Matusale. [verse 22] And Enok ȝede with God; and Enok lyuede after that he gat Matu|sale thre hundrid ȝeer, and he gat sonys and dowȝtris. [verse 23] And alle the daies of Enok ben maad thre hundrid and fyue and sexti ȝeer. [verse 24] And he ȝede with God, and he aperyde not, for God toke hym. [verse 25] For|sothe Matusale lyuede an hundrid and seuen and eiȝti ȝeer, and he gat Lameth. [verse 26] And Matusale lyuede after that he had getun Lameth seuene hundrid and two and eiȝti wynter, and he gat sones and dowȝtris. [verse 27] And alle the daies of Matusale ben maad nyne hundrid and*. [Om. B.] sixti and nyne ȝeer, and deed he is. [verse 28] Lameth for|sothe lyuede an hundryd and two and eiȝti [verse 29] ȝeer, and he gat a sone; and he callide*. [clepid BDEFH.] the name of hym Noe, seiynge, This shal coumforte vs fro the werkis and the tra|ueils of oure hondis in the erthe, the*. [Om. BDEFH.] whiche werkis*. [Om. BDEFH.] the Lord curside. [verse 30] And Lameth lyuede after that he gat Noe fyue hundrid and fyue and nynti ȝeer*. [wynter BDEFH.], and he gat sonys and dowȝtris. [verse 31] And alle the daies of Lameth ben maad seuene hun|dryd and seuenti and seuene ȝeer, and deed he is. Noe forsothe whan he was of fyue hundrid ȝeers, he gat Sem, Cam, and Japheth.Page  89


[verse 1] Whan men bigunnen to be multiplied vpon the erthe, and hadden brouȝt forth [verse 2] dowȝtris, the*. [and the A.] sones of God, seynge the dowȝtris of men that thei weren faire, token wyues to hem of alle the whiche thei chosen*. [chesden BEFH.]. [verse 3] And God seide, My spiryt shal not dwel in man with outen ende, for flehs he is; and the daies of hym shal ben an*. [of an BDEFH.] hundrid and twenti ȝeers. [verse 4] Giauntis forsothe weren vpon the erthe in tho*. [thilk BDEFH.] daies, aftir forsothe that the sonys of God weren gon ynne to the dowȝtrys of men, and thei goten; thes ben myȝti of the world and famows men. [verse 5] God for|sothe seynge that myche malice of men was in the erthe, and al thouȝt of the [verse 6] herte was ȝouun to yuel al tyme, it for|thouȝt him that he had made man in erthe; and `bifore war*. [byfore by war D.] in tyme to come, and towchid with sorwe of herte with [verse 7] ynforth, I shal do awey, he seith, man, whom I made of nouȝt, fro the face of the erthe, fro man vnto thingis hauynge soule, fro crepynge beest*. [beestis D.] vnto fowles*. [the foulis E.] of heuen; forsothe it `o thenkith*. [athinkith BDEFH.] me to haue maad hem. [verse 8] Noe forsothe founde grace bifore the Lord. [verse 9] Thes ben the ge|neraciouns of Noe. Noe a riȝtwis man and a perfit was in his generaciouns; with [verse 10] God he ȝede, and he gat thre sones, Sem, Cham and Japheth. [verse 11] Forsothe the erthe is corupt before God, and is fulfillid with schrewidnes. [verse 12] And whanne God had seen the erthe to*. [Om. BDEFH.] be corupt, al forsothe flehs had*. [Om. E pr. m.] coruptid his weie vpon the erthe, [verse 13] he seide to Noe, The ende of al flehs cometh bifore me; the erthe is fulfullid with wickidnes fro the face of hem, and I shal scater hem with the erthe. [verse 14] Make to thee `an ark*. [a schep D.] of planed trees; litel dwellyng places in the ark*. [schyp D.] thow shalt make, and with ynne and with oute thow shalt diȝten it with glew. [verse 15] And so thow Page  90 shalt make it. The lengthe of the ark*. [schyp D.] shal be of thre hundrid cubytis, the brede of fifti cubitis, and the hiȝt of it of thretti cubitis. [verse 16] A wyndow in the ark*. [schyp D.] thou shalt make, and in o cubite thow shalt ende the hiȝt of it; the dore forsothe of the ark*. [schyp D.] thow shalt sett aside*. [in the syde E pr. m.] bynethen; sowpyng placis, and thre chaumbred thow shalt make in it. [verse 17] Se! I shal lede to wa|tres of a flood vpon the erthe, and I shal slee al flehs in the which spiryt of lijf is vndre heuene, and alle thingis that ben in the erthe, shal be wastid. [verse 18] And I shal sett my couenaunt*. [comenount D passim.] of pees with thee, and thow shalt gon into the ark*. [schip D.], thow and thi sones, thi wijf, and the wyfes of thi children with thee. [verse 19] And of alle thingis hauynge sowle of ony flehs, two thow shalt brynge into the ark*. [schip D.], that maal sex [verse 20] and femaal lyuen with thee; of fowles after ther kynde, and of iumentis in ther kynde, and of alle crepynge beest of the erthe after his kynde; two of alle shulen go ynne with thee, that thei mown lyue. [verse 21] Thou shalt take thanne with thee of al maner metis that mown be eten, and thow shalt bere with thee, and thei shulen be bothe to thee and to hem into meet. [verse 22] Thanne Noe dide alle thingis that God comaundide hym.


[verse 1] Forsothe the Lord seide to hym, Go thow yn and al thin hows*. [houshold D.] into the arke*. [schip D throughout this and following chapter.], thee forsothe I haue seen ryȝtwis bifore me in this generacioun. [verse 2] Of alle hauynge sowles clene, thow shalt take seuene and seuene, maal and femaal; and forsothe of vnclene hauynge sowle, two [verse 3] and two, maal and femaal; but of*. [and of BDE sec. m.FH.] the Page  91 fowlis of heuene, seuene and seuene, maal and femaal, that the seed be sauyd vpon the face of al erthe. [verse 4] Ȝit forsothe and aftir seuen daies I shal reyn vpon the erthe fourti daies and fourti nyȝtis, and I shal do awey al substaunce*. [substaunceȝ E.] the which Y made, fro the ouermost of the erthe. [verse 5] Thanne Noe dide all thingis that the Lord comaundide him. [verse 6] And he was of sixe hundryd ȝeeris, whanne the watris of the flood floweden vpon the erthe. [verse 7] And Noe is gon ynne, and his children, hys wijf, and the wyues of his children with hym into the arke for the watres of the flood. [verse 8] Of the clene forsothe hauynge sowlis, and vnclene, and of the fowlis of heuene, and of alle that mouen vpon the [verse 9] erthe, two and two ben gon ynne to Noe into the arke, maal and femaal, as the Lord comaundide Noe. [verse 10] And whan the seuene daies weren passid, the watris of the flood floweden vpon the erthe. [verse 11] The sixt hundrid ȝeer of the lijf of Noe, the secounde moneth, the seuententhe day of the moneth, ben brosten alle the wellis of the greet see, and the goteris of heuene [verse 12] ben openyd, and reyn is maad vpon the erthe fourti daies and fourti nyȝtis. [verse 13] In the poynt of that*. [thilk BDEFH.] day Noe is gon ynne, Sem*. [and Sem BDEFH.], and Cham, and Japheth*. [Jaseph A.], his sones, his wijf, and thre wyues of his sonys with hem, into the arke. [verse 14] Thei, and al beest after her kynde, and alle iumentis*. [beestayle D.] in her kynde, and al that moueth vpon the erthe in his kynde, and al volatile after his [verse 15] kynde, alle bryddis and alle fowlis, ben gon into Noe into the arke, two and two of al flehs, in the whiche was spirit of lijf. [verse 16] And the whiche ben gon ynne, maal and femaal of all flehs ȝeden ynne, as God had comaundide to hym. And the Lord encloside hym fro without. [verse 17] And the flood is maad fourti daies and fourti nyȝtis vpon the erthe, and the watres ben multiplied, and arereden the arke in hiȝt fro the erthe. [verse 18] Greetli thei floweden, and alle thingis thei fulfilliden, in the ouer|most Page  92 of the erthe. Forsothe the arke was born upon the watris. [verse 19] And the wa|tris hadden ful*. [wol D.] myche maystry vpon the erthe, and alle the heiȝe hillis vndre alle [verse 20] heuenes*. [heuen BDEFH.] ben coueryd; fiftene cubitis heiȝer was the watre vpon hillis whiche it*. [is A.] couered. [verse 21] And al flehs is wastid that was moued vpon the erthe, of fowlis, of*. [Om. AH.] hauynge sowles, of beestis, and of alle crepynge thingis that crepen vpon the erthe. [verse 22] Alle men, and alle thingis in the whiche is weie of breeth of lijf in the erthe, ben deed. [verse 23] And God dide awey al the substaunce that was vpon the*. [Om. BDEFH.] erthe, fro man vnto*. [to E pr. m.] beest, as wel crepynge as fowlis of heuene; and thei ben don a wey fro the erthe. Noe forsothe dwellyd aloone, and tho*. [thilk BDEFH.] that weren with hym in the arke. [verse 24] And the watris of the flood al abowt with hilden the erthe an hundryd and fifti dayes.


[verse 1] The Lord forsothe recordide of Noe, and of alle hauynge soulis, and of alle iumen|tis*. [bestaylis D.], that weren with hym in the arke; and he brouȝte to a spirit vpon the erthe. [verse 2] And the watris ben lessid, `and the wellys of the see and the*. [Om. D.] goterys of heuene ben closid, and reynes fro heuene ben for|fendid. [verse 3] And the wateres fro the erthe ben turned aȝen, goynge and aȝen goynge; and thei bigunnen to be maad lesse after an hundrid and fifty daies. [verse 4] And the arke restide the seuenthe moneth, the seuene and twentith day of the moneth, vpon the mowntis of Armonye. [verse 5] And forsothe the watres ȝéden and decreesseden vnto the*. [Om. B.] tenthe moneth, the tenthe forsothe moneth, the firste day of the moneth, aperyden the coppis of the hillis. [verse 6] And whan fourti dayes weren passid, Noe, openynge the wyndow of his arke the [verse 7] which he made, sente out a crow, the which ȝede out, and turnede not aȝen to the tyme that watris vpon the erthe weren Page  93 dried. [verse 8] Forsothe he sente out a culuer after hym, that he myȝte se, if now hadden sesyd waterys vpon the face of [verse 9] the erthe; the which whan he*. [Om. DE sec. m. FH.] had not foundun where his foot myȝte rest, is turned aȝen to him into*. [in D.] the arke, watres forsothe weren vpon al the erthe; and he strawȝte out*. [Om. BEFH.] his honde, and it takun putte*. [putte ynn DH.] into the erke. [verse 10] Forsothe forther|more other seuene daies abiden, eftsones [verse 11] he lete out of the arke a culuer; and she come to hym at euen, berynge a brawnche of olyue with grene leeues in hir mouthe. Than Noe vndirstode that wateres hadden [verse 12] cesyd vpon erthe; and he abode neuer the later other seuene daies, and he sente out a culuer, the which is no more turned aȝen to hym. [verse 13] Thanne in the sixte hun|dryd ȝeer and oon of the lijf of Noe, the first moneth, the first day of the moneth, ben lessid the waterys vpon erthe; and Noe, openynge the roof of his arke, bihelde and sawȝ that `al out*. [aboute B.] dried was the ouermost of the erthe. [verse 14] The secounde moneth, the seuene and twentith*. [the twentythe BDEH. the twenty F.] day of the moneth, the erthe is maad drye. [verse 15] The [verse 16] Lord forsothe spake to Noe, seiynge, Go out of the arke, thow, and thi wijf, thi children, and the wyues of thi children [verse 17] with thee; and alle hauynge soules that ben with thee of al flehs, bothe in vola|tylis*. [volatile A.], and in beestis, and in alle crepynge that crepen vpon the erthe, lede out*. [Om. E pr. m.] with thee; and go ȝe ynne vpon the erthe, grow ȝe, and be ȝe multiplied vpon it. [verse 18] Thanne Noe ȝede out, and his children, and his wijf, and the wyues of his chil|dren [verse 19] with hym; but and alle hauynge soules, iumentis*. [in beestaylis D.], and crepynge that crepen vpon the erthe, aftir her propre*. [Om. BDEFH.] kynde, ben gon out of the arke. [verse 20] Noe forsothe bildide*. [edefiede D. bilde BEFH.] an auter to the Lord, and takinge of alle clene beestis and fowlis, offryde brent sacrifices vpon the auter. [verse 21] And the Lord smellid*. [smellith A.] a smel of Page  94 swetnes, and seide to hym, I shal no more curse to the erthe for men, the witt for|sothe and the thouȝt of mannus herte ben redi in to yuel fro his tyme of waxyng; therfore I shal smyte no more ech soule [verse 22] lyuynge as Y haue don; alle the daies of the erthe, seed and ripe, coold and hete, somer and wynter, nyȝt and day, shulen not rest.


[verse 1] And God blisside to Noe, and to the sonys of hym, and seide to hem, Growe ȝe, and be ȝe multiplied, and fulfillith the [verse 2] erthe; and ȝoure feer*. [ferde BEFH. drede D.] and ȝoure trem|blyng be vpon alle the beestis of erthe, and vpon alle fowlis*. [the foulis D.] of heuene, with alle that ben moued in erthe; alle fishes of the see ben takun to ȝoure honde. [verse 3] And al that is meued and lyueth shal be to ȝow into meet; as green wortis I haue takun [verse 4] to ȝow alle thingis, out takun that flehs [verse 5] with blood ȝe shulen not ete, blood for|sothe of ȝowre sowles I shal requyre of the honde of alle beestis and of the honde of man, of the honde of man and of the brothir of hym I shal requyre the soule of man. [verse 6] Who so euer shal sheed mannus blood, the blood of hym shal be shed; to the ymage forsothe of God man is maad. [verse 7] Ȝe forsothe growith*. [grow E pr. m.], and be ȝe multiplied, and go ȝe in vpon the erthe, and fulfille ȝe it. [verse 8] Thes thingis forsothe the Lord seide to Noe, and to [verse 9] his sonys with hym, Se! I shal make stable my couenaunt with ȝou, and with [verse 10] ȝour seed after ȝou, and to alle soule lyuynge that is with ȝou, as wel in foulis as in iumentis*. [bestayle D.] and in beestis of the erthe, and in alle that ben gon out of the arke*. [schip D.], and in alle beestis of the erthe. [verse 11] I shal make stable my couenaunt with ȝou, and no more al flesh shal be slayn of the watris of the flood, ne shal herafter*. [here after|ward BDEFH.] be a flood scaterynge al erthe*. [the erth BDEFH.]. [verse 12] And God seide, This signe of couenaunt of pees Y ȝeue bitwix me and ȝou, and to al Page  95 soule lyuynge that is with ȝou, in to euer|lastinge generaciouns*. [generacyoun D.]. [verse 13] Y shal sette my bow in the clowdis, and the signe of co|uenant of pees shal be bitwix me and the [verse 14] erthe; and whan Y shal ouerhelde*. [ouerhelen D. ouerheelden H.] the heuen with clowdis, my bow shal apere [verse 15] in the clowdis, and I shal recorde of my couenaunt of pees that Y couenantide*. [comenountid D passim.] with ȝou, and with alle soulis*. [soule BDEFH.] lyuynge that quikeneth flesh; and there shal be no more watris of flood to al flesh to be don a wei. [verse 16] And my bow shal be in the clowdes, and I shal se it, and Y shal re|corde of the euerlastynge boond of pees, that is couenauntid*. [co|uenaunt BEH. comenount D.] bitwix God and alle soule lyuynge of al flehs that is vpon the erthe. [verse 17] And God seide to Noe, This shal be tokne of the bonde of pees, that I haue ordeyned bitwix me and al flehs vpon erthe. [verse 18] Weren thanne the sonys of Noe that ben gon out of the arke*. [schip D.], Sem, Cam, and Japheth; Cam forsothe, he is the fader of Chanaan. [verse 19] Thes thre ben the sones of Noe, and of thes it*. [Om. BDEFH.] is out sedid al the kynde of men vpon al erthe*. [the erth BDFH.]. [verse 20] And Noe, a man erthe tylyer, bigan to excer|sise the erthe, and he plauntid a vyne, [verse 21] and drynkynge wyn was drunkun, and nakid he lay in his tabernacle. [verse 22] The which whan Cham, the fader of Chanaan, had seen, that is*. [Om. A.], the priuey herneis of his fader to be nakid, he tolde it to his two britheren with out. [verse 23] And forsothe Sem and Japheth putten a mantel vpon her shulderis, and goynge in bacward couer|eden*. [cureden D.] the priuy harneis of her fader, and the faces of hem weren turned a wey, and the mannus harneys of the fader thei sawen not. [verse 24] Noe forsothe wakynge of the wyn, whan he had lerned the thingis that his [verse 25] ȝonger sone dide to hym, seith, Curside child Chanaan, thral of alle thrallis he shal be to his britheren. [verse 26] And he seide, Blissid be the Lord God of Sem, be Cha|naan [verse 27] his seruaunt; God sprede abrood Japheth, and dwel he in the tabernaclis Page  96 of Sem, and Chanaan be the thral of hym. [verse 28] Noe forsothe lyuede after the flood thre [verse 29] hundrid and fifti wynter; and alle the daies of hym ben fulfilled of nyne hun|drid and fifti ȝeer, and deed he is.


[verse 1] Thes ben the generaciouns of the sonys of Noe, Sem, Cham, and Japheth. And sonys ben born to hem after the flood. [verse 2] The sones of Japheth, Gomer, and Ma|gog, and Maday, and*. [Om. BDEFH.] Jauan, and Tubal, and Mosoth, and Thiras. [verse 3] The sonys for|sothe of Gomer, Assenes, and Riphath, and Thogorma. [verse 4] The sones forsothe of Jauan, Helisa, and Tassis, Cethym, and [verse 5] Dodanym; of thes ben diuydid yles of Gentils in her generaciouns, echone aftir the tung and her meynes, in her naciouns. [verse 6] The sones forsothe of Cham, Chus, and Mesraym, Futh*. [and Futh BDEFH.], and Chanaan. [verse 7] The sones forsothe of Chus, Saba, and Euila, and Sabatha, and Regma, and Sabatatha. The sonys of Regma, Saba and Dadan. [verse 8] Chus forsothe gat Nemeroth; he bigan [verse 9] to be myȝti in the*. [Om. BDEFH.] erthe, and he*. [Om. D.] was a strong hunter bifore the Lord; of that ȝede out a prouerbe, as Nemoroth, a strong hunter bifore the Lord. [verse 10] The bigynyng forsothe of his rewme was Babiloyn, and Arach, and Archad, and Thalamne, in the erthe of Sennaar. [verse 11] Of that londe was gon out Assur, and he bildide*. [bilde BEH. edifiede D.] Nynyuen, and [verse 12] the stretis of the cytee, and Chale*. [the Chale D.], Re|sen also bitwix Nynyuen and Chale; this is the greet citee. [verse 13] And forsothe Mesraym gat Ludym, and Anamym, and Laabym, [verse 14] Neptym*. [and Neptuym D.], and Phetusym, and Chesluym; of the which ben gon out Philistiym and Capturym. [verse 15] Chanaan forsothe gat Sydo|nem, [verse 16] his first gotun, Etheum, and Jebu|seum, [verse 17] and Amoreum, Gergeseum, Eueum, [verse 18] and Aratheum, Cyneum, and Aradium, Samaryten, and Amatheum; and bi thes Page  97 ben sowed*. [sowen D.] out the puplis of Chananes. [verse 19] And the termes of Chanaan ben maad to thilk that comen fro Sidon Geraran, vnto Gazan, to the tyme that thou*. [me B sec. m. E sec. m. F.] come into Sodomam, and Gomorram, and Adamam, and Seboin, vnto Lesa. [verse 20] Thes ben the sonys of Cham, in*. [and DH.] kynredis, and tungis, and*. [Om. D.] generaciouns, and erthis, and her folkis. [verse 21] Of Sem forsothe ben born the fa|deres of alle the sonys of Heber, the more brother of Japheth. [verse 22] The sonys of Sem; Elam, and Assur, and Arfaxad, and Lud, and Aram. [verse 23] The sonys of Aram; Vs, and Hul, and Gether, and Mes. [verse 24] And for|sothe Arfaxad gat Sale, of whom is born Heber. [verse 25] And there ben born to Heber two sonys, name to the toon Phalig, there thurȝ that in the daies of him the erthe is dyuydid; and the name of his brother Jactan. [verse 26] The which Jactan gat Elmodad, [verse 27] and Saleth, and Sarmoth, Jare, and Ad|huram, [verse 28] and Vzal, and Deda, and Ebel, [verse 29] and Abumael, Saba and Ophir, and Euila, and Jobab; alle thes the sonys of Jactan. [verse 30] And the abitacioun of hem is maad o Messa, as men goon vnto Sephar, the est hille. [verse 31] Thes the sones of Sem, after cogna|ciouns, and tungis, and regiouns, in her folkis. [verse 32] Thes the meynes of Noe, aftir puplis and her naciouns; of thes ben dy|uydid the gentilis aftir the flood in the erthe.


[verse 1] Forsothe the erthe was of oo lip, and of the same wordis. [verse 2] And whan men shulden go fro the est, thei founden a feeld in the lond of Sennaer, and thei dwelleden in it. [verse 3] And the tother seide to his neiȝbore, Cometh, and make we tile stoons, and sethe we hem with fier; and thei hadden tiles for stoons, and towȝ cley for syment. [verse 4] And thei seiden, Cometh, and make*. [maketh D.] we to vs a citee and a towr, whos heiȝt fulli ateyne vnto heuene; and halow we oure name, or we ben dyuydid Page  98 into alle londis. [verse 5] The Lord forsothe de|scendide, that he myȝte se the citee and the towre, the which the children of Adam [verse 6] bildeden; and seide, Se! the puple is oon, and oo lippe is to alle, and this thei han bigunnen to make, ne thei wolen leeue of fro her thenkyngis, to the tyme that thei [verse 7] han fulfillid hem in dede; thanne come ȝe, descende we, and confounde we there the tung of hem, that noon here the vois of his neiȝbore. [verse 8] And so the Lord de|uydide hem fro that place into alle londis; and thei sesyden to bilde*. [edifien D.] the citee. [verse 9] And therfor was callid*. [clepide BDEFH.] the name of it Babel, for there was confoundid the lippe of al the*. [Om. BDEFH.] erthe; and fro thens the Lord dis|parpoilide hem vpon the face of alle re|giouns. [verse 10] Thes ben the generaciouns of Sem. Sem was of an hundrid ȝeeris whanne he gat Arfaxad, two ȝeer aftre the flood. [verse 11] And Sem lyuede aftir that he gat Arfaxad fyue hundrid wynter, and gat sonys and dowȝtres. [verse 12] Forsothe Ar|faxad lyuede fyue and thretty wynter, [verse 13] and gat Sale; and Arfaxad lyuede aftir that he gat Sale, thre hundrid and thre ȝeer, and gat sonys and dowȝtres. [verse 14] And Sale lyuede thretti ȝeer, and gat Heber; [verse 15] and Sale lyuede after that he gat Heber, fowre hundrid wynter and thre, and gat sonys and dowȝtris. [verse 16] Heber forsothe lyuede fowre and thretti wynter, and gat Pha|leth; [verse 17] and Heber lyuede after that he gat Phaleth fowre hundrid and thritti wyn|ter, and gat sonys and dowȝtres. [verse 18] Phaleth forsothe lyuede thritti wynter*. [ȝere BDEFH.], and gat [verse 19] Reu; and Phaleth lyuede aftir that he had getun Reu two hundrid and nyne ȝeer, and gat sonys and dowȝtris. [verse 20] Reu forsothe lyuede two and thretti ȝeer, and [verse 21] gat Saruch; Reu forsothe lyuede aftir that he gat Saruch, two hundrid and se|uene ȝeer, and gat sonys and dowȝtres. [verse 22] Saruch forsothe lyued thretti*. [after thretti A.] ȝeer, and [verse 23] gat Nachor; and Saruch lyuede aftir that he gat Nachor, two hundrid ȝeer, and gat sonys and dowȝtres. [verse 24] Nochor forsothe Page  99 lyuede nyne and twenti ȝeer, and gat [verse 25] Thare; and Nachor lyued after that he gat Thare an hundrid `and nyne ten*. [tenne and nyne BDEFH.] ȝeer, and gat sonys and dowȝtres. [verse 26] And Thare lyued seuenti ȝeer, and gat Abram, and Nachor, and Aran. [verse 27] Thes ben for|sothe the generaciouns of Thare. Thare gat Abram, Nachor, and Aran. Aran [verse 28] forsothe gat Loth; and Aran was deed bifore Thare, his fadre, in the lond of his birthe, in Vr of Caldeis. [verse 29] Abram for|sothe and Nachor token hem wyues; the name of the wijf of Abram, Sarai, and the name of the wijf of Nachor, Melcha, the douȝter of Aron, fadir*. [the fader E pr. m.] of Melche and*. [Om. E pr. m.] fadir of Jesse. [verse 30] Saray forsothe was bareyn, and had no fre children. [verse 31] And also Thare toke Abram, his sone, and Loth, the sone of Aran, the sone of hys sone, and Saray, his sonys*. [sone BE pr. m.] wijf, the wijf of Abraam, his sone, and he ledde hem out fro Vr of Caldeis, that thei myȝten go into the lond of Chanaan; and thei comen vnto Aran, and dwelliden there. [verse 32] And the daies of Thare ben maad of two hundrid and fyue ȝeer, and deed he is in Aran.


[verse 1] The Lord forsothe seide to Abram, Go out fro thi lond, and fro thi kynreden, and fro the hows of thi fadir, and com in [verse 2] to the lond that I shal shew to thee; and I shal make thee in to a greet folk of kynde, and I shal blis to thee, and I shal magnyfie thi name, and thow shalt be [verse 3] blissid; and*. [Om. BDEFH.] I shal blis to thoo*. [thilk BDEFH.] that blissen thee, and I shal curse to thoo*. [thilk BDEFH.] that cursen thee; and in thee shal be blissyd alle cosynages of the erthe. [verse 4] And so Abraam ȝede out, as the Lord co|maundide to*. [Om. BDEFH.] hym, and Loth ȝede with hym. Of seuenti and fyue ȝeers was Abram whan he shulde go fro Aran. [verse 5] And he toke Saray, his wijf, and Loth, the sone of his brother, and al the sub|staunce Page  100 that thei hadden, and the lyues that thei maden in Aran; and thei ȝeden out that thei myȝten gon in to the lond of Chanaan. And whan thei weren comen [verse 6] into it, Abram passide thurȝ the lond vnto the place of Sichim, and vnto the noble valeye. Chananeus forsothe*. [Om. E pr. m.] was thanne in the lond. [verse 7] The Lord forsothe apperyde to Abram, and seide to hym, I shal ȝyue to thi seed this lond. The which bildide*. [made D.] there an auter to the Lord, the which had apperyd to hym, and he inwardly callide*. [cleped BDEFH.] there the name of him. [verse 8] And fro thens ouerpassynge to the mownt that was aȝens the est of Betel, and*. [Om. BDH. and he EF.] strauȝte there his tabernacle, hauynge Betel fro the west, and fro the est Hay. And he edefiede there an auter to the Lord, and inwardli*. [he inwardly BDEFH.] clepide the name of hym. [verse 9] And Abram ȝede goynge, and*. [in A.] ferthermore passynge to the west. [verse 10] Forsothe hungur was maad in the lond; and Abram de|scendide into Egipt, that he myȝte pil|grimage there; forsothe hungir wex greet in the lond. [verse 11] And whan he was nyȝe that he shulde go into Egipt, he seide to Sa|ray, his wiif, I knew that a fayr wo|man [verse 12] thow art, and that whan Egipciens shulen se thee, thei ben to seyn, the wijf of hym she is, and thei shal slee me, and thee thei shal reserue*. [reseyue A.]. [verse 13] Seie thanne, I preye thee, that thow art my sistre, that it be to me wel for thee, and my sowle lyue for the grace of thee. [verse 14] And so whan Abram was gon into Egipt, Egipciens sawen the woman that she was [verse 15] ful fayre; and the princis tolden to Pha|rao, and preyseden hir anentys hym; and the woman was takun into the hows of Pharao. [verse 16] Abram forsothe thei wel vseden for hir; and there weren to hym sheep, and oxen, and he assis, and seruauntis, and meynes, and she assis, and camelis. [verse 17] The Lord forsothe scourgide Pharao with moost plagis*. [wondis D.] and the hows of hym, for Saray, Abrams*. [Abram BDEF.] wijf. [verse 18] And Pharao clepide Page  101 Abram, and seide to*. [vnto E pr. m.] hym, What for|sothe is this that to me thow hast don? why shewide*. [schewdist BDEFH.] thow not to me that she was thi wijf? [verse 19] for what cause seidist thow hir to be thi sister, that to me I shulde take hir into a wijf? [verse 20] Now thanne se! thi wijf, and take hir and go. And Pharao comaundide vpon Abram two men, and thei conueyden hym, and the wijf of him, and al that he had.


[verse 1] Abram thanne ascendide fro Egipt, he, and his wiif and al that he had, and Loth with hym, to the sowth plaag. [verse 2] He was forsothe ful*. [wol D.] riche in possessioun of siluer and of gold. [verse 3] And he was turnyd aȝen bi the weye that he come fro the sowth in Betel, vnto the place in the which biforhond he had ficchid*. [maad D.] a taber|nacle, [verse 4] bytwix Betel and Hay, in the place of the auter that he made bifore, and he inwardli clepide there the name of the Lord. [verse 5] But and of Loth, the which was with Abram, weren flockis of sheep, and [verse 6] droues, and tabernaclis; and the lond myȝte not reseyue hem, that thei dwell|iden to giderys; forsothe the substaunce of hem was myche, and thei myȝten not dwel comounli. [verse 7] Wherfor and there was strijf maad bitwix the shepherdis of the flockis of Abram and of Loth. That forsothe tyme Chananeus and Fereseus dwelliden in that lond. [verse 8] Seide thanne Abram to Loth, I biseche, be there not strijf bitwix thee and me, and bitwix my sheepherdis and thi sheepherdis; bri|theren forsothe we ben. [verse 9] Se! al the lond is bifore thee, I preye, go awey fro me; if thow to the left side gost, Y shal hold the riȝt side; if thow the riȝt side chesist, Y shal go to the left*. [left side D.]. [verse 10] And so Loth, his eyen heued vp, sawe al the re|gioun abowt of Jordan, the which al was watered, bifore the Lord shulde ouer|turne Sodom and Gomor, as paradis of Page  102 the Lord, and as Egipt to comers into Segor. [verse 11] And Loth ches to hym the re|gioun abowt Jordan, and ȝede fro the est; and thei ben either diuydid fro his bro|ther. [verse 12] Abram dwelte in the londe of Cha|naan; and Loth forsothe abode in the borow townes that weren abowte Jordan, and dwellid in Sodomys. [verse 13] Men forsothe of Sodom weren the werst men, and syn|ners before the Lord mych. [verse 14] And the Lord seide to Abram, aftir that Loth was dyuydyd fro hym, Heue vp thin eyen euen ryȝt, and se fro the place in the*. [Om. BDEFH.] which thow art now, to the north [verse 15] and sowth, to the est and west; al the lond that thow*. [Om. D.] biholdist, I shal ȝyue to thee and to thi seed, for to*. [Om. DH.] euermore. [verse 16] And I shal make thi seed as powdir*. [the pouder BDEFH.] of the erthe; if eny men myȝten nowmbre the powdre of the erthe, and thi seed he shal mow nowmbre. [verse 17] Aryse thanne and ouergo the lond in lengthe and in brede*. [his brede BDEFH.], for I am to ȝyue*. [ȝeuing E.] it to thee. [verse 18] Abram thanne, mouynge his tabernacle, com and dwellide biside the valey of Mambre, the which is in Ebron, and bildide*. [bylde BEFH. made D.] there*. [Om. D.] an auter to the Lord.


[verse 1] And it was don in that tyme, that Amraphel, the kyng of Sennaer, and Ar|yoth, the kyng of Ponty, and Chodor|laomor, the kyng of Elemytarum, and [verse 2] Thadal, kyng*. [and the kyng E.] of folc of kynd, ȝeden into a*. [Om. BDEFH.] batail aȝens Bara, the kyng of Sodom, and aȝens Bersa, the kyng of Gomor, and aȝens Sennaar, the kyng of Adame, and aȝens Sebamar, the kyng of Soboym, and aȝens the kyng of Bale, that*. [it E sec. m.] is, of Se|gor. [verse 3] Alle thes comen to gidre into the wodi valey, the which now is the see of salt. [verse 4] Forsothe twelue ȝeer thei serueden to Chodorlaomor, and the threttenthe ȝeer thei ȝede awey fro hym. [verse 5] Therfor the fourtenthe ȝeer com Chodorlaomor, and the kyngis that weren with hym, and Page  103 smytyn Raphaym in Astaroth, Carnaym, and Zuzym with hem, and Emim in Sabe [verse 6] Chariathaim, and Chorreos in the hillis Seher, vnto the feeldy*. [feeldly A.] placis of Pharam, that is in wildernes. [verse 7] And thei weren turned aȝen, and comen vnto the welle of Mesphat; it is of Cades. And thei smyten al the regioun of Amalechitis, and Amorre, the whiche dwellid in Asa|son of Thamar. [verse 8] And the kyng of So|dom, and the kyng of Gomorre, and the kyng of Adame, and the kyng of So|boym, also and*. [Om. D.] the kyng of Bale, that is of Segor, ȝeden out, and thei dressiden aȝens hem sheltrun in the wodi valey, [verse 9] that is, aȝens Chodorlaomor, kyng*. [the kyng E pr.m.] of Elamytarum, and Thadal, kyng*. [the kyng E pr.m.] of folk of kynde, and Amraphel, the kyng of Sennaar, and Arioth, the kyng of Ponty; foure kynges aȝens fyue. [verse 10] The wodi valei forsothe had manye pyttis of gluwy*. [glewyche BEFH. toow D.] cley; and so the kyng of Sodom and of Gomor turneden backis and fellen there; and tho*. [thilk BDEFH.] that laften flowen to the hil. [verse 11] Forsothe thei token al the substaunce of Sodom and of*. [Om. DFH.] Gomor, and alle thingis that par|teyneden [verse 12] to mete, and ȝeden awey; also and Loth, the sone of the brother of Abram, the which dwellid in Sodom, and the substaunce of hym. [verse 13] And lo! oon that ascapide, toolde to Abram Ebrew, the which dwellid in valey*. [the valey BDEFH.] of Mambre of Amorey, brother*. [the brother E pr.m.] of Escol, and bro|ther of Aner; thes forsothe hadden coue|nauntid bond of pees with Abram. [verse 14] The which whanne Abram had herd, `that is, Loth his brother takun*. [that Loth his brother is takyn D.], he noumbride thre hundrid ten and eiȝt men of his own howshold redi, and he pursuede hem vnto Dan. [verse 15] And, his felows dyuydid, he felle vpon hem in the nyȝt, and he smoot hem, and he pursuede hem vnto Saba*. [Hoba BDFH.], and Phenysem, the which is at the left side of Damask. [verse 16] And he brouȝte aȝen al the substaunce, and Loth his brother with Page  104 the substaunce of hym, and wymmen and puple. [verse 17] Forsothe the kyng of Sodom ȝede out into the aȝen-goyng*. [aȝen-comyng B.] of hym, after that he was aȝen turned fro the slawȝtir of Chodorlaomor, and of the kyngis that weren with hym, in the valey of Sabe, the which is the valey of the kyng. [verse 18] And forsothe Melchisadech, the kyng of Salem, bryngynge forth breed and wyne, for|sothe he was the*. [Om. A pr. m.] prest of the heiȝest [verse 19] God, blisside*. [And he blesside E pr. m.] to*. [vnto BDEFH.] hym, and seide*. [seith E sec. m.], Blissid be Abram to the heye God, the which maad of nouȝt heuene and erthe, [verse 20] and the heye God be blissid, whom de|fendynge, the enemyes ben takun in thin hondis. And he ȝaue hym dymes of alle thingis. [verse 21] Forsothe the kyng of Sodom seide to Abram, Ȝyue me the sowlis; othre thingis take to thee. [verse 22] The which answeride hym, I heeue vp myn hond to the Lord, the*. [Om. E pr. m.] heye God, welder of heuene [verse 23] and erthe, that fro a threed of the weeft vnto a garter of an hoos I shal not take of alle thingis that ben thin, lest thow [verse 24] seye, I haue maad Abram ryche; out take thes thingis that ȝong men han etun, and the partyse of men that camen with me, Aner, Eschol, and Mambre; thes shulen take there partyes.


[verse 1] So thes thingis past ouer, the word of the*. [Om. E pr. m.] Lord was maad to Abram bi a vi|sioun, seiynge, Abram, wolt*. [wil BDEF. wole H.] thow not dreed, I am thi defendour, and thi meed is ful greet. [verse 2] And Abram seide, Lord God, what shal thow ȝyue me? I shal go withouten fre children, and the sone of the proctour of myn hows, this Damask of Elyzar, shal be myn eyre. [verse 3] And Abram addide, To me forsothe thow hast not ȝouun seed, and, lo! the seruaunt of myn howshold shal be myn eyre. [verse 4] And anoon the word of God was maad to hym, sei|ynge, This shal not be thin eire, but he Page  105 that shal gon out of thi womb, hym thow shalt make*. [haue BDEFH.] thin eire. [verse 5] And he ledde hym out, and seide to hym, Biholde heuene, and noumbre the sterrys, if thow mayst. And he seide to hym, So shal be thi seed. Abram leuede to God, and it was alowid [verse 6] to hym to ryȝtwisnes. [verse 7] And he seide to hym, I the Lord, that out lad thee fro Vr of Caldeis, that I shulde ȝyue to thee this lond, and thow shuldist haue it. [verse 8] And he seide, Lord God, wherof may I knowe that I am to haue it? [verse 9] And the Lord an|sweride, Take, he seith*. [said BDE pr.m.FH.], to thee a kow of thre ȝeer, and a she gehet of thre ȝeer, and a wethir of thre ȝeer, and a turtur*. [turtil BDEFH.], and a culuer. [verse 10] The which, takynge alle thes thingis, dyuydide hem by the mydil, and putte*. [he putte BDEFH.] eithir partis aȝens hemsilf, either to othre; the briddis forsothe he dyuydide not. [verse 11] And fowlis descendiden vpon the careyns*. [careyng B.], and Abram `droue hem*. [drow hym D.] awey. [verse 12] And whanne the sunne was goon down, feer*. [feerd BEFH. drede D.] felle vpon Abram, and greet grisynes and derk assaileden hym. [verse 13] And it was seid to him, Bifore knowynge know thow, that thi seed is to be a*. [Om. BDEFH.] pil|grym in the lond not his, and men shulen suget hem to thraldom, and men shulen ouer traueile hem fowre hundrid wynter; [verse 14] netheles*. [neuerthelese BDEF.] I shal deme the folk of kynde to whom thei ben to serue; and after thes thingis thei shulen gon out with a greet substaunce. [verse 15] Thow forsothe shalt go to thi fadres in pees, biried also*. [Om. BDEFH.] in god eld. [verse 16] The ferthe forsothe generacioun thei shulen turne aȝen hidir, ne ȝit forsothe ben not fulfillid the shrewidnes of the*. [Om. BDEFH.] Amoreis, vnto the tyme that is now. [verse 17] Thanne whan the sunne is*. [was BDEFH.] gon down, there was maad a derk clowd, and a fur|neys smekynge aperyde, and a lawmpe of fijr, passynge bitwix tho*. [thilk BDEFH.] dyuysiouns. [verse 18] In that day the Lord couenauntide with Abram a bond of pees, seiynge, To thi seed I shal ȝyue this lond, fro the flood Page  106 of Egipt vnto the greet flood of Eufraten; [verse 19] Cyneos, and Cynyseos, and Sephmonios, [verse 20] and Etheos, and Phariseos, Raphaim for|sothe, [verse 21] and Amorreos, and Chananeos, and Gergeseos, and Gebeseos.


[verse 1] For Saray, the wijf of Abram, had not geet to hym fre children; but hauynge an hand mayden Egipcian, Agar bi name, [verse 2] seyde to hir howsbond, Loo! the Lord hath closid me, that Y may not bere; go into myn hand maydyn, if perauenture at the leste*. [laste D.] of hir I take children. And [verse 3] whanne he assentide to hir preiyng, he toke Agar the Egipcian, hir hand mayden, aftir ten ȝeer that thei bigunnen to dwelle in the londe of Chanaan, and she ȝaue hir a wijf to hir husbond. [verse 4] The which ȝede into hir; and she seynge hir silf that she had conseyued, dispiside hir ladi. [verse 5] And Saray seide to Abram, Vneuenli thow dost aȝens me; I haue ȝyuun myn hand mayden into thi bosum, the which seynge that she hath conseyued, hath me to despit; the Lord deme bitwix me and thee. [verse 6] To whom answerynge Abram, Lo! he seith, thin hand maydyn is in thin hond; vse hir as it is leueful. Thanne Saray ouertraueilynge hir, she ȝede into flyȝt. [verse 7] And whanne the aungel of the Lord hadde foundun hir biside the welle of water in wildirnes, the which is in the [verse 8] weye of Sur in desert, he seide to hir, Agar, the hand mayden of Saray, whens comyst thow, and whithir gost thow? [verse 9] The which answeride, Fro the face of Saray my ladi I flee. And the aungel of the Lord seide to hir, Turne aȝen to thi ladi, and be meke vndir the hondis of hir. [verse 10] And eft, Multipliynge, he seith, I shal multiplie thi seed, and it shal not be nowmbrid for the multitude. [verse 11] And her|afterward*. [ther afterward BDEFH.], Loo! he seith, thow hast con|seyued, and thow shalt bere a sone, and thow shalt cleep the name of hym Ys|mael, Page  107 therthurȝ that the Lord hath herd [verse 12] thin affliccioun; this shal be a feers man; the hoond of hym aȝens alle, and the hoond of alle aȝens hym; and `forn aȝens*. [from aȝenst E sec. m.] alle his britheren he shal ficche taber|naclis. [verse 13] Agar forsothe clepide the name of the Lord that spak to hir, Thow God that saw me; and she seide, Forsothe here I haue seen the hyndirmore of thilk that saw me. [verse 14] Therfor she nemnyde that pytte, the pytte*. [spirit A.] of hym lyuynge and se|ynge me; thilk is bytwix Cades and Ba|rad. [verse 15] And Agar bare to Abram a sone, the which clepide the name of hym Is|mael. [verse 16] Of eiȝti and sixe wynter was Abram, whanne Agar bare to hym Is|mael.


[verse 1] After forsothe that he bigan to be of nynti and nyne ȝeer, the Lord aperide to hym, and seide to hym, I God Almyȝti; [verse 2] goo bifore me, and be thow perfite; I shal sett my couenaunt of pees bitwix me and thee; and I shal multiplye thee ful hugeli. [verse 3] And Abram felle down al redi in to the face. [verse 4] And God seide to hym, I am, and I shal sett my couenaunt with thee, and thow shalt be fader of [verse 5] many folk of kynde; and thi name shal no more be clepid Abram, but thow shalt*. [shal AE.] be clepid Abraham, for I haue ordeyned [verse 6] thee fadir*. [the fadir BDEFH.] of many folk of kynde; and I shal make thee grow moost hugeli, and I shall sett thee in folk of kynde, and [verse 7] kyngis shal gon out of thee; and I shal stable my couenaunt bitwixe me and thee, and bitwix thi seed after thee, in thi kynredis, with euerlastynge boond of pees, that I be thi God, and of thi seed after [verse 8] thee; and I shal ȝyue to thee and to thi seed aftyr thee the loond of thi pil|grimage, al the loond of Chanaan, into euerlastyng possessioun, and I shal be the God of hem. [verse 9] Eftsones God seide to A|braham, And thow thanne shalt kepe my couenaunt, and thi seed aftir thee, in her kinredis. [verse 10] This is my couenaunt, that ȝe Page  108 shulen kepe bitwix me and ȝow, and thi seed after thee; ech maal of ȝow shal be [verse 11] circumcidid, and ȝe shulen circumside the flehs of the ferthermore parti of ȝoure ȝeerde, that it be in tokne of bond*. [bondis D.] of pees bitwix me and ȝow. [verse 12] A child of eiȝt dayes shal be circumsidid in ȝow, ech maal in ȝoure kinredis, as wel the freman of ȝoure howshold as the bowȝt man shal be circumsidid, and who so euer were [verse 13] of ȝoure lynage; and my couenaunt shal be in ȝoure flehs into euerlastynge boond of pees. The maal whos flehs of the vt|termore [verse 14] parti of his ȝerde were not cir|cumsidid, that soule shal be don a wey fro his puple; for he hath maad my couenaunt wast. [verse 15] And God seide to Abra|ham, Saray, thi wijf, thou shalt not clepe [verse 16] Saray, but Sara; and I shal blis to hir, and `of hir*. [Om. D.] I shal ȝyue to*. [hyre D.] thee a sone, to whom I am to blis, and he shal be into naciouns, and kyngis of puplis shal grow of hym. [verse 17] And Abraham fel into his face, and lowȝ in his herte, seiynge, Wenyst thow, whethir a sone shal be born to a man of an hundrid wynter, and Sara nynti winter shal bere? [verse 18] And he seide to the Lord, Wolde God Ysmael lyue bifore thee. [verse 19] And the Lord seide to Abraham, Sara, thi wijf, shal bere to thee a sone, and thow shalt cleep the name of hym Ysaac, and I shal ordeyne my couenaunt to hym into euerlastynge boond of pees, [verse 20] and to his seed after hym; and vpon Is|mael I haue herd thee, loo! I shal blis to hym, and I shal encrees, and I shal multiplie hym greetli; twelue dukis he shal gendre, and I shal make hym into a greet folk of kynde. [verse 21] But my coue|naunt I shal maak stonde to Ysaac, whom Sara shal bere to thee this tyme in the tother ȝeer. [verse 22] And whan the sermoun of the speker with hym was endid, God stiede*. [steyȝ BDEFH.] vp fro Abraham. [verse 23] Abraham for|sothe toke Ysmael, his sone, and alle the fre men of his hows, and alle whom he had bowȝt, alle the malis of alle men Page  109 of his hows, and he circumsidide the flehs of the vttermor parti of ther ȝerde, anoon in that day, as God had comaundid hym. [verse 24] Abraham was of nynti and nyne ȝeer whan he circumsidide the flehs of [verse 25] the vttermore parti of his ȝerde, and Is|mael, his sone, had fulfillid thrittene ȝeer in tyme of his circumsicioun. [verse 26] And the same day was Abraham circumsidid, and [verse 27] Ysmael his sone, and alle men*. [the men BDEFH.] of hys hows, as wel fre men as bowȝt and aliens, togideris weren circumsidid.


[verse 1] The Lord forsothe aperyde to hym in the valey of Mambre, sittynge in the dore of his tabernacle, in that heet of the day. [verse 2] And whan he had areride vp the eyen, thre men stondynge nyȝ hym aperiden to hym. Whom whan he had seen, he ranne into the aȝen comyng of hem fro the dore of his tabernacle, and he low|tide [verse 3] into*. [in BDEFH.] the erthe, and seide, Lord, if I haue foundun grace in thin eyen, ouer|passe [verse 4] thow not thi seruaunt, but I shal bringe to a litil mesure of water, and ȝoure fete be wayshid, and reste thow*. [ȝou BDEFH.] [verse 5] vnder a tree; and I shal sett a morsel of breed, and ȝoure herte be coumfortid; aftyrward ȝe shulen passe forthe; and therfor forsothe ȝe boweden down to ȝoure seruant. The whiche seiden, Do as thow hast spokun. [verse 6] Abraham hyede into the tabernacle, to Sara, and seide to hir, Hye, and mynge togidre thre half buysshelis of clene flowre; and make looues bakun vndur ayshen. [verse 7] He forsothe ranne*. [rennyd BEFH. rennyng D.] to the droue, and toke thens a calf moost tendre and best, and ȝaue a child, the which hyede, and sethede it; [verse 8] and toke butter, and mylk, and the calf the which he had sothun, and sette bifore hem; he forsothe stode biside hem vndir the tre. [verse 9] And whanne thei hadden etun, thei seiden to hym, Where is Sara thi wijf? He answeride, Loo! in hir taber|nacle Page  110 she is. [verse 10] To whom he seide, Turn|ynge aȝen I shal com to thee this tyme, the lijf ledere; and Sara, thi wijf, shal haue a sone. The which thing herd, Sara lowȝ bihynde the dore of the taber|nacle. [verse 11] Forsothe thei weren bothe oold, and of greet age, and to Sara fluxis of blood hadden laft to be maad. [verse 12] The which lowȝ priueli, seiynge, After that I am bicom oold, and my lord is an olde man, shal I ȝyue bysynes to lust? [verse 13] The Lord forsothe seide to Abraham, Whi lowȝ Sara, thi wijf, seiynge, whe|ther I an oold woman am verreily to bere child? [verse 14] whether eny thing is to God hard? Aftir the sawe bitwix vs I shal turne aȝen to thee this*. [Om. D.] same tyme, the lijf leder; and Sara shal haue a sone. [verse 15] Sara denyede, seiynge, I lowȝ not, thurȝ drede afeerd. The Lord forsothe, It is not, he seide*. [seyth E sec. m.], so, but thow lowȝ. [verse 16] Thanne whanne the men were rysun thens, thei dressiden her eyen aȝens Sodom; and Abraham ȝede with, ledynge forth hem. [verse 17] And the Lord seide, Whether I mow hide fro Abraham thingis that Y am to [verse 18] do, sith he is to be into a greet folk of kynde and moost strong, and alle na|ciouns of the*. [Om. BDEFH.] erthe ben to be blissid in hym? [verse 19] I woot forsothe that he is to co|maunde his sones, and to his hows aftir hym, that thei kepen the wey of the Lord, and that thei do ryȝtwisnes, and dom, that the Lord brynge to for Abra|ham alle thingis that he hath spokun to hym. [verse 20] And so the Lord seide, The cry of Sodom and Gomor is multiplied, and [verse 21] the synne of hem is myche agredgyd; I shal go down, and se whether the cry that is comen to me thei han fulfillid in dede, or it*. [whether it E pr. m.] is not so that I wyte. [verse 22] And thei turneden hem silf*. [seluen BDEFH.] thens, and ȝeden awey*. [Om. F.] to Sodom. Abraham forsothe ȝit [verse 23] stode bifore the Lord, and neiȝynge seith, Whether thow shalt lese the riȝtwis with the wickyd? [verse 24] if there ben*. [Om. D.] fifti riȝtwis in Page  111 the citee, shulen thei peryshe to gidere, and shalt thow not spare to that place for fifti riȝtwis, if thei shulen be in it? [verse 25] Be it fer fro thee that thow do this thing, and sle the ryȝtwis with the wickid, and the riȝtwis be maad as the wickid; this is not thin that demyst al the erthe; thow shalt not do that dom. [verse 26] And the Lord seide to hym, If Y shal fynde in Sodom fifti riȝtwis in the myddil of the cytee, I shal forȝyue to al the place for hem. [verse 27] Abraham answeride and seith*. [seyde E sec. m.], For oons I bigan, I shal speke to the Lord my God, whan Y am powder and [verse 28] aske*. [asches D.]; what if there weren bi fyue lesse than fifti ryȝtwis, shalt thow do awey al the cite for fyue and fourty? And he seith, I shal not do awey, if I shal fynde there fyue and fourti. [verse 29] And eftsonys he spake to hym, If forsothe fourti weren foundun there, what shalt*. [shal A.] thow do? He seith, I shal not smyte for fourti. [verse 30] Y bi|seche thee, he seith, ne indeyne thow, Lord, if I speke; what if there weren foundun thretti? He answeryde, I shal not do, if I shal fynde thretti*. [ther thretti BDEFH.]. [verse 31] For onus, he seith, I bigan, I shal speke to my Lord; what if there weren foundun twenti? He seyde*. [seith BDFH.], I shal not sle for twenti. [verse 32] I biseche, he seith, Lord, be thow not wrooth, if ȝit oons I speke; what if there be foundun ten? He seide, I shal not do awey for ten. [verse 33] The Lord ȝede aweie, after that he had ceesid to speke to Abraham, and he was turnyd aȝen into his place.


[verse 1] And two aungels comen to Sodom at euen, sittynge Loth in the ȝatis of the cyte. The whiche, whanne he had seen hem, roos, and ȝede to mete with hem, and honowride*. [anourede BEFH. worschepede D.] bowide into the erthe, [verse 2] and seide, I prey ȝow, syres, bowith down into the hows of ȝoure child, and dwell|ith there; wayshith ȝoure fete, and erly Page  112 ȝe shal go forth into ȝoure weye. The whiche seiden, Nay, but in the street we shulen dwel. [verse 3] He myche constreynede hem, that thei shulden turne to hym. And hem goon into his hows, he made a feest, sethede*. [seeth D.] therf breed, and thei eten. [verse 4] For|sothe bifore that thei shulden go to leg|gen, men of the cytee setten abowt his hows, fro child to oold man, al the puple [verse 5] to gider; and thei clepeden Loth, and seiden to hym, Where ben the men that comen in to thee at nyȝt? lede hem out hidir, that we knowen hem. [verse 6] Loth gon oute to hem bihynde the rigge, and tynd|ynge [verse 7] to the dore, seith, Wole ȝe not, I preye, my britheren, wole ȝe not this yuel don. [verse 8] I haue two douȝtren, the whiche ȝit knewen not*. [no BDEFH.] man; I shal lete hem out to ȝow, and mysvsith hem as it shal like to ȝow, so that ȝe don no thing of yuel to thes men, for thei ben comun ynne vndur the shadew of my roof. [verse 9] And thei seiden, Go aȝen thider. And eft|sonys, Thow art comen in, thei seiden, as a comelyng; whether that thow deme? thee thi silf thanne more than thes we shulen ouertraueyl. And foors thei maden to Loth moost hidowsly. Now nyȝ it was that thei shulden vp breke the ȝatis; [verse 10] and lo! the men putten to hoonde, and brouȝten into hem Loth, and*. [Om. D.] closeden*. [schetten D.] the dore. [verse 11] And hem that weren with out thei smyten with blyndnes, fro the leest vnto the moost; so that the dore thei myȝten not fynde. [verse 12] And thei seiden to Loth, Hast thow here eny man of thin, sone in lawe, or sones, or douȝtres; alle [verse 13] that ben thin lede out of this citee, we shulen do awey this place, therthurȝ that the cry of hem is ful encresid bifore the Lord, the which sende vs that we lesen hem. [verse 14] And so Loth gon out, spake*. [spekith D.] to his sonys in lawe, the whiche weren to take his douȝteres, and he seide, Risith, Page  113 and goth out fro this place, for the Lord shal do aweie this cite. And he was seen to hem as pleiynge to speke. [verse 15] And whanne was morutyde, the aungels con|streyneden hym, seiynge, Aryse, and take thi wijf, and thi two dowȝtrys, that thow hast, lest and thow with*. [Om. D.] perishe in the wickidnes of the citee. [verse 16] And hym deny|inge, thei token the honde of hym, and the honde of the wijf, and of the two dowȝtren of hym; ther thurȝ that the Lord wolde spare to hym. [verse 17] And thei ledden hym out, and puttiden*. [putten BDEFH.] hym out of the cyte. There thei speken to hym, seiynge, Saue thi soule; wole*. [wilne BEFH. wele D.] thow not bihold bihynde thi bak, and stonde thow not in al the regioun about, but in the hille make thee saf, lest and thow with perishe. [verse 18] And Loth to hem seide, My [verse 19] lord, I biseche, for thi seruaunt hath foundun grace bifore thee, and thow hast magnyfied grace and thi mercy, that thow hast don with me, that thow sauedist my soule; I may not in the hil be sauyd, lest perauenture yuel take me, and die; [verse 20] there is a cite here nyȝ a litle, to which Y may fle, and I shal be saf in it; whe|ther it is not litel? and*. [Om. D.] my soule shal lyue in it. [verse 21] And he seide to hym, Lo! in that I haue take thi preieris, that I subuerte not the citee for the which thow [verse 22] hast spokun; hye, and be thow*. [Om. BDEFH.] maad saf there, for I shal not mow do eny thing to the tyme that*. [Om. BDEFH.] thow be gon yn thidir. Therfore the name of that citee is clepid Segor. [verse 23] The sunne is gon out vpon the erthe, and Loth is gon in to Segor. [verse 24] Thanne the Lord reynede vpon Sodom and Gomor brenstoon and fier, fro the [verse 25] Lord fro heuene, and he subuertide thes citees, and al the regioun about, alle dwellerys of citees, and alle growynge thingis of the erthe. [verse 26] And the wijf of hym, biholdynge*. [biholdyndynge A.] bihynde her, was turned Page  114 into an ymage of salt. [verse 27] Abraham forsothe arysynge eerly, where he stode bifore|hond [verse 28] with the Lord, bihelde Sodom and Gomor, and al the erthe of that*. [thilk BDEFH.] regioun; and saw a multitude of sparkis*. [sperklis BDEFH.] steiynge vp fro the erthe, as smook of a furneys. [verse 29] Whan forsothe God had subuertid the citees of that regioun, he recordide of Abraham, and dylyueride Loth fro the subuersioun of citees in whiche he had dwellid. [verse 30] And Loth stiede*. [steyȝ BDEFH.] vp fro Segor, and dwellid in the hil, and hys two dowȝ|tris with hym, forsothe he dredde to dwel in Segor; and he dwellide in a spelunc*. [cawe D.], `or a den*. [Om. BDEFH.], he and his two dowȝterys with hym. [verse 31] And the more seide vnto*. [to BDEFH.] the lesse, Our fadir is old, and noon of the men is left in the lond, that myȝten gon into vs, [verse 32] after the maner of al londe; come, and make we hym drunkun with wyne, and slepe we with hym, that we mown kepe the seed of oure fadir. [verse 33] And so thei ȝauen to her fadir to drynk wyne that nyȝt, and the more was gon yn, and slept with the fadir; and he felide nother whan the dowȝter ley down, ne whan she aroos. [verse 34] And the tother day the more seide to the lasse, Lo! ȝistirday I slept with my fadir, ȝyue we hym to drynk wyne also this nyȝt, and thow shalt slepe with hym, that we sauen the seed of oure fadir. [verse 35] And thei ȝauen also that nyȝt to her fadir wyne for to drynk, and the lesse gon ynne slept*. [slepe D.] with hym; and nother than forsothe he felide whan he lay bi hir, or whan she aroos. [verse 36] Thanne conseyueden the two dowȝtris of Loth of her fader. [verse 37] And the more bare a sone, and clepide the name of hym Moab; he is the fadir of Moabytes vnto the day that is now. [verse 38] And the lesse bare a sone, and clepid the name of hym Amon, that is, the sone of my*. [many A.] puple; he is the fadir of Amonytes ȝit to this day.Page  115


[verse 1] Abraham thens gon into the sowth londe, dwellide bitwix Cades and Sur, [verse 2] and he was pilgrym in Gererys; and he seide of*. [to DF.] Sara, his wijf, My sistyr she is. Thanne sende*. [sent BDEFH.] Abymalech, the kyng of Gerere, and toke hyr. [verse 3] God forsothe com to Abymalech bi sweuyn in the niȝt, and seide to hym, Lo! thow shalt die, for the wijf that thow hast takun, for*. [forsothe BDEFH.] she hath a man. [verse 4] Abimalech forsothe had not towchid hir, and seith, Lord, whether an vnkunnynge folk of kynde and a ryȝtwys thow shalt slee? [verse 5] Seide he not to me, my sistir she*. [ȝe sche D.] is, and she seith, my brother he is? In symplenes of myn herte, and clennes of myn hondis I dide this. [verse 6] And the Lord seide to hym, I knowe that thurȝ symplenes of herte thow didist, and therfor Y kepte thee, that thow shuldist not synne in me, and I suffryde not that [verse 7] thow shuldist towche hyr; now thanne ȝelde the wijf to hir man, for a prophet he is; and he shal preie for thee, and thow shalt lyue; if sotheli thow wolt not ȝeldyn, wite thow*. [Om. BDEFH.] that thurȝ deeth thow shalt die, thow and alle that ben thin. [verse 8] And anoon of the nyȝt rysynge, Abimalech clepide alle his seruauntis, and spake alle thes wordis in the eeris of hem; and alle men dredden hem greetli. [verse 9] Abymalech forsothe clepide also Abra|ham, and seide to hym, What hast thow don to vs? what han we synned in thee, for thow hast brouȝt ynne vpon me and vpon my rewme a greet synne? thingis that thow shuldist not do thow hast don to vs. [verse 10] And eftsonys askynge seith, What hast thow seen that that*. [Om. BE.] thow shuldist don? [verse 11] Abraham answeryde, I thouȝte with my silf, seiynge, perauenture the drede of God is not in this place, and thei shal [verse 12] sle me for my wijf; ellis forsothe and verreili my sister she is, the dowȝter of my fadir, and not the dowȝter of my mo|dir; [verse 13] and I toke her into a*. [Om. BDEFH.] wyif; and Page  116 sith God led me out fro the hows of my fadir, I seide to hir, This mercy thow shalt do with me in al place to which we shulen go to; thow shalt sey, that thi brother Y am. [verse 14] Thanne Abymalech toke sheep, and oxen, and seruauntis, and handmaydens, and ȝaue to Abraham; [verse 15] and ȝildide to hym Sara, his wijf, and seith, The lond is bifore ȝow; where euer it shal plese to thee, dwel. [verse 16] And to Sara he seide, Lo! a thowsynd pens of siluer I*. [and I D.] haue ȝouun to thi brother; this shal be to*. [Om. A.] thee into veyl of eyen to alle that ben with thee; and whidir euer thow shalt gon, haue mynde thee o|taken*. [to A rec. m. the etakyn D.]. [verse 17] Abraham forsothe preiynge, God helide Abymalech, and wijf, and hand [verse 18] maydenes of hym, and beren child*. [childrin D.]; God forsothe had closid al the womb of the hows of*. [Om. A.] Abymalech, for Sara, Abra|hams wijf.


[verse 1] God forsothe visitide Sara, as he had bihiȝt*. [byhote BDEFH.], and fulfillide that that he spak. [verse 2] And she conseyuede, and bare a sone in hir elde, in the tyme that God bifore seide to hir. [verse 3] And Abraham clepide the name of his sone, whom gat to hym Sara, Ysaac. [verse 4] And he circumsidide hym the eiȝte day, [verse 5] as God had comaundid hym, whan he was of an hundrid wynter; this forsothe age of the fadir Ysaac was born. [verse 6] And Sara seide, The Lord hath lawyng maad to me, and who so euer shal here shal with lawe to me. [verse 7] And eft she seith, Who to heren shulde leue Abraham, that Sara shulde ȝyue a child to sowk, whom she bare to hym now oold? [verse 8] Thanne the child growide and was don awey fro sowkyng; and Abraham made a greet feest, in the day of the wanyng of hym. [verse 9] And whan Sara had seen the sone of Agar Egipcian pleiynge with Ysaac, hir [verse 10] sone, she seide to Abraham, Throw out this hand mayden, and the sone of hir; Page  117 the sone of the hand mayden shal not be eyre with my sone Ysaac. [verse 11] Hard toke [verse 12] that Abraham for his sone; to whom God seide, Sharp be it not seen to thee vpon the child, and vpon thi*. [the BDFH.] hand mayden; alle thingis that Sara shal seye to thee, here the voys of hir, for in Ysaac shal be [verse 13] clepid seed to thee; but and the sone of the handmaydyn I shal make into a greet folk of kynde, for thi seed he is. [verse 14] And so Abraham aroos erly, and takynge breed, and a botel of water, leide to the shuldur of hym, and bitoke the childe, and lefte hir; the which, whanne he*. [sche BDEFH.] `was gon*. [went B sup. ras.] awey, erride in the wildirnes of Bersabee. [verse 15] And whan the water in the botel was doon, she threwe awey the [verse 16] child vndir a tree, that there was, and ȝede a wey, and she set forn aȝens `a fer*. [o ferre BEF.], as myche as a bow may cast; she seide forsothe, I shal not se dyinge the child, and sittynge aȝens*. [there aȝens DH.], heuede vp hir voys, and wepte. [verse 17] And the Lord herde the vois of the child, and the aungel of the Lord clepide Agar fro heuene, seiynge, Agar, what dost thow? wole thow not drede; God forsothe hath herd the vois of the child, fro the place in which he is. [verse 18] Aryse, and take the child, and holde the honde of hym; for into a greet folk I shal make hym. [verse 19] And God openede the eyen of hir, the whiche seynge the pit of water, ȝede, and fillide the botel, and ȝaue [verse 20] the child to drynk; and was with hym, the whiche wex, and dwellid in wildyrnes, [verse 21] and he was maad a ȝong sheter, and dwellid in the desert of Pharan; and his modir toke to hym a wijf of the lond of Egipt. [verse 22] The same tyme seide Abyma|lech, and Phicol, the prince of his oost, to Abraham, God is with thee in alle [verse 23] thingis that thow dost; thanne swere by God that thow noye not to me, ne to myn aftir comers, and to my lynage; but after the mercy that I haue do to thee, do thow to me, and to the loond in which Page  118 thow hast dwellid comelyng*. [a comelyng E pr. m.]. [verse 24] And Abra|ham seide, I shal swere. [verse 25] And he blamyde Abymalech for the pit of water, the which thurȝ force token a wey the seruauntis of hym. [verse 26] And Abymalec answerid, I wiste not who dide this thing, but and thow shewedist not to*. [Om. BDEFH.] me, and I herde not for|to to*. [Om. H.] day. [verse 27] And so Abraham toke sheep, and oxen, and ȝaue to Abymalech, and bothe thei smyten a boond of pees. [verse 28] And Abrahame ordeynede seuene she lambis of the flok asyde. [verse 29] To whom sayde Aby|malech, What to hem wilne thes seuen she lambis, the which thow hast maad stoond asyde? [verse 30] And he, Seuen, he seith, she lambis thow shalt take of myn honde, that thei be into witnes to me, for I del|uyde this pit. [verse 31] Therfore this place was clepid Bersabee, for there eithir swore, [verse 32] and ȝeden in couenaunt of pees for the pitt of othe. [verse 33] Abymalech forsothe aroos, and Phicol, the prince of his chyualrye*. [knyȝthode BDE pr. m. FH.], and turneden aȝen into the loond of Pa|lestynes. Abraham forsothe plauntide a wode in Bersabee, and inwardli clepide there the name of euerlastynge*. [the euerlast|yng BDEFH.] God; [verse 34] and was a tilier of the erthe of Palestynes many dayes.


[verse 1] Aftyr that thes thingis weren doon, God temptide Abraham, and seide to hym, Abraham! Abraham! He answer|ide, I am nyȝ. [verse 2] He seide to hym, Tak thin oonli gotun sone, whom thow louest, Ysaac, and go into the loond of visioun, and there offre hym into sacrifice al brent, vpon oon of the hillis whiche I shal shewe to thee. [verse 3] Thanne Abraham on*. [of BDEFH.] the nyȝt with rysynge, diȝte his asse, ledynge with hym two ȝong men, and Ysaac his sone; and whanne he had hewid his wode into brent sacrifice, he ȝede to the place which comaundide hym God. [verse 4] And the thrid day, the eyen heued vp, he Page  119 [verse 5] sawe a place `a feer*. [o ferre BEF.]; and seide to his chil|dren, Abydith here with the asse, I and the child vnto thidir goynge, aftir that we han onowryd, we shulen com aȝen to ȝow. [verse 6] And he toke the wode of the sacri|fice, and putte vpon Ysaac, his sone; he forsothe bare in his hondis fier, and a swerd. And whanne thei two ȝeden to [verse 7] gideris, seide Ysaac to his fadir, My fa|dir! And he answeride, What wilt thow, sone? Lo! he seith, fier and wode, where is the sacrifice of that that shal be brent? [verse 8] Abraham seide, God shal puruey to hym, my sone, the sacrifice of that that shal be brent. [verse 9] Thanne thei ȝeden togider, and comen to the place whom God shewide to hym, in the which he bildide*. [edifiede D. byld E.] an au|ter, and aboue made the wode; and whan he had boundun Ysaac, his sone, he putte hym in the auter, vpon the heep of wode. [verse 10] And he strawȝte his honde, and toke the swerd, that he myȝt offre his sone. [verse 11] And loo! the aungel of the Lord fro heuene cryede, seiynge, Abraham! Abraham! The whiche answeride, I am nyȝ. [verse 12] And he seide to hym, Strecche thow not thin*. [the E.] hond out vpon the child, and do not*. [thou not BDEFH.] eny thing to hym; now I haue knowun that thow dredist God, and thow hast not sparid to thin one*. [own A.] goten sone for me. [verse 13] Abraham heuede vp his eyen, and sawe bihynd his bak a wether amonge thornes, tyed bi the hornes, whom takynge to offryd brent sacrifice for the sone. [verse 14] And he clepide the name of the*. [that BDEFH.] place, The Lord seeth; wherfor ȝit this*. [in this B. to this E pr. m.] day it is seid, In the hil the Lord shal se. [verse 15] And the aungel of the Lord clepide Abraham [verse 16] eftsonys fro heuene, seiynge, Bi my sylf I swore, seith the Lord, for thow hast do this thing, and thow hast not sparid to [verse 17] thin oon gotun sone for me, I shal blis to thee, and I shal multiply thi seed as sterris of heuene, and as grauel that is in the brenk of the see; thi seed shal weeld Page  120 [verse 18] the ȝatis of his enemyes; and al folk of the erthe shal be blessid in thi seed, for thow hast obeishid to my vois. [verse 19] And Abraham turnyde aȝen to his children, and ȝede to Bersabee togider, and he dwellide there. [verse 20] And so thes thingis don, it was told to Abraham, that Melcha for|sothe had getun sones to Nachor, his bro|ther; [verse 21] Hus, the fyrst getun, and Buz, the brothir of hym, and Chamuel, the fadir [verse 22] of Sirus, and Cased, and Azan, and Phel|das, [verse 23] and Jedlaphat, and Batuel, of whom Rabecca was born; thes eiȝt gat Melcha to Nachor, the brother of Abraham. [verse 24] The secundarie wijf forsothe of hym, Roma bi name, bare Thabee, and Gaon, and Thaas, and Maacha.


[verse 1] And Sara lyuyde an hundrid and seuen [verse 2] and twenti ȝeer, and she was deed in the citee of Arbee, that is Ebron, in the loond of Chanaan; and Abraham cam, that he myȝte weyl and wepe hir. [verse 3] And whanne he was rysun fro the office of the deed cors, he spake to the sonys of Heth, seiynge, [verse 4] A comelyng and a pilgrime I am anentis ȝow; ȝyue ȝe to me ryȝt of a biryyng place with ȝow, that I mow biry ynne my deed. [verse 5] And the sones of Heth an|sweriden, [verse 6] seiynge, Lord, here vs; the prince of God thow art anentis vs; in oure chosun berielis birye thi deed, and no man shal mow wern thee, but in the monument of hym thow byrye thi deed. [verse 7] And Abraham aroos, and lowtide the puple of the erthe, the sones, that is, of Heth. [verse 8] And he seide to hem, If it plese to ȝoure soule that I byrye my deed, here ȝe me, and preye ȝe for me anentis [verse 9] Ephron, the sone of Seor, that he ȝyue to me the dowble spelunk, `or caue*. [Om. BDEFH.], that he hath in the vttermore party of his feeld; for the worth of money take he it to me bifore ȝow into possessioun of a sepulcre. [verse 10] Ephron forsothe dwellid in the Page  121 myddil of the sones of Heth. And Ephron answeryde to Abraham, alle men herynge the which ȝede into the ȝaat of the cite [verse 11] of hym, seiynge, My lord, so shal it not be, but thow more herkyn that I speke; the feeld I take to thee, and the spelunk that is in yt, present the sonys of my puple; birye thi deed. [verse 12] Abraham lowtide bifore the Lord, and the puple of the [verse 13] loond, and spake to Ephron, stondynge aboute the folk of hym, I biseche, that thow here me; I shal ȝyue money for the feeld, take it, and so Y shal birye my deed in the feeld. [verse 14] And Ephron answer|yde, [verse 15] My lord, here me, the erthe that thow askist is worth foure hundryd sicles of siluer, this is the pryis bitwix me and thee, but what is that? birye thi*. [the E.] deed. [verse 16] The which whanne Abraham had herd, he peyside the money that Ephron had askyd, herynge the sonys of Heth, foure hundrid siclys of siluer, and of preued comune money. [verse 17] And the feeld sumtyme of Ephron, in the which was the dowble spelunk, biholdynge to Mambre, as wel it as the spelunk and alle the trees of it, in alle the termes of it bi enuyroun, is [verse 18] confermyd to Abraham into possessioun, seynge the sones of Heth and alle that entreden the ȝate of the cite of hym. [verse 19] And so Abraham byriede his wijf Sara in the dowble spelunk of the feeld, the which bihelde Mambre; that is Ebron in the londe of Chanaan. [verse 20] And the feeld is confermed, and the pit that was in it, to Abraham, into possessyoun of a monu|ment, of the sones of Heth.


[verse 1] Forsothe Abraham was oold, and of manye daies, and the Lord in alle thingis had blissid to hym. [verse 2] And he seide to the elder seruaunt of his hows, that was bi|fore in rulyng to alle thingis that he had, [verse 3] Put thin hoond vndir myn hip, that I adiure thee bi the Lord God of heuene Page  122 and of erthe, that thow take not wijf*. [a wijf A pr. m.] to my sone of the dowȝtris of Chananeys, [verse 4] among the whiche I duelle; but go to the loond and to my cognacioun, and fro thens take a wijf to my sone Ysaac. [verse 5] The seruaunt answeride, If the womman wole not com with me into this loond, whether I shal lede aȝen thi sone to the place, of the which thow were goon out? [verse 6] Abra|ham seide, Be war, lest ony tyme thow [verse 7] lede aȝen thider my sone; the Lord God of heuene that toke me fro the hows of my fadir, and fro the loond of my birth, the which hath spokun to me, and swore, seiynge, To thi seed I shal ȝyue this loond, he shal send his aungel bifore thee, and fro thens thow shalt taak a wijf to [verse 8] my sone; and if the woman wole not folow thee, thow shalt not `be holden*. [bihold A. byholden DH. be holde E pr. m. ben holde sec. m.] to the oth; neuerthelater my sone ne lede thow aȝen*. [not aȝen BDEFH.] thidir. [verse 9] Thanne the seruaunt putte his hoond vndir the hip of Abra|ham, his lord, and swore to hym vpon this word. [verse 10] And he tok ten camelis of the flok of his lord, and ȝede, berynge with hym of alle the goodis of hym; and goon he ȝede to Mesopotany, to the citee of Nachor. [verse 11] And whan he had maad the camelis resten out of the wallid town, bisydis a pit of watre, at euen, that*. [thilk BDEFH.] tyme that womman ben wont to goon out to [verse 12] draw water, seide, Lord God of my lord Abraham, Y preye, to day aȝen-com to me, and do mercy with my lord Abra|ham. [verse 13] Loo! I stoond nyȝ the welle of water, and the dowȝtres of the dwellers of this citee shal goon out to draw watyr; [verse 14] thanne the mayden*. [mayde BD sec. m. EFH.] child, to whom I shal seye, Bouwe down thi water pot that I drynke, and she shal answere, Drynke, but and to thi camels I shal ȝyue drynk, she is whom thow hast bifore ordeyned to thi seruaunt Ysaac; and bi this I shal vn|durstond that thow shalt do mercy with my lord Abraham. [verse 15] Ne ȝit fully with Page  123 ynne hym silf he had fulfillid the wordis, and loo! Rabecca ȝede out, the dowȝter of Batuel, sone of Melche, wijf of Na|chor, brother of Abraham, hauynge a [verse 16] water pot in hir shulder; a ful sembly damysel, and moost fayr mayden, and vnknowun to man. She descendide for|sothe to the welle, and had fulfild hir water pot, and was turned aȝen. [verse 17] And the*. [her A.] seruaunt ȝede aȝens hir, and seide, Ȝyue to me a litle of water to drynk of thi water pot. [verse 18] The which answeride, Drynk, my lord. And anoon*. [bylyue BDEFH.] she putte down the water pot vpon hir arm, and ȝaue drynk to hym. [verse 19] And whanne he had drunkun, she addide to, But and to thi camelis I shal draw water, to the tyme thei han drunkun*. [alle dronken BDEFH.]. [verse 20] And she, heldynge out the water pot into the water trowis, and rennede aȝen to the pit, for to draw water, and drawun she ȝaue to alle the camelis. [verse 21] He forsothe biheelde her stilli, wilnyng*. [wyllynge D.] to wite whether the Lord had maad his weye welsom, or noon. [verse 22] Thanne after that the camelis hadden drunkun, the man brouȝte forth goldun eer ryngis, peisynge two sicles, and as feel arm ser|clis, peiys of ten siclys. [verse 23] And he seide to hir, Whos dowȝter art thow? shewe thow to me, is there in the hows of thi fadir place to dwelle? [verse 24] The which answeryde, The dowȝter of Batuel Y am, sone of Na|chor, whom Melcha bar to hym. [verse 25] And she addide, seiynge, Of chaf forsothe and of hey myche*. [mochil D.] there is at vs, and a large place to dwelle. [verse 26] The man bowide hym [verse 27] silf, and onouryde*. [anourid BDEFH.] the Lord, seiynge, Blissid be the Lord God of my lord Abra|ham, the which hath not takun awey mercy and his sothefastnes fro my lord, and in riȝt wei hath fulli*. [full E.] lad me into the hows of the brothir of my lord. [verse 28] And so the damysel rennede, and tolde in the*. [Om. D.] hows of hir modir alle thingis that she hadde herd. [verse 29] Rabecca forsothe hadde a Page  124 brothir, Laban bi name, the which hiynge ȝede out to the man, where he was with outen. [verse 30] And whan he had seen the eer ryngis and the arm serclis in the hondis of his sister, and he hadde herd alle the wordis of hir tellynge, thes thingis the man spak to me, he com to the man, that stode bisidis the camelis, and nyȝ the welle [verse 31] of water, and seide to hym, Go ynne, thow blissid of the Lord; whi stondist thow with oute? Y haue greithid the hows, and the place to thi camelis. [verse 32] And he ladde hym into the hows of herbergrye, and unsadelynge dischargide the camelis, and ȝaue to hem chaf, and hey, and water for the camelis fete to be wayshun, and mennys whiche comen with hym. [verse 33] And there was sett brede in his siȝt, the which seith, Y shal not eet, to the tyme Y speke my wordis. He answeride to hym, Spek. [verse 34] And he, The seruaunt, he seith, Y am of [verse 35] Abraham, and the Lord hath blissid to my lord ful myche, and he is magnyfied; and he hath ȝouun to hym sheep, and oxen, siluer, and gold, seruauntis, and hand maydens, camelis, and assis. [verse 36] And Sara, the wijf of my lord, hath born a sone to my lord in his eeld, and he hath ȝyuun to hym al that he had. [verse 37] And my lord hath adiurid me, seiynge, Thow shalt not take to my sone a wijf of the dowȝ|tres of Chananeis, in whos loond Y dwel, [verse 38] but thow shalt go to the hows of my fa|dir, and of my cognacyoun thow shalt take a wijf to my sone. [verse 39] I forsothe an|sweride to my lord, What if the womman wole not go with me? [verse 40] The Lord, he seith, in whos siȝt Y goo, shal sende his aungel with thee, and shal make redi thi weye; and thow shalt take a wijf to my sone of my kynredun, and of the hows of my fa|dir. [verse 41] Thow shalt be ynnocent fro my curse, whan thow shalt com to my nyȝ kyn, and thei ȝyue not to thee. [verse 42] I com thanne to day to the welle of water, and seyde, The Lord God of my lord Abra|ham, if thow hast maad redy my weye, Page  125 [verse 43] in the which now Y go, loo! I stonde bysides the welle of the*. [Om. BDEFH.] water, and the maydyn that shal goon out to draw watre here of me, ȝyue to me a lytil of water to [verse 44] drynke of thi watre pot, and she seye*. [seide D.] to me, And thow drynke, and Y shal draw water to thi camelis, she is the womman that the Lord hath maad redi to the sone*. [loue A.] of my lord. [verse 45] While thes thingis Y turn|ede stilly with my silf, Rebecca aperide, comynge with the water pot that she bare in hir shuldir; and she descendide to the welle, and drowe water. And Y seide*. [say BDEF.] [verse 46] to hir, Ȝyf to me a litil to drynk; the which hiynge dide down hir water pot fro hir shulder, and seide to me, And thow drynk, and to thi camelis Y shal ȝyue drink; and*. [Om. BDEFH.] I drank, and she wateryde the camelis. [verse 47] And I askide hir, and seide, Whos dowȝter art thow? The which an|sweryde, The dowȝter of Batuel Y am, sone of Nachor, whom bare to hym Mel|cha. And so I hengide*. [hynge D.] eer ryngis to honoure*. [anourne BDF. anoure H.] the face of hir, and arm serclis I [verse 48] putte in the hondis of hir, and bowid I honowride*. [anourideB DEFH.] the Lord, blissynge to the Lord God of my lord Abraham, the which hath ful lad me the ryȝt weye, that I shulde take the dowȝter of the brother `of my lord*. [Om. A sec. m. BFH.] to the sone of hym. [verse 49] Wherfor if ȝe doon mercy and sothenes with my lord, shewith to me; if forsothe other thing plesith, and that seie*. [sigge BDEFH.] ȝee, that Y go to the ryȝt or to the left. [verse 50] Laban and Batuel answeryden, Fro the Lord the word is goon out; we mown not out of the plesyng of hym ony thing othir speke with thee. [verse 51] Loo! Rebecca is bifore thee; taak hir, and go, and be she the wijf of the sone of thi lord, as the Lord hath spokun. [verse 52] The which whan the child of Abraham hadde herd, fallynge down in the*. [Om. BDEFH.] erthe honowrede*. [anouride BDEFH.] the Lord. [verse 53] And vesselys of siluer, and of gold, and clothis Page  126 brouȝt forth, ȝaue hem to Rebecca for ȝifte, and to the britheren of hir and to the modir he offride ȝiftis. [verse 54] And the feest bigun, thei etynge to gideris and drynk|ynge dwelliden there. The child forsothe rysynge eerly, spak, Lat me, that Y go to my lord. [verse 55] The britheren of hir and the modir answeryden, The mayde child at the leest dwelle ten dayes anentis vs, and aftirward sche shal go. [verse 56] Wiln*. [wyl D.] ȝe not, he seith, me aȝen-holde, for the Lord hath maad redi my weie; late ȝe me, that Y go to my lord. [verse 57] And thei seiden, Clepe we the maydyn*. [meyde BDEFH.] child, and aske we the wil of hir. [verse 58] And whan she clepid was comun, thei askiden, Wolt thow with this man go? She seide, I shal go. [verse 59] Thanne thei leten hir, and Delbora, hir noryshe, and the seruaunt of Abraham, and the [verse 60] withfolweris of hyr, inwardli preyinge weelsom thingis of her sistyr, and seiynge, Oure sistir thou art, growe thow into thowsand thowsandis, and welden thi seed the ȝatis of thin enemyes. [verse 61] Thanne Re|becca and the damysels of hir, the camelis steied vp, foleweden the man, the which hyinge turnede aȝen to his lord. [verse 62] That tyme Ysaac ȝede bi the weye that ledith to the pit, whos name is of hym lyuynge and seiynge; forsothe he dwellide in the sowth loond. [verse 63] And he was goon out to bithenk in the feeld, the day now goon doun; and whan he had houun vp the eyen, he sawȝ camelis comynge afer. [verse 64] And Rebecca, Ysaac biholdyd, descendide of [verse 65] the camel, and seith to the child, Who is this man that cometh bi the feeld in aȝen comyng to vs? And he seide to hir, He is my lord. And she anoon, takynge a mantel, coueride hir. [verse 66] And the seruaunt alle thingis that he had doon tolde to his [verse 67] lord Ysaac; the which led hir with ynne into the tabernacle of Sara, his modir, and toke hir to wijf; and in so mych he louede hir, that the sorowe that of the deth of the moder felle it*. [Om. A sec. m. BDE pr. m. FH.] swagid.Page  127


[verse 1] Abraham forsothe toke another wijf, [verse 2] Cethura by name, the which bare to hym Zamram, and Jexam, and Madan, and Madian, and Jesboth, and Sue. [verse 3] And Jexam gat Saba, and Dadan. The sones of Dadan weren Assurym, and Latusim, Laomym. [verse 4] And forsothe of Madian was sprongun Epha, and Epher, and Enoch, and Abida, and Eldaa; alle thes the sonys of Cethure. [verse 5] And Abraham ȝaue alle that [verse 6] he had to Ysaac; to the sonys forsothe of the secoundarye wyues he ȝaue ȝiftis; and he seueryde hem fro Ysaac, his sone, ȝit while he lyuede, to the est plage. [verse 7] And the dayes of the lijf of Abraham weren an hundryd and seuenti and fyue ȝeir; [verse 8] and failynge he was deed in*. [and in D.] a good elde, and of greet age, and ful of dayes, and [verse 9] he was gaderyd to his puple. And Ysaac and Ysmael, his sonys, biryeden hym in the dowble spelunk, the which is set in the feeld of Ephron, sone of Seor Ethei, [verse 10] forn aȝens Mambre, that*. [the H.] he bouȝte of the sones of Heth; there he was byried and Sara his wijf. [verse 11] And after the obite of hym God blisside to Ysaac, his sone, which dwellid bisidis the pit of hym liuynge and seiynge bi name. [verse 12] Thes ben the generaciouns of Ysmael, the sone of Abrahe, whom bare to hym Agar the [verse 13] Egipcian, the seruaunt of Sare; and thes the names of the sones of hym, in names and in his generaciouns. The first gotun of Ysmael, Nabaioth, thanne after Sedar, [verse 14] and Abdaeel, and Mabsan, and Masma, [verse 15] and Duma, and Massa, and Adad, and Thema, and Ychur, and Naphir, and Cedma. [verse 16] Thes ben the sones of Ysmael, and thes the names, bi castelis and towns of hem, the twelue princis of his lynages. [verse 17] And the ȝeers of the lijf of Ysmael ben maad an hundrid and seuene and thritti, and faylynge died, and was put to his puple. [verse 18] He dwellid forsothe fro Euila to Page  128 Sur, which biholdith Egipt hem*. [the A. Om. E pr. m.] comyng ynne to the Assyryes; bifore*. [to forn BDEFH.] alle his britheren*. [brether BE.] he died. [verse 19] And thes ben the ge|neraciouns of Ysaac, the sone of Abraham. [verse 20] Abraham gat Ysaac, the which, whan he was of fourti ȝeer, took a wijf, Rebecca, the dowȝter of Batuel, of Syre of Meso|potany, the sister of Laban. [verse 21] And Ysaac preyede the Lord for his wijf, ther thurȝ that she was bareyn; the which herde hym, and ȝaue conceyuyng to Rebecca. [verse 22] But the litil children in the womb of hir weren hurtlid to gidere; the which seide, If thus it was to com to me, what nede was to conseyue? And she ȝede to*. [for to BDEFH.] coun|seil [verse 23] the Lord, the which answerynge, seith, Two folk ben in thi wombe, and two puplis of thi wombe shulen be dy|uydid, and a puple a puple shal ouer|com, and the moor shal serue to the lesse. [verse 24] Now tyme of beryng was comen, and loo! twynlingis in the wombe of hir weren foundun. [verse 25] He that first was goon out was brown, and al in maner of a skyn rowȝ; and the name of hym was clepid Esau. [verse 26] Anoon*. [And anoon A pr. m.] aftir the tother goynge out, helde with his hoond the for|ther parti of his brother foot; and ther|for she clepide him Jacob. Sixti ȝere was Ysaac whanne the children weren born. [verse 27] The whiche wexen, Esau was maad a sleiȝ man of huntyng, and a man erthe tilier; Jacob forsothe a symple man dwelte in tabernaclis. [verse 28] Isaac louede Esau, there thurȝ that he ete of the huntingis of him; and Rebecca louede Jacob. [verse 29] Jacob forsothe hadde sothun potage; to whom whan Esau was comen wery fro the felde, [verse 30] seith, Ȝif to*. [Om. BDE sec. m. FH.] me of this brown sething, for Y am ful wery; for the which cause the name of hym was clepyd Edom. [verse 31] To whom seide Jacob, Sel me the ryȝtis of thi fyrst getyng. [verse 32] He answeride, Loo! I dye, what shal profyt to me the riȝtis Page  129 of my first getyng? [verse 33] Jacob seide, Thanne sweer to me. Thanne Esau swoor, and soold the riȝtis of his first getyng. [verse 34] And so breed takun and the sowil of potage, ete, and dronk, and ȝede forth, settynge at nouȝt that he hadde soold the riȝtis of his firste getyng.


[verse 1] Hungur forsothe sproong vpon the erthe, after thilk bareynte that felle in the daies of Abraham, ȝede Ysaac to Abymalech, the king of Palestynes, in Gerera. [verse 2] And the Lord apperide to hym, and seith, Desend thow not down into Egipt, but rest thow in the loond that I [verse 3] shal seye to thee, and be pilgrym in it; and I shal be with thee, and I shal blis to thee; to thee forsothe and to thi seed Y shal ȝyue alle thes regyouns, fulfillynge the oth that Y bihiȝt to Abraham, thi fader. [verse 4] And Y shal multiplie thi seed as sterrys of heuen, and Y shal ȝyue to thin aftir comers alle thes regiouns, and alle folkis of the erthe shulen be blissid in [verse 5] thi seed, therthurȝ that Abraham obeishid to my voys, and wolde kepe myn heestis and maundementis, and wolde holde my seremonyes and lawis. [verse 6] And so Ysaac dwelte in Gerarys. [verse 7] Which, whan he was askid of the men of thilk place vpon his wijf, answeride, My sister she is; for|sothe he dredde to knowlechen that she was to hym felowshipte thurȝ mariage, letyng lest perauenture thei*. [the A.] shulden slee hym for the fairnes of hir. [verse 8] And whan many dayes weren passid, and there dwellyd, the kyng Abymalech of Pale|stynes biholdynge thurȝ a wyndow, sawȝ hym pleiynge with Rebecca, his wiyf. [verse 9] And hym clepid seith, It is clere that she is thi wijf; whi hast thow lyed hir to be thi sistir? He answeryd, I dredde, lest Y shulde dye for hir. [verse 10] And Abyma|lech seide, Whi hast thow put*. [putt ine BEF pr. m. puttyn D.] blame to vs? Sum man of the puple myȝte haue Page  130 ley with thi wijf, and thow haddist yn|brouȝt vpon vs a greet synne. And he comaundide to alle the puple, seiynge, [verse 11] Who towchith the wijf of this man, with*. [Om. BEF.] deth he shal die. [verse 12] Isaac forsothe sowide in that loond, and he fonde that ȝeer the hundryd foold; and God blisside to hym. [verse 13] And the man fel ryche, and he ȝede profytynge and vndurgrowynge to the tyme that he was maad hugeli greet. [verse 14] And he hadde possessiouns of sheep, and of droues, and of meyne mych. For that [verse 15] Palestynes noiynge*. [enuying BDEFH.] to hym, stoppiden alle the pittis the whiche the seruauntis of his fader Abraham that tyme hadden [verse 16] doluun, fulfillynge with erthe, in so myche that hym silf Abymalech seide to Ysaac, Goo awey fro vs, for greetli thow art maad myȝtyer than we. [verse 17] And he goynge thens, that he come to the rennynge watir [verse 18] of Gerare, and dwelle there, eftsones he deluyde other pittis, the whiche the ser|uauntis of his fader Abraham delueden, and whom, hym deed, sumtyme Phili|stiens stoppiden; and he clepide hem the same names, in the whiche the fader hadde clepid bifore. [verse 19] The deluyden in the ren|nynge watir, and thei fonden quyk watir. [verse 20] But and there was striyf of the sheep|herdis of*. [Om. A.] Gerare aȝenus the sheepherdis of Isaac, seiynge, Oure*. [ourn BEH.] is the water; wherfor the name of the pit of that that*. [Om. A.] felle he clepide chalange. [verse 21] And thei del|ueden anothir, and for thilk forsothe thei stryuen, and he clepide it enmytese. [verse 22] Fro thens goon he deluyde another pit, for which thei stryuen not, and so he clepide the name of it breede, seiynge, Now God hath sprad vs a brood, and he hath maad growe vpon the erthe. [verse 23] Forsothe fro that [verse 24] place he steiȝ vp into Bersabe, where the Lord aperyde to hym in that nyȝt, sei|ynge, I am the God of Abraham, thi fader; nil thou not drede, for I am with thee, and I shal blisse to thee, and I shal Page  131 multiplie thi seed for my seruaunt Abra|ham. [verse 25] And so he bildide*. [bylde BDEFH.] there an auter to the Lord; and inwardli clepid the name of the Lord, strawȝte out a taber|nacle, and comaundide his seruauntis that thei shulden delue pittis. [verse 26] To the which place whan thei*. [Om. BDEFH.] weren comen fro Gera|ris, Abymalech and Ochoȝat, frendis of hym, and Phichol, the duyk of knyȝtis, [verse 27] Ysaac spak to hem, What ben ȝe comen to me, a man whom ȝe hatiden, and put|tiden*. [putten E.] awey fro ȝow? [verse 28] Whiche answer|iden, We han se the Lord to be with thee, and therfor we seiden, Be there an oth bitwix vs, and maak we to gider [verse 29] boond of pees, that thow do not to vs eny thing of yuel, and as we towchiden no thing of thin, ne han doon that shulde harm thee, but with pees we han laft thee encreessid with the blissyng of the Lord. [verse 30] Thanne he made hem a feest; [verse 31] and aftir meet and drynke arysynge eerli, thei sweren to hem siluen to gidere; and Ysaac peesibli laft hem into her place. [verse 32] Loo! forsothe in that day comen the ser|uauntis of Ysaac, tellynge to hym of the pit that thei delueden, and seiynge, We han foundun watir. [verse 33] Wher of he clepide it plente*. [plentith BDEFH.]; and the name of*. [to BDEFH.] the cyte is set Bersabee, vnto the day that is now. [verse 34] Esau forsothe fourti wyntir olde took two wyues, Judith, the dowȝter of Beery Ethei, and Bethsamath, the dowter of [verse 35] Elon, of the same place; the whiche bothe hadden offendid the inwitt of Ysaac and Rebecca.


[verse 1] Ysaac forsothe was olde, and his eyen wexen derk, and he myȝte not se. And he clepide Esau, his moor sone, and seide to hym, My sone! The which answeryde, I am nyȝ. [verse 2] To whom the fader, Thow seest, he seith, that Y am wexun*. [wexid E.] olde, and vnknowe the day of my deeth. [verse 3] Take Page  132 thin armes*. [armour B. arweȝ E.], quyuer and bowe*. [a bowe E.], and go forth oute; and whan thow hast with [verse 4] huntyng eny thing takun, make to me therof sowil, as thow knowe*. [knowst D. knew BFH.] me to wiln, and brynge to me*. [Om. BDEFH.] that I ete, that my soule blis to thee or I dye. [verse 5] The which whan Rebecca hadde herd, and he was goon a wey in to the feeld, that he ful|fille [verse 6] the heest of the fader, she seide to hir sone Jacob, I herde thi fader spekynge with Esau, thi brother, and seiynge to [verse 7] hym, Brynge to me of thin huntyng, and maak metis, that I ete, and Y shal blisse to thee bifore the Lord or I dye. [verse 8] Now thanne assente to my counseyls, my sone, [verse 9] and goynge to the flok, brynge to me two the best kyddis, that I make of hem meet*. [metis BDEH.] to thi fader, the which he eet [verse 10] gladly; the whiche whan thow bryngist yn, and he etith, he blisse to thee or than he die. [verse 11] To whom he answeride, Thow hast know that Esau my brother is a [verse 12] man ful of heer, and I soft; if my fader groop and*. [me and BDEF.] fele, Y drede lest he wene me wiln to bigile hym, and brynge on me malysoun for benysoun. [verse 13] To whom the moder, In me be, she seith, this mali|soun, my sone; oonli here my vois, and goynge forth brynge to that Y seide. [verse 14] He ȝede a wey, and brouȝte to, and ȝaue to his modir. She greithide meetis, as [verse 15] she knewe the fader of hym wiln*. [to wiln A pr. m.], and with the clothis of Esau ful good, the whiche anentis hyr she hadde at hoom, she clothid hym. [verse 16] And she dide about his hondis litel skynnes of kiddis, and she [verse 17] forcoueride the nakid of the nak; and ȝaue sowil, and took the looues that she hadde sothun. [verse 18] The whiche thingis brouȝt to, seide, Fader myn! And he answeryde, [verse 19] I here; who art thow, sone myn? And Jacob seide, Y am Esau, thi first getun. Page  133 Y haue do to thee as thow hast co|maundide me; aryse, sit, and eet of myn huntyng, that thi soule blisse to me. [verse 20] Eft Ysaac to his sone, How, he seith, so soone fynde thow myȝtist, sone myne? The which answeride, The wil of God was, that soone it shulde com to me that I wolde. [verse 21] And Ysaac seide, Come nerre hider, that I towche thee, sone myn, and proue whethir thow be my sone Esau, or noon. [verse 22] He com nerre to the fader; and, hym gropid, seide*. [seyth D.] Ysaac, The vois for|sothe is the vois of Jacob, but the hondis ben the hondis of Esau. [verse 23] And he knewe hym not, for the heery hondis expressiden the liknes of the moor. Thanne blyssynge [verse 24] to hym, seide, Thow art my sone Esau? He answeride, I am. [verse 25] And he, Brynge forth, he seide*. [seith E.], to me meetis of thin hunt|ing, sone myn, that my soule blisse to thee. The which offryd, whan he hadde eet, also and wyyn he offride, the which [verse 26] drunkun, seide to hym, Come nerre to me, and ȝyue to me a cosse, sone myn. [verse 27] He com nerre, and cossyde hym; and anoon that he felide the good smel of his clothis, blissynge to hym seith, Loo! the smel of my sone as the smel of a ful feeld, to the which the Lord blisside. [verse 28] God ȝyue to thee of the dew of heuen, and of*. [Om. D.] fatnes*. [the fatnes BDEFH.] of the erthe, plente of [verse 29] wheet, and of wyyn, and of oyle; and to thee seruen puplis, and lowten thee lynagis; be thow the lord of thi bri|theren, and the sonys of thi moder be thei bowid bifore thee; who shal curse to thee, be he cursid*. [acursid A pr. m. F.], and who shal blis to thee, with blissyngis be he fulfillid. [verse 30] Vnneth Ysaac had fulfillid the word, and [verse 31] Jacob goon out, Esau com, and sothen meetis of the huntyng broute yn to the fader, seiynge, Aryse, fader myn, and eet of the huntyng of thi sone, that thi soule Page  134 blisse to me. [verse 32] And Ysaac seide, Who for|sothe art thow? The which answeride, Y am thi first getun sone Esau. [verse 33] Isaac wexe adred in a hidows stonying, and more than it may be leuyd wondrynge, seith, Who is thanne he that now riȝt brouȝte to me huntyng takun, and Y ete of al bifore that thow com, and Y blisside hym? and he shal be blissid. [verse 34] Esau, the wordis of the fader herd, roride with a greet crye, and stonyed seide, Also blis and to me, fader myn. [verse 35] The which seide, Thi brothir com gilyngliche, and took thi blissyng. [verse 36] And he ekyde to, Justli is the name of hym clepid Jacob; he forsothe hath subplauntid me loo! anothir sithe; the riȝtis of my fyrst geting biforn he took a wey, and now secounde he hath vnder rauyshide my benysoun. And eftsonys to the fader, And whethir thow hast not reseruyd, he seith, to me [verse 37] thi blissyng? Ysaac answeryde, Thi lord I haue ordeynyde him, and alle his bri|theren I haue vndir ȝockid to the seruyce of hym; with wheet, and wyne, and oyle I haue stablid hym; and to thee, sone myn, after these*. [this D.] ouer what shal Y doon? [verse 38] To whom Esau seide, Whether oonlich o blissyng thow hast fader? And to me Y preie thee that thow blis; and with a greet ȝowlyng he wepte. [verse 39] Ysaac moued, seide to hym, In the fatnes of the erthe, [verse 40] and in the dewe of heuene fro aboue shal be thi blissyng; thow shalt lyue in swerd, and to thi brother thow shalt serue, and tyme shal come whanne thow shalt shaak out, and lowse the ȝok of hym of thi nollys. [verse 41] Than Esau euermore hatide Jacob for the blissyng that the fader blisside to hym, and seide in his herte, The dayes of weil|yng of my fader shal come, and I shal slee Jacob, my brother. [verse 42] Thes thingis weren tolde to Rebecca, the which send|ynge and clepynge hire*. [his A.] sone Jacob, seide to hym, Loo! Esau, thi brother, thretith Page  135 [verse 43] that he slee thee; now thanne, sone, here my vois, and arysynge fle to Laban, my [verse 44] brother, in Aran; and thow shalt dwelle with hym a fewe dayes, to the tyme that [verse 45] the woodnes of thi brother reste, and the indignacioun of hym ceesse, and he for|ȝeete the thingis that thow hast doon to*. [in to BDEFH.] hym. Afterward Y shal sende and lede thee fro thens hydir. Whi shal Y be [verse 46] priued of*. [Om. BDEF pr. m. H.] eithir sone in o day? And Re|becca seide to Ysaac, It noieth*. [anoyith BDEFH.] me of my lijf for the dowȝtrys of Heth; if Jacob shal taak a wijf of the lynage of this loond, Y nyl not lyue.


[verse 1] And so Ysaac clepide Jacob, and blisside hym, and comaundide hym, seiynge, Wole*. [nyl BDEFH.] thow not taak a wijf of the kynred of [verse 2] Chanaan; but go, and forthpasse into Mesopotany of Syry, to the hows of Batuel, the fader of thi moder, and taak to thee fro thens a wijf of the dowȝtris*. [douȝtren BDEFH.] of Laban, thin vnkle. [verse 3] God forsothe Al|myȝti blisse to thee, and make thee growe, and multiplie, that thow be into the cum|panyes [verse 4] of puplis; and ȝyue he to thee blissyngis of Abraham, and to thi seed aftir thee, that thow haue the loond of thi pilgrimage, the which he hath bihoot to thi graunsire. [verse 5] And whan Ysaac had laft hym, he forthpassid com into Meso|potanye of Syre, to Laban, the sone of Batuel Siry, the brother of Rebecca, his moder. [verse 6] Seynge forsothe Esau that his fader hadde blissid to Jacob, and hadde sent hym into Mesopotany of Syry, that fro thens he shulde taak hym a wijf, and that aftir the blissyng he hadde co|maundid hym, seyynge, Thow shalt not taak a wijf of the dowȝtrys*. [douȝtren BDEFH.] of Canaan; [verse 7] and that Jacob obeishynge to his fader [verse 8] and moder shulde go*. [Om. D.] into Syrye; and prouynge that his fader wolde not gladli [verse 9] biholde the dowȝtris of Chanaan, ȝede to Ysmael, and took a wijf, with out hem Page  136 that he hadde byfore, Melech, the dowter of Ysmael, sone of Abraham, the sister of Naboiot. [verse 10] Thanne Jacob, goon out to Bersabee, ȝede to Aran. [verse 11] And whan he was comun to a maner place, and he wolde rest in it after the sunne goyng down, took of the stonys that lyen, and vnderputting to his heed, slepte in the same place. [verse 12] And he sawȝ in his slepis a laddre stondynge vpon the erthe, and the heiȝt of it towchynge heuene, and aungels forsothe of God steiynge vp and goynge [verse 13] down bi it, and the Lord cleuynge to the ladder, seiynge to hym, Y am the Lord God of Abraham, thi fader, and God of Ysaac; the loond in which thow slepist Y shal ȝyue to thee, and to thi seed. [verse 14] And thi seed shal be as the powdre of the erthe, thow shalt be sprad a brode*. [o brood D. of brode E.] to the est, and west, and north, and sowth; and alle lynagis of the erthe shulen be blissid in thee and thi*. [in thi E sec. m.] seed. [verse 15] And Y shal be thi keper, whidir euer thow gost; and Y shal brynge the aȝeyn into this loond, ne Y shal not leeue forto Y*. [Om. D.] fulfille alle the thingis that Y seide. [verse 16] And whan Jacob was wakun of the sleep, seide, Forsothe the Lord is in this place, and Y wiste not. [verse 17] And dredynge seide, Howe feerful is this place! Here is nother*. [no nother BEF. noon other DH.] but the hows of God, and the ȝaat of heuene. [verse 18] Arysynge thanne eerly, took the stoon, the which he hadde vnderput to his heed, and areryde into a signe of worship, heeldynge oyle aboue. [verse 19] And he clepide the name of the cyte Bethel, that bifornhoond was clepid Luza. [verse 20] And he avowide a vowe, seiynge, If God were with me, and kepide me in the weye bi which Y goo, and ȝyue me looues to etun, and clooth to be clothid, [verse 21] and*. [I D.] shal be turned aȝen welsumly to the hows of my fader, the Lord shal be to me into God. [verse 22] And this stoon, that I haue areryde into a signe of worship, Page  137 shal be clepid the hows of God; and of alle thingis that thow shalt ȝyue to me Y shal offer dymes to thee.


[verse 1] Jacob thanne forth goon, cam into the est loond. [verse 2] And he sawȝ a pit in the feeld, and thre flockis of sheep liggynge bisidis it; for of it beestis weren wateryd, and the mouth of it was closid with a greet stoon. [verse 3] And the maner was, that alle the sheep gaderyd to gidir, men shulden turne vp the stoon, and, the flockis fulfillid, eftsones thei shulden putte vpon the mouth of the pit. [verse 4] And he seide to the sheepherdis, Bretheren, whens be ȝe? The whiche answeriden, Of Aran. [verse 5] Whom askynge, Whethir, he seide, knowe ȝe La|ban, the sone of Nachor? Thei seiden, We han knowun. [verse 6] Whethir is he, he seith, hool? Thei seiden, He farith wel; and loo! Rachel, the dowȝter of hym, com with his flok. [verse 7] And Jacob seyde, Aboue there is ȝit myche of the day, ne*. [no D.] tyme is that flockys ben ladde aȝen to the fooldis; ȝyueth bifore drynke to the sheep, and so lede ȝe hem aȝen to the pas|ture. [verse 8] The whiche answeryden, We mowen not, to the tyme that alle beestis ben ga|deryd togider, and we mouen awey the stoon fro the mowth of the pit, that we watren the flok*. [flockeȝ E.]. [verse 9] Ȝit thei speken, and loo! Rachel com with the sheep of hir fader; for she fedde the flok. [verse 10] Whom whanne Jacob hadde seen, and wiste hir his vnkil dowȝter, and the sheep of Laban his vnkle, he mouede awey the stoon with [verse 11] which the pit was closid; and the flok watered, he kisside hir, and with areryd voys she wepte. [verse 12] And he shewide to hir that he was the brother of hir fader, and the sone of Rebecca; and she hiynge tolde to hir fader. [verse 13] The which whan he hadde herd, Jacob, his sister sone, comen, ȝede aȝen metynge with hym, and clippynge him, and fallynge in cossis, ladde hym Page  138 into his hows. Forsothe the causis herd [verse 14] of his weye, answeryde, My boon thow art, and my fleish. And after that the [verse 15] dayes of a*. [O E.] moneth weren fulfillid, he seide to hym, Whether for thow art my brother, in veyn thow shalt serue to me? Sey what of mede thow shalt take. [verse 16] He hadde forsothe two dowȝtrys*. [douȝtren BDEFH.], name of the more Lya, the lesse forsothe was [verse 17] clepid Rachel; but Lya was with blerid eyen*. [eyȝes BDEFH.], Rachel fayr in face, and with seemly biholdynge. [verse 18] Whom louynge Ja|cob, seide, I shal serue to thee for Rachel, thi lasse dowȝter, seuen ȝeer. [verse 19] Laban an|sweryde, Betir is that Y ȝyue hir to thee than to another man, dwelle with me. [verse 20] Thanne Jacob serued for Rachel seuen ȝeer, and thei semeden to hym fewe dayes for greetnes of loue. [verse 21] And he seide to Laban, Ȝyf to me my wiyf, for the tyme is fulfillid that Y shulde goo yn to hir. [verse 22] The which, manye cumpanyes of his frendis clepid to the feest, made the bry|dalis, [verse 23] and at euen brouȝte yn to hym Lya, [verse 24] his dowȝter, ȝyuynge an handmayden to the dowȝter, Zelpha bi name. To whom whan after the maner Jacob was goon yn, [verse 25] the morutide doon, sawȝ Lya, and seide to his wyues fader, What is that thow woldist doon? whether for Rachel Y ser|uede not to thee? whi vndurputtist thow [verse 26] Lya to me? Laban answeride, It is not of custom in oure place, that the lesse bi|fore [verse 27] we taken to sposeyls; fulfil the wike of dayes of this cowple, and this forsothe I shal ȝyue to thee for the werk that thow art to serue to me, seuen other ȝeris. [verse 28] He assentide gladli; and the wike ouerpassid, [verse 29] he took Rachel to wiyf; to whom the fa|dir ȝaue a seruaunt, Balam. [verse 30] And at the laste he vside the desirid sposeyls, put bifore to the rather the loue of hir that com after, seruynge anentis hym seuen othere ȝerys*. [ȝere BDEFH.]. [verse 31] The Lord forsothe seynge Page  139 that he dispiside Lya, opnyde the wombe of hir, hir sister bareyne dwellynge. [verse 32] The which a conseyued sone gat, and clepide the name of hym Ruben, seiynge, The Lord hath sey my mekenes, now my man shal loue me. [verse 33] And eftsonys she consey|uede, and bare a sone, and seide, For the Lord hath seen me ben had to dispiyt, hath ȝyuun also this to me; and she cle|pide the name of hym Symyon. [verse 34] And the thridde tyme she conseyuede, and gat an|other sone, and seide, Now forsothe myn husboond shal be cowplid to me, ther|thurȝ that I bere to hym thre sonys; and therfor she clepide the name of hym Leuy. [verse 35] The ferth tyme she conseyuede, and bare a sone, and seith, Now I shal knowlech to the Lord; and for that she clepide the name of him Juda; and she ceesside to bere chyld.


[verse 1] Seynge forsothe Rachel that she was withouten fruyt of wombe, enuyede to the sistir, and seide to the husboond, Ȝyf to me free childryn, ellis Y shal dye. [verse 2] To whom wrooth Jacob answeride, Whether for a God Y am, the which haue priuede [verse 3] thee the fruyt of thi wombe? And she, I haue, she seide, a seruaunt, Balam, goo yn to hir, that she bere vpon my kneen, and I haue of hir sones. [verse 4] And she ȝaue [verse 5] to hym Balam into maryage; the which, the man goon yn to hir, conseyuede, and bare a sone. [verse 6] And Rachel seide, The Lord hath shewid me, and he hath herd my vois, ȝyuynge to me a sone; and therfor she clepide the name of hym Dan. [verse 7] And eftsones Bala conseiuinge, bare another, [verse 8] for the which seide Rachel, The Lord hath comparisownd me with my sister, and I haue recouered; and she clepide hym Neptalym. [verse 9] Lya felynge that she had laft for to bere children, she took to the husboond Zelpha, hir handmayden. Page  140 [verse 10] The which aftir conseyuynge*. [conceyued E pr. m.] bryngynge [verse 11] forth a child, seide, Gracyously; and ther|for she clepide the name of hym Gad. [verse 12] And Zelpha bare anothir, and Lya seide, [verse 13] That for my blisfulnes; forsothe alle wymmen shulen sey me blisful; therfor she clepide hym Aser. [verse 14] And Ruben goon out in tyme of wheet heruest into the feeld, fonde mandraggis, that he brouȝte to Lya, the moder. And Rachel seide, Ȝyue me parte of the mandraggis of thi sone. [verse 15] She answeride, Ne semith it to thee a litil, that thow hast bifore takun the husbond to me, but also the man|draggis of my sone thow taak? And she, Slep he with thee this nyȝt for the mandraggis of thi sone. [verse 16] And to Jacob comynge aȝen at euen fro the feeld Lya was goon out into the aȝencomyng of hym, and seith, To me, she seith, thow shalt come yn, for thurȝ mede I haue hyryde thee for the mandraggis of my sone. [verse 17] He slepte with hir that nyȝt; and God herde the preiers of hir, and she [verse 18] conseyuede, and bare the fift sone; and seith, God hath ȝeuun mede to me, for I haue ȝouun myn handemaiden to my man; and she clepide the name of hym Ysachar. [verse 19] Eftsonys Lya conseyuynge bare [verse 20] the sixte sone, and seith, The Lord hath enrychide me with a good dower; also this while with me shal be myn hus|boond, therthurȝ that Y haue getun to hym sixe sones; and therfor she clepide the name of hym Zabulon. [verse 21] After whom she bare a dowȝter, Dyne*. [Didyn A.] bi name. [verse 22] And the Lord, recordid of Rachel, herde hir, and openyde the wombe of hir. [verse 23] Which con|seyuede, and bare a sone, seiynge, God [verse 24] hath doon awey my reprofe; and she clepide the name of hym Joseph, seiynge, The Lord adde to me another sone. [verse 25] Jo|seph forsothe born, Jacob seide to his wyues fader, Lat me that Y go aȝen into my cuntre, and to my loond. [verse 26] Ȝyue to me Page  141 wyues, and my free children, for the whiche I haue seruede thee, that I goo; thow forsothe hast knowe the seruyse that I haue seruyde to thee. [verse 27] Laban seide to him, Shal I fynde grace in thi siȝt, thurȝ experyens Y haue lernyd for God [verse 28] hath blissid to me for thee; ordeyn thi mede that Y ȝyue to thee. [verse 29] And he an|sweryde, Thou hast knowe what maner Y haue seruede to thee, and thi pos|sessioun how myche was in myn hondis; [verse 30] a litil thow haddist bifore that I com to thee, and now thow art maad ryche, and God hath blissid to thee at myn yncom|yng; thanne it is riȝtful that sumtyme also Y puruey to myn hows. [verse 31] And Laban seide, What shal Y ȝyue to thee? And he seith, Y wole nothing, but if thow dost*. [dist BDEFH.] that I aske, eft I shal feede and kepe thi beestis. [verse 32] Turne abowt alle thi flockis, and seuer*. [serue A.] alle thi speckid sheep, and with speckyd flese, and what euere ȝolow, and speckid, and dyuerse colourid were, as wel in sheep as in geyt, shal be my mede. [verse 33] And my riȝtwisnes shal an|swere to morwe, whan tyme of plesaunce shal come bifore thee; and alle that weren not dyuerse, and speckid*. [specky E. specke F pr. m.], and ȝalow, as wel in sheep as in geyt, of theft thou shalt vndirnym me. [verse 34] And La|ban seide, Agreede Y haue that thow askist. [verse 35] And he seuerde*. [seruede A.] that day the she geyt, and the sheep, and the hyeȝ geyt, and the wetheres, dyuerse and spotti*. [splotty E.]. And al the flok of o colour, that is, of whyet or*. [and BDEFH.] of blak flese, he toke in [verse 36] the hoond of his sones; and putte a space of thre daies weye bitwix hem and his*. [hir AF.] dowȝtir husboond, the whiche fedden the tother flockis of hym. [verse 37] Thanne Jacob takynge green popil ȝerdis, and of alman|ders, and of planes, a parti vnryendide Page  142 hem; and riendis*. [the ryndis BDEFH.] drawun awey; in thilke that weren pilde semede whytnes, thilke forsothe that weren hool dwelten stil green, and so in this maner was maad of*. [a BDEFH.] dyuerse colour. [verse 38] And he putte hem in the water trowes, where the wa|tyr was held out, that whanne the flockis weren comen to drynke, bifore the eyen thei shulden han the ȝerdis, and in the siȝt of hem thei shulden conseyue. [verse 39] And so it was doon that in that heet of goynge togidere the sheep shulden biholde the ȝerdis, and beere spotty, and speckid, and spreyned with dyuers colour. [verse 40] And Jacob dyuydide the flok, and putte the ȝerdis in the watyr trowis, bifore the eyen of the rammys; forsothe alle the whyte and the blak weren of Laban, the tothere forsothe of Jacob, seueryd bitwix hem silf the flockis. [verse 41] Thanne whanne the first tyme the sheep weren steyed vp, Jacob putte the ȝerdis in the trowis of watrys, biforn the eyen of rammys and of sheep, that in the siȝt of hem thei shulden conseyue. [verse 42] Whanne forsothe the laat comyng togidere of beestis weren, and the last conceyuyng tyme, he putte not hem. And thilke that weren of the*. [Om. E.] later tyme ben maad of Laban, and thilke of the fyrst tyme of Jacob. [verse 43] And the man is maad ryche wonder myche, and he hadde manye flockis, handmayd|enys, and seruauntis, camels, and assis.


[verse 1] After that he herde the wordis of the sonys of Laban, seiynge, Jacob hath takun alle that weren of oure fader, and of the faculte of hym richid is maad noble. [verse 2] And he took hede to the face of Laban, that it was not towards hym as ȝistirday and the [verse 3] thrid day hens, moost the Lord seiynge to hym, Turne aȝen into the loond of thi fadrys, and*. [Om. BDEFH.] to thi kynred, and Y shal be with thee. [verse 4] And he sente, and clepide Ra|chel Page  143 and Lya into the feeld, where he [verse 5] fedde the flockis*. [flock E pr. m.], and he seide to hem, Y se the face of ȝoure fader, that it is not toward me as ȝistirday and the thridde day hens; God forsothe of my fader was with me. [verse 6] And ȝe han knowun that with alle my strengthis Y haue seruyd to ȝoure [verse 7] fader; but and ȝoure fader hath comen aboute me, and chaungide my mede ten sithis; and neuerthelater God hath not letun hym that he shulde anoye to me. [verse 8] If otherwhile he seide, The dyuers co|lourid*. [coloures D.] shulen be thi medis, alle the sheep beren conseyuyng of dyuers colours; whanne forsothe aȝenward he seith, Alle the whyet thow shalt taak for thi mede, [verse 9] alle the flockis beren whyet; and God hath taak the substaunce of ȝoure fader, and ȝeuen to me. [verse 10] Forsothe bifore that the tyme of conseyuyng of sheep com, Y heuede vp myn eyen, and sawȝ in sleep the*. [Om. BDEFH.] malis steiyng up*. [Om. H.] vpon femalis, varye, and spotti*. [splotty EH.], and of dyuers colours. [verse 11] And the aungel of the Lord seide to me in slepe, Jacob! and I answeride, Y am nyȝ. [verse 12] The which seith, Rere up thin eyen, and se alle the malis steiyng up vpon the fe|malis, varye, and sprynklid, and spottid; forsothe Y haue seen alle thingis that [verse 13] Laban hath doon to thee; Y am God of Bethel, where thow anoyntidist the stoon, and thow vowedist*. [woldist F.] auowe*. [Om. D.] to me. Now thanne aryse, and goo out fro this loond, turnynge aȝen into the loond of thi birth. [verse 14] And Rachel and Lya answeryden, Whe|ther han we eny thing of residewe in faculteis and erytage of the hows of oure fader? [verse 15] Whether as aliens hath he not holdun vs, and soold, and hath etun oure pryis? [verse 16] But God hath takun the richessis of oure fader, and ȝeuun hem to vs, and to oure sonys; wherfor alle thingis that God comaundith to thee, do. [verse 17] Forsothe Jacob aroos, and the fre children and his [verse 18] wyues put vpon camels*. [the camels BDEFH.], ȝede awey; and Page  144 took al his substaunce, flockis, and alle thingis that he hadde purchasid in Meso|potany, goynge to Ysaac, his fader, in the loond of Chanaan. [verse 19] That tyme Laban was goon to the sheep that shulden be clippid, and Rachel hadde stolne the mawmetis of hir fadir. [verse 20] And Jacob nolde knowleche to his wyues fader, that he wolde flee; [verse 21] and whanne he was goon, bothe he and alle thingis that weren of his riȝt, and the flode passid ouer shulde go aȝens the hil [verse 22] of Galaad, it was tolde to Laban, the thridde day, that Jacob fleeiȝ. [verse 23] The which, his britheren takun with hym, pursuede hym seuen dayes, and ouertook hym in the hil of Galaad. [verse 24] And he sawȝ in his sleep the Lord seiynge to hym, Be war lest eny thing sharply thow speek aȝens Jacob. [verse 25] And now Jacob hadde strauȝte a tabernacle in the hil; and whan he hadde takun*. [ataken BEH. atake D.] hym with his britheren, in the same hil of Galaad, he ficchide a tent; [verse 26] and he seide to Jacob, Whi didist thow thus, that bisyde me thow dryue awey my dowȝtris*. [douȝtren BDEFH.] as caytyues with swerde? [verse 27] Whi vnwitynge me*. [Om. B.] woldist thow fle, ne shewe to me, that Y myȝte forth folwe thee with ioye, and songis, and tympans, and harpis? [verse 28] Thow suffredist not that Y myȝte kisse my sones and dowȝtris*. [douȝtren BDEFH.]; fo|lily thow hast wrouȝt. [verse 29] And now forsothe myn hoond may ȝeeld to thee yuel, but God of thi fader ȝistirday seide to me, Be war lest thow speek with Jacob eny thing harder. [verse 30] And if thow coueytidist*. [coueydist A.] to*. [for to E.] goo to thine, and the hows of thi fadir was in desiyr to thee, whi hast thow stoln my goddis? [verse 31] Jacob answeride, That thus fro thee I am goon forth, Y dredde lest vio|lentli thow shuldist taak awey thi dowȝ|tris;*. [douȝtren BDEFH.] [verse 32] that forsothe thow vndirnymist me of thefte, anentist whom euer thow fyndist thi goddis, be he slaw biforn our bri|theren; and serch what euer of thi thing*. [thingis BDEFH.] anentis me thow fyndist*. [fynde BDFH.], and taak awey. Page  145 Thes thingis seiynge, he knewe not that Rachel hadde stoln the mawmetis. [verse 33] And so Laban, goon into the tabernacle of Ja|cob, and Lya, and of either meyne, fonde nouȝt; and whan he was goon yn to the [verse 34] tentis of Rachel, she hiynge hidde the mawmetis vndur the literyng of a camele, and sat aboue. And to hym, aserchynge [verse 35] al the tent and no thing fyndynge, she seith, Be not, my lord, wroth that Y may not aryse bifore thee, for after the vsage of wymmen now it is fallun to me; and so bigilid is the bisynes of hym sechinge. [verse 36] And Jacob swellynge, seith with striyf, For what my trespas, and for what my synne, hast thow thus fulbrent after me, [verse 37] and hast enserchid alle my necessaryes of hows? What hast thow foundun of eny substawnce of thin hows? Putte that bi|fore my britheren and toforn thi bre|theren, and deme thei bitwix me and thee. [verse 38] Therfor twenti wynter haue I ben with thee? Thi shep and thi geit*. [sche geet E.] weren not barein, the wetheris of thi flok Y ete not, [verse 39] ne takun of beest I shewide to thee; Y al the harm ȝolde; al thing of thefte that [verse 40] perishide, of me thow askidist; day and nyȝt with hoot and coolde Y was streynyd, [verse 41] and sleep fleiȝ fro myn eyen; so thurȝ out twenti ȝeer in thin hows Y seruede to thee, fourtene for thi dowȝtres*. [douȝtren BDEFH.], and sixe for thi flockis; forsothe thow chaungedist my mede ten sithis. [verse 42] But the God of my fa|der Abraham, and the drede of Ysaac hadde ben to me, perauenture nakid now thou haddist laft me; myn affliccioun and the traueil of myn hondis the Lord bi|helde, and vndernam thee ȝisterday. [verse 43] La|ban answeride to hym, My dowȝtres*. [douȝtren BDEFH.], and sones, and thi flockis, and alle that thow biholdist, ben myne, and*. [Om. BDEFH.] what may Y do to my sones, and to my neces? [verse 44] Com thanne, and goo we into couenaunt of pees, that witnesse be bitwixe me and Page  146 thee. [verse 45] And so Jacob took a stoon, and [verse 46] areryde it into a title, and seide to his britheren, Bryngith to stoons; the whiche gederynge togidere, maden an hillok, and eten ther vpon. [verse 47] The which Laban clep|yde an hillok of witnes, and Jacob an hipil of wytnessyng; either after the pro|prete of his tunge. [verse 48] And Laban seide, This hillok shal be witnes bitwixe me and thee to day, and therfor the name of it is clepid Galaad, that is, the hillok of witnes. [verse 49] And Laban leide to, The Lord biholde, and deme bitwixen vs, whanne [verse 50] we shulen goo from vs; if thow turmente my dowȝtres, if thow bryngist yn other wyues vpon hem, no man of oure word is witnes, saue God, that present biholdith. [verse 51] And eft he seide to Jacob, Loo! this hil|lok, and the stoon that I haue rerid bi|twixe [verse 52] me and thee, witnes shal be; this hilloc, and the stoon ben into witnessyng, if forsothe I shall passe it goynge to thee, or thow ouerpassist*. [ouerpasse BDEFH.] yuel to me thenk|ynge. [verse 53] God of Abraham, and God of Nachor, deme bitwix vs, the God of the fader of hem. Thanne Jacob swore by [verse 54] the drede of his fader Ysaac; and, offrid slayn sacrifice in the hil, he clepide his britheren that thei shulden eete breed, the whiche whanne thei hadden etun, dwelten there. [verse 55] Laban forsothe at nyȝt arysynge, kisside the sones, and his douȝ|tris*. [douȝtren BDEFH.], and blisside to hem, turnynge aȝen into his place.


[verse 1] Jacob forsothe wente in his weie that he biganne, and there weren to hym met aungels of the Lord. [verse 2] Whom whanne he hadde seen, seith, The tentis of God ben thes; and he clepide the name of that place Manaym, that is, tentis. [verse 3] And he sente forsothe messangeris biforn hym to Esau, his brother, into the loond of Seyr, [verse 4] in the regioun of Edom; and he co|maundide to hem, seiynge, Thus spek ȝe Page  147 to my lord Esau, Thes thingis seith thi brother Jacob, At Laban I haue pylgrim|agid, [verse 5] and was vnto the present day; I haue oxen, and assis, and sheep, and ser|uauntis, and handmaydens, and I sende now a message to my lord, that Y fynde grace in thi siȝt. [verse 6] And the messangeris ben comun aȝen to Jacob, seiynge, We comen to Esau, thi brother, and loo! he goth into thin aȝen-comyng, with foure hundrid men. [verse 7] Jacob ful myche dred, and afeerd dyuydide his peple that with him was, the flockis forsothe, and sheep, and oxen, and camels diuydid in two compa|nyes; [verse 8] seiynge, If Esau come to the too companye, and smyte it, the tother com|panye that is lafte shal be sauyd. [verse 9] And Jacob seide, God of my fader Abraham, and God of my fader Ysaac, thow Lord, that seidist to me, Turne aȝen into thi loond, and into the place of thi birthe, and [verse 10] I shal wel do to*. [Om. A.] thee, Y am lasse than alle thi mercyes, and thi treuthe that thow hast fulfillid to thi seruaunt; in my staf I haue passid this Jordan, and now*. [Om. D.] with [verse 11] two companyes Y turne aȝen; delyuer me of the hoond of my brother Esau, for greetly Y drede hym, lest perauen|ture comynge he smyte the moders with the children. [verse 12] Thow hast spokun that thou shuldist wel do to me, and that thow shuldist sprede abrood my seed as the grauel of the see, that for multitude may not be noumbred. [verse 13] And whanne he hadde slept there that nyȝt, he seueride of that that he hadde ȝiftys to Esau, his [verse 14] brother, she geyte two hundrid, hee geyte twenty, sheepe two hundrid, and wetheris [verse 15] twenti, camels fulle with her coltis thretti, kien fourti, and bullis twenti, she assis twenti, and the coltis of hem ten. [verse 16] And he sente bi the hondis of his seruauntis eche oon after other the flockis aside; and he seide to his children, Goo ȝe bi|fore me, and be there a space bitwixe Page  148 flok and flok. [verse 17] And he comaundide to the forther, seiynge, If thow mete my bro|ther Esau, and he aske thee, whos art thow, or whidir thow gost, or whos ben [verse 18] thes that thow folwist, thou shalt an|swere, Of thi seruaunt Jacob, ȝiftis he hath sent to his lord Esau, and he cometh after vs. [verse 19] The same wyse he ȝaue maunde|mentis to the secounde, and the*. [Om. BDEH.] thridde, and to alle that folweden the flockis, sei|ynge, In the same wordis spek ȝe to Esau, [verse 20] whanne ȝe fynden hym, and ȝe shulen adde, And he thi seruaunt Jacob oure weie in folwith. He seide forsothe, Y shal plese hym with ȝiftis that goon bi|fore, and afterward Y shal se hym; per|auenture he shal be maad plesid to me. [verse 21] And so bifore ȝeden the ȝiftis bifore hym; he forsothe dwelte that nyȝt in tentis. [verse 22] And whanne sobirly he was arysun, he toke his two wyues, and as feel ser|uauntis with elleuen sones, and he ouer|passide the foorth of Jaboth. [verse 23] And, ouer|ladde alle thingis that to hym perteyn|eden, [verse 24] he dwelte aloon, and loo! a man wristlide with hym vnto the morwe. [verse 25] The which whanne he sawȝ that he myȝte not ouercome hym, he towchide the synwe of his hip, and anoon it wexe drye. [verse 26] And he seide to hym, Leeue me, forsothe now vpsteyeth the morwetide. He answeride, I shal not leeue thee, but if thow blisse to me. [verse 27] Thanne he seith, What is the name of*. [to B super ras. DEFH.] thee? He answeride, Jacob. [verse 28] And he, No more, he seith, Jacob shal be clepid thi name, but Israel; for if anentis*. [aȝeynst BDEH. aneyst F.] God thow hast ben strong, myche more anentis*. [aȝeynst BDEFH.] men thow shalt haue the may|stri. [verse 29] Jacob askide hym, Sey to me what name art thow clepid? He answeride, Wherto askist thow my name, that is merueilows? And he blisside hym in the same place. [verse 30] And Jacob clepide the name of that place Phanuel, seiynge, I haue seen the Lord face to face, and my soule Page  149 is maad saaf. [verse 31] And anoon is rysun to hym the sunne, after that he was ouer|passid Phanuel; he forsothe haltide with the too foote. [verse 32] For what cause the chil|dren of Israel eten not synwe, that wexe drie in the hipe of Jacob, vnto the day that is now, therthurȝ that he towchide the synwe of his hipe, and it was stoneyd.


[verse 1] Jacob forsothe heuynge vp the eyen sawȝ Esau comynge, and with hym foure hundrid men; and he departide the sones of Lya, and of*. [Om. B.] Rachel, and of both his seruauntis. [verse 2] And he*. [Om. BDEH.] putte either hand|mayden, and the fre children of hem, in the bigynnynge; Lya forsothe in the se|counde place, and the sones of hyr; Rachel and Joseph laste. [verse 3] And he bifore goynge anouride bowide*. [redy E pr. man.] into the erthe seuen|sithes*. [seuensithe BDEFH.], to the tyme that the brother `of hym*. [Om. A.] shulde neiȝ. [verse 4] And so Esau ren|nynge to meete with his brother, cleppide hym, and streynynge hys necke and kiss|ynge wepte. [verse 5] And the eyen heued vp, sawȝ wymmen, and the children of hem, and seith, What to hem wiln thes? and if thei perteynen to thee? He answeride, Litil children thei ben, whom God hath ȝouun to me, thi seruaunt. [verse 6] And neiȝynge the handmaydens and the sones of hem, ben doun bowid. [verse 7] And Lya with hir chil|dren com nerre; and whanne the same maner thei hadden anowrned, the laste Joseph and Rachel anowryden. [verse 8] And E|sau seide, What forsothe ben thes com|panyes that Y mette? He answerde, That I shulde fynde grace bifore my lord. [verse 9] And he seith, Y haue many thingis, brother myne, ben thi thingis to thee. [verse 10] Jacob seide, Nyl thow so, Y preye, but if Y haue foundun grace in thin eyen, taak a litil ȝift of myn hoondis; so forsothe Y haue seyn thi face as Y se the chere of God; be thow [verse 11] to me benygne, and taak the blissyng that Page  150 Y haue brouȝt to thee, and that God de|lyuerynge alle thingis hath ȝouun to me. Vnneth, the brother compellynge, takynge [verse 12] seith, Goo we togideres, and Y shal be felowe of thi weye. [verse 13] And Jacob seyde, My lord, thow hast knowun that Y haue tender litil children, and sheep, and oxen ful wombe with ynne*. [me B sup. ras. E.], the whiche if more yn goynge Y do to traueyl, thei shulen o [verse 14] day alle the flockis dyen; my lord go bi|fore his seruaunt, and Y shal folwe litil mele the steppis of hym, as Y se my litil children to mowen, to the tyme that Y come to my lord, in Seyr. [verse 15] Esau an|sweride, Y preye thee, that of the puple that is with me, algatis felawis dwellen of thi weye. It is not, he seith, nede; this oon oonlich Y nede, that Y fynde grace in thi siȝt, lord myne. [verse 16] And so Esau is*. [was B.] turned aȝen that day in the weye that he come, into Seyr. [verse 17] And Ja|cob com into Sachot, where a hows bild*. [bylded D.], and the tentis fycchid, he clepide the name of that place Sachot, that is, taber|naclis. [verse 18] And he passide forth into Salem, the cite of Sychymor, that is in the loond of Chanaan, aftir that he was turned aȝen fro Mesopotany of Syrye, and dwellide [verse 19] bisydis the wallid town; and bouȝt a parti of the feeld, in the which he ficchide tabernaclis, of the sones of Emor, the fader of Sichym, with an hundrid lombis. [verse 20] And there, an auter reryd, he inwardly clepide vpon*. [vpon that BDEFH.] the moost strong God of Israel.


[verse 1] Dyne*. [Didyn A sup ras.], the dowȝter of Lya, forsothe was goon oute, that she myȝte se wymmen of that regioun. [verse 2] Whom whanne hadde seen Sichym, the sone of Emor Euey, the prince of that loond, louede hir, and ra|uyshide, and slepte with hir, with force oppresside*. [oppress|ynge E sec. m.] a mayden. [verse 3] And the soule of hym was glewid with hir, and hir sory Page  151 he swagide with softnessis. [verse 4] And he*. [Om. D.] goynge to Emor, his fadir, Tak to me, he seith, this damysele to wijf. [verse 5] The which whanne Jacob hadde herd, absent the sones, and in the foode of the beestis occupied, he heelde his pees, to the tyme thei comen aȝen. [verse 6] Emor forsothe, the fa|der of Sichem, goon oute, that he myȝte [verse 7] speke to Jacob, loo! the sones of hym comen fro the feelde. And the thing herd that was fallun, thei weren ful wroth, therthurȝ that a fowle thing he hadde wrouȝt in Israel, and the dowȝter of Ja|cob defowlid, an vnleueful thing hadde fulfillid. [verse 8] And so Emor speke to hem, The soule of my sone Sichem hath cleued to ȝoure dowȝter, ȝyueth hir wijf to hym, [verse 9] and ioyne we togidere maryagis; ȝoure dowȝtres*. [douȝtren BDEFH.] ȝif ȝe to vs, and oure dowȝtres*. [douȝtren BDEFH.] [verse 10] taak ȝe, and dwel ȝe with vs; the loond is in ȝoure power, excersise ȝe, chaffare ȝe, and haue ȝe it. [verse 11] But and Sichem to the fader and to the bretheren of hir seith, Fynde Y grace bifore ȝow, and what [verse 12] thing*. [thingez E.] ȝe ordeyne Y shal ȝyue; eche ȝe dower, and aske ȝe ȝiftis, gladly Y shal ȝyue that ȝe asken; oonly ȝyf ȝe to me this damesele to wijf. [verse 13] The sones of Ja|cob answeriden to Sichem and to the fader of hym in trechory, waxynge cruel [verse 14] for the stupre of the sister, We mowen not doon that ȝe asken, ne ȝyue oure sister to a man vncircumsidid, the which is vn|leful and wrongful anentis vs. [verse 15] But in that we mowen ben togidere boundun, if ȝe wole be like vs, and al kynde of maal [verse 16] be circumsidid in ȝow, thanne we shulen ȝyue and take togidere oure dowȝtris*. [douȝtren BDEFH.] and ȝouren; and we shulen dwelle with ȝow, and we shulen be o peple. [verse 17] If forsothe ȝe wolen not be circumsidid, we shulen take our dowȝtres*. [douȝter BDE. douȝtre FH.], and goo awey. [verse 18] The pro|fre of hem pleside to Emor and to Si|chem, [verse 19] Page  152 his sone, ne the ȝonglyng tariede, but anoon that that was askid he shulde fulfil; forsothe he louede ful greetli the damysele, and he was noble in al the hows of his fader. [verse 20] And thei goon yn the ȝate of the cite, speken to the puple, [verse 21] Thes men ben pesible, and wolen dwelle with vs; chaffare thei in the loond, and excersise thei it, the which large and broode nedith tyliers; the dowȝtris of hem we shulen take wyues, and oure*. [ourn BDEFH.] we shulen ȝyue to hem. [verse 22] O thing is that puttith off so myche good; if we circum|siden oure males, folwynge the ryte of [verse 23] the folk, and the substaunce of hem, and the beestis, and al that thei han shulen be ouren; oonli in that assent we, that dwellynge togidrys we maken o peple. [verse 24] And alle thei ben assentid, alle the malis circumsidid. [verse 25] And loo! the thridde day, whanne the sorwe of the woundes is moost greuows, the two sones of Jacob, Symyon and Leuy, the britheren of Dyne, drawen to her swerdis, ben goon into the cyte tristiliche, and sleyn alle the males; [verse 26] Emor and Sichem togideres thei slewen, takynge Dyne, her sister, fro the hows of Sichem. [verse 27] The which goon oute, the tother sones of Jacob fellen vpon the slayn men, and thei distruyden the cyte, in to ven|geaunce [verse 28] of the stupre, the sheep of hem, droues, and asses, and alle thingis wast|ynge, that in the howsis and in the feeldis [verse 29] weren; the litil children forsothe, and the wyues of hem thei ladden cheytiues. [verse 30] The whiche thingis ful doon hardilich, Jacob seyde to Symyon and Leuy, Ȝe han disturbid me, and ȝe han maad me haatsum to Chananeis and Phareȝeis, the dwellers of this loond; we ben fewe, and thei gederyd to giderys shulen smyte me, and Y shall be doon awey and myn hows. [verse 31] Thei answeriden, Whether as a strumpet thei shulden mysuse oure sistre?Page  153


[verse 1] The mene tyme the Lord spak to Ja|cob, Aryse, and stey to Bethel, and dwel there, and mak an autere to the Lord, that aperide to thee whanne thou flowȝ Esau, thi brother. [verse 2] Jacob forsothe, al his hows clepid togidere, seith, Doth awey alyen goddis, that ben in the mydil of ȝow, and be ȝe clensid, and chaunge ȝe [verse 3] ȝoure clothis; rise ȝe, and steye we vp in to Bethel, that we maken there an autere to the Lord, the which hath herd me in the day of my tribulacioun, and was felaw of my weye. [verse 4] Thanne thei ȝyuen to hym alle alyen goddis that thei hadden, and the eer ryngis, that weren in the erys of hem; and he indeluede hem vndur an theribynte, that is bihynde the cite of Sichem. [verse 5] And whanne thei weren goon, feerde of God ȝede vpon alle the cytees by enuyroun, and thei weren not hardi to pursue hem awey goynge. [verse 6] Thanne Jacob com to Luzam, that is in the loond of Chanaan, Bethel bi name, he and alle the peple with hym. [verse 7] And he bilde there an auteer, and clepide the name of that place The hows of God; there forsothe aperyde God to hym, whanne he shulde flee his brother. [verse 8] The same tyme was deed Delbora, the norisch of Rebecca, and was byried at the rootis of Bethel, vndur an ook, and the name of the place is clepid The ook of weping. [verse 9] God forsothe aperyde eftsones to Jacob, after that*. [Om. DEFH.] he was turnyd aȝen fro Mesopotany of Syrye, and com into Bethel, and blissid to hym, [verse 10] seiynge, Thow shalt no more be clepid Jacob, but Yrael shal be thi name. And [verse 11] he clepid hym Yrael, and seide to hym, Y God Almyȝti, grow, and be thow mul|tiplied, folke of kynde and peplis of na|ciouns of thee shulen ben, kyngis of thi [verse 12] leendis shulen goon oute; the loond that Y haue ȝouun to Abraham and Ysaac, Y Page  154 shal ȝyue to thee, and to thi seed after thee. [verse 13] And he ȝede a wey fro hym. [verse 14] He forsothe areride a stonen signe of wor|ship, in the place that God speke to hym, sacrifiynge vpon it sacrifice of licowres, [verse 15] and heldynge oute oyle, and clepynge the name of that place Bethel. [verse 16] And he goon out thens, com in veer tyme to the loond that ledith to Effratam, in the which [verse 17] whanne Rachel shulde bere childe, for the hardnes of birth she biganne to pe|rishe; and the meedwijf seide to hir, Wole thow not drede, for also and this thow shalt haue a sone. [verse 18] The soule for|sothe goynge oute for sorwe, and now deeth fallynge ynne, the name of hir sone she clepide Benony, that is, the sone of my sorwe; the fader forsothe clepide hym Beniamyn, that is, the sone of the riȝt side. [verse 19] Thanne Rachel was deed, and was biryed in the weye that ledith to Effratam, that is Bethleem. [verse 20] And Jacob reyside a signe of preysing vpon the se|pulcre of hir; this is the title of the monument of Rachel vnto the present day. [verse 21] He goon out thens ficchide a taber|nacle ouer the towre of the flok. [verse 22] And whanne he shulde dwelle in that regioun, Ruben ȝede, and slepte with Bala, the secundarye wijf of his fader, that to hym was not vnwist. Forsothe the sones of [verse 23] Jacob weren twelue; the sones*. [sone A.] of Lia, the*. [Om. A.] first gotun Ruben, and Symyon, and Leuy, and Judas, and Ysachar, and Zabu|lon; [verse 24] the sones of Rachel, Joseph, and [verse 25] Beniamyn; the sones of Bale, the ser|uaunt of Rachel, Dan, and Neptalym; [verse 26] the sones of Zelphe, the handmayden of Lye, Gad, and Aser. Thes the sones of Jacob, which ben born to hym in Meso|potanye of Syrye. [verse 27] He cam also to Ysaac, his fadyr, into Mambre, the cyte of Ar|bee, this is Ebron, in the which pil|grimagid Page  155 Abraham and Ysaac. [verse 28] And ful|fillid ben the dayes of Ysaac an hundryd [verse 29] and eiȝti of ȝeris; and endid thurȝ age is deed, and he is put to his peple, olde, and ful of dayes; and biryeden hym Esau and Jacob his sones.


[verse 1] Thes forsothe ben the generaciouns of Ysau; he is Edom. [verse 2] Esau took wyues of the dowtres of Chanaan, Ada, the dowȝ|ter of Elom Ethei, and Oolibama, the [verse 3] dowȝter of a sone of Sebeon Euehi, and Bethsemath the dowȝter of Ismael, the sistir of Nabaioth. [verse 4] Ada forsothe bare [verse 5] Eliphat; Bathsemath gat Rahuel; Ooli|bama gat Hyeus, and Hielon, and Chore. Thes the sones of Esau, that weren born to hym in the loond of Chanaan. [verse 6] Esau forsothe took his wyues, and sones, and dowȝtres*. [douȝtren BDEFH.], and al the*. [Om. E.] soule*. [soules H.] of his hows, and substaunce, and beestis, and al that he myȝte haue in the loond of Cha|naan, and ȝede into anothir regioun, and [verse 7] wente awey fro Jacob his brother; for|sothe ryche thei weren greetli, and to|gidere dwellen myȝten not, and the loond of the pilgrimage of hem susteynede hem not, for the multitude of flockis. [verse 8] And Esau dwelte in the hil of Seyr; he is Edom. [verse 9] Thes forsothe ben the genera|ciouns of Esau, fader of Edom, in the hil [verse 10] of Seyr, and thes the names of the sones of hym. Eliphath, the sone of Ada, wijf of Esau, and Rahuel, the sone of Bath|semath, wijf of hym. [verse 11] And the sones of Eliphat weren, Cheman, Emath, Sephu, Gatan, Ceneth, and Chore. [verse 12] Tanna for|sothe was the secundarie wiyf of Elipath, sone of Esau, that bare to hym Amalech. Thes ben the sones of Ada, wijf of Esau. [verse 13] The sones forsothe of Rahuel, Naath, and Ara*. [Zara BDE.], Semma, and Mera*. [Meza BDEFH.]. Thes the sones Page  156 of Bathsemath, wijf of Esau. [verse 14] And thes weren the sones of Oolibama, dowȝter of Ane*. [an AF.], sone of Sebeon, wiyf of Esau, whom she get to hym; Hyeus, and Hielon, and Chore. [verse 15] Thes the dukis of the sones of Esau; the sones of Elyphath, the first getun of Esau, duke Theman, duke Omar, [verse 16] duke Sephua, duke Seneth, duke Chore, duke Datan, duke Amelech. Thes the sones of Eliphath, in the loond of Edom, and thes the sones of Ade. [verse 17] And thes the sones of Rahuel, sone of Esau, duke Naath, duke Zara, duke Semma, duke Mera*. [Meza BDEFH.]; thes forsothe dukis of Rahuel, in the loond of Edom. Thes the sones of Bathsemath, wijf of Esau. [verse 18] Thes forsothe the sones of Oolybama, wijf of Esau; duke Hyeus, duke Hyelon, duke Chore; thes the dukis of Oolibama, dowȝter of Anee, wijf of Esau. [verse 19] Thes ben the sones of Esau, and thes the dukes of hem; he is Edom. [verse 20] Thes ben the sones of Seyr Horrey, the dwellers of the loond, Jo|than, and Sobal, and Sebeon, and Anam, [verse 21] and Dyson, and Eser, and Dysan; thes the dukis of Horrei, sones*. [sone BDEFH.] of Seyr, in the loond of Edom. [verse 22] The sones forsothe of Jothan ben maad, Horrey, and Theman; forsothe the sister of Jothan was Thanna. [verse 23] And thes the sones of Sobal; Aluan, and Maneeth, and Ebal, Sephi, and Onam. [verse 24] And thes the sones of Sebeon; Achaia, and Ana; this is Ana, that fonde hoot watris in wildernes, whanne he fedde the [verse 25] she assis of Sebeon, his fadir; and he hadde a sone Dysan, and a dowȝter Ooli|bama. [verse 26] And thes the sones of Dysan; Amdam, and Jesban, and Jetran, and Charan. [verse 27] And thes the sones of Hesar; Baalan, and Zauan, and Acham. [verse 28] And Dysan hadde sones, Hus, and Haran. [verse 29] Thes the dukis of Horreis; duke Jothan, [verse 30] duke Sobal, duke Sebeon, duke Ana, duke Dyson, duke Heser, duke Dysan; thes the dukis of Horreis, that*. [the D.] comaundeden Page  157 in the loond of Seyr. [verse 31] The kyngis for|sothe that regneden in the loond of Edom, or that*. [Om. BDEF pr. m.] the children of Yrael hadden a [verse 32] kyng, weren thes; Balach, the sone of Beor, and the name of his cyte Denaba. [verse 33] Balach forsothe died, and for hym regned Jobab, the sone of Zare of Bosra. [verse 34] And whanne Jobab was deed, regnede for hym Husam of the loond of Thamaus. [verse 35] This forsothe deed, regnede for hym Adad, the sone of Badady, the which smote Madyan in the regioun of Moab, and the name of the cite of hym Abyuth. [verse 36] And whanne Adad was deed, regnede for hym Semla of Masarech. [verse 37] And this deed, regnede for hym Saul of the flood of Robooth. [verse 38] And whanne and this was deed, folwide into the kyngdom Balaanan, the sone of A|chobor. [verse 39] And this deed, regnede for hym Adad, and the name of the cite of hym Phoa, and the wijf of hym was clepid Meesabel, the dowȝter of Mathret, dowȝ|ter of Mesaab. [verse 40] Thes thanne the names of the dukis of Esau, in kynredis, and places, and her names; the duke Thanna, [verse 41] the duke Alua, the duke Jezeth, the duke [verse 42] Oolibama, duke Ela, duke Phynon, duke [verse 43] Zeneth, duke Theman, duke Mabsar, duke Madiel, duke Yram; thes the dukys of Edom, the dwellers in*. [in to BDEFH.] the loond of his empire; he is Esau, the fader of Ydumeis. [verse 1] Jacob forsothe dwelte in the loond of Chanaan, in the which his fader pil|grimagide; [verse 2] and thes ben the generaciouns of hym.


Joseph whanne he was of sextene ȝeer fedde a flok with his bretheren, ȝit a childe, and he was with the sones of Bale and of Zelphe, wyues of his fader; and he accuside his bretheren anentis the fa|der Page  158 of the werst synne. [verse 3] Yrael forsothe louede Joseph ouer alle his sones, ther|thurȝ that in elde he hadde getun hym; and he made hym a coote of dyuerse co|lours. [verse 4] And the bretheren of hym seynge that of the fader more than alle the sones was loued, hatiden hym, and myȝten not to hym eny thing pesebli speken. [verse 5] And it felle, that a seen sweuen he tolde to his britheren, the which cause was seed of more haat. [verse 6] And Joseph seide to his britheren, Here ȝe my sweuen that Y [verse 7] sawȝ, I wenede vs to bynden hondfullis in the feelde, and myn hondful as to ryse, and stonde, and ȝoure hondfullis stond|ynge al aboute to loute myn hondful. [verse 8] And the britheren of hym answeriden, Whether thow shalt be oure kyng, oither we shal be vndirloute*. [sugett BDEFH.] to thi bidding? This thanne cause of sweuenes and of wordis mynystride norishynge of enuye and of haate. [verse 9] And another sweuen he sawȝ, that tellynge to his britheren, seith, I sawe bi dreem as the sunne, and the mone, and the elleuen sterrys to lowtun me. [verse 10] That whan to his fader and bri|theren he hadde tolde, blamede hym his fader, and seide, What to it silf wole this sweuen that thow hast seen? Whether Y, and thi moder, and thi britheren shulen lowt thee vpon erthe? [verse 11] Thanne enuyeden to hym his britheren. The fader forsothe [verse 12] the thing stilli bihelde, and whanne the britheren of hym in the flockis of the fader to ben fedde dwelliden in Sichem, [verse 13] Yrael seide to hym, Thi britheren feden sheep in Sichemys; come, Y shal sende thee to hem. [verse 14] Who answerynge, Y am redi, he seith, Go, and se if alle thingis be welsum anentis thi britheren, and beestis, and aȝen tel thow to me what is doon. He, sent fro the valey of Ebron, [verse 15] cam into Sichym; and a man fonde hym Page  159 in the feelde errynge, and askide, what he souȝte. [verse 16] And he answeride, My bretheren Y seche, shew thow to me where thei feden the flockis. [verse 17] And the man seide to hym, Thei wenten a wey fro this place, forsothe I herde hem seiynge, Go we into Dothaym. And Joseph ȝede after his bri|theren, and fonde hem in Dothaym. [verse 18] The whiche whanne thei seyen hym `a ferre*. [o feer DEH.], or he neiȝede to hem, thouȝten to sleen [verse 19] hym, and togidere thei speken, Loo! the [verse 20] dremer cometh, go we, and sle we hym, and putte we hym*. [Om. BDFH.] in an olde sistern, and we shulen seye, The werst wiylde beest hath deuowrid hym; and thanne it shal apere what profiten to hym hys dremes. [verse 21] Thes thingis forsothe herynge Ruben, enforside to delyuere hym of the hondis [verse 22] of hem, and seide, Slee we not the lijf of hym, ne shede we blood, but throw ȝe him into the olde sisterne, that is in wil|dernes, and kepe ȝe ȝoure hondes vngilti. That forsothe he seide, wilnynge to de|lyuer hym fro the hondes of hem, and to ȝelde to his fader. [verse 23] Thanne anoon as he cam to his britheren, thei nakiden hym the side coote to the hele, and of manye [verse 24] colowrs, and puttiden into an olde sis|terne, that hadde no watyr. [verse 25] And sit|tynge for to eet breed, thei seen Ysmael|itis weiegoers to comen fro Galaad, and camels of hem berynge swete spyces, and swete gumme, and myrre, into Egipte. [verse 26] Thanne Judas seide to his britheren, What shal it profit vs if we sleen oure brother, and we hiden the blood of hym? [verse 27] It is betere that he be sold to Ismaelitis, and our hondes ben not defoulid; for|sothe the brother and oure flesh he is. The britheren assentiden to thes wordes; [verse 28] and the marchaundes Madyanytes goynge bisides, thei, drawynge hym oute of the sis|terne, solden hym to Ysmaelytis for thretti siluer pens; the whiche ladden hym into Egipte. [verse 29] And Ruben turned aȝen to the Page  160 [verse 30] sisterne, fonde not the child; and the clothis to-rent goynge to his bretheren, seith, The childe not aperith, and whider Y shal go? [verse 31] Forsothe thei token the coote of hym, and in the blood of a kyde that [verse 32] thei hadden slayn steyneden; the which sendynge shulden bere to fader*. [the fader E.], and seyn, This we han foundun, loke whether the coote of thi sone it be or noon. [verse 33] The which whanne the fader knowith*. [had knowen BDEH. knowen F.], seith, The coote of my sone it is, the*. [and E.] moost yuel wiylde beest hath etun hym, a beest hath deuowrid Joseph. [verse 34] And the clothis to-rent, was*. [and was D.] clothid with an heyr, weil|ynge his sone myche tyme. [verse 35] And alle his free children gedered to gideres, that thei myȝten swage the sorow of the fader, he nolde coumfortyng take, but seith, Y shal descende to my sone weilynge into helle. And hym stedfastli dwellynge in [verse 36] wepyng, Madenytis solden Joseph in E|gepte, to Putiphar, the geldyng of Pha|rao, the mayster of chyualrye*. [the chyual|rye E sec. m.].


[verse 1] Judas descendynge the same tyme fro his britheren, turnede to a man Odolla|myte, [verse 2] Hyram bi name; and he sawȝ there the dowȝter of a Chanany man, Sue bi name. And a wijf takun, ȝede into [verse 3] hir, the which conseyuede, and bare a childe, and clepide the name of hym Her. [verse 4] And eftsones conceyued the kynde, she nemnyde the born sone Onam. [verse 5] And the thridde child she bare, whom she clepide Sela, the which born, seeside to more bere childe. [verse 6] Judas forsothe ȝaue a wijf to his first getun Her, Thamar bi name. [verse 7] And Her, the first getun of Jude, was wickid in the siȝt of the Lord, and ther|for was slayn of hym. [verse 8] Thanne Judas seide to Onam, his sone, Go yn to the Page  161 wijf of thi brother, and be thow felaw|shipte to hir, that thow rere seed to thi brother. [verse 9] He wytynge sones to be born not to hym, goynge to the wijf of his brother, shede the seed into the erthe, lest fre children weren born in name of [verse 10] the brother; and therfor the Lord smote hym, therthurȝ that a cursid thing he dide. [verse 11] Wherfore Judas seide to Thamar, the wijf of his sone, Be thow a widwe in the hows of thi fader, to the tyme that Sela my sone growe; forsothe he dredde lest and he shulde dye as the britheren*. [brether BH. brother D.] of hym. The which ȝede, and dwelte in the hows of hir fader. [verse 12] And manye ȝerys ouergoon, diede Sue, the wijf of Jude, the which after weilyng coumfort takun, steiede vp to the sheepherdis*. [clypparis E.] of his sheep, he and Yras, the sheepherd of the flok, Odollamyte, in Tampnas. [verse 13] And it was told to Thamar, that hir housbonde fader steiede vp into Tampnas, to the sheep that shulden be clippid. [verse 14] The which, the clothis of widewhed don down, toke to a roket, and the abite chaungid, sat in the place of two weyes that ledeth to Tamp|nam; therthurȝ that Sela was growun, and she hadde not takun hym to hous|bonde. [verse 15] Whom whanne Judas hadde seen, he trowide hir to ben a*. [Om. A pr. m.] strumpet; she forsothe hadde couerede hir chere, lest she were knowun. [verse 16] And he yngoynge to hir, seith, Lat me, that Y goo togidere with thee; forsothe he wiste not that she was the wijf of his sone. The which an|swerynge, What shal thow ȝyue me, that [verse 17] thow vse me with liggyng? he seide, Y shal sende to thee a kidde fro the flockis. And eft she seiynge, I shal suffre that thow wolt, if thow ȝyue to me a wedde, to the tyme that thow sende that that thow bihotist. [verse 18] Judas seith, What to thee wolt thow be ȝouun for a wedde? She answeryde, Thi rynge, and thin arm|sercle, Page  162 and the staf that thow holdist in thin hoond. Thanne at oon togiders [verse 19] goynge the womman conceyuede, and arysynge, she ȝede a wey; and the abite doon doun that she toke, she is clothid with the clothis of widewhod. [verse 20] Judas forsothe sente a kidde bi his sheepherd Odollomyte, that he shulde take a*. [the BDEFH.] wedde that he ȝaue to the womman; the which [verse 21] whanne he hadde not foundun hir, askide the men of that place, Where is the wom|man that sat in the two weies? answer|ynge alle men, There was not in this place a strumpet. [verse 22] And he turnede aȝen to Juda, and seide to hym, I haue not foundun hir, but and the men of that place seiden to me, neuer there to haue sittun a*. [Om. A pr. m.] strumpet. [verse 23] Judas seith, Haue she to hir silf, certis of lesynge vndurnym vs she may not; I haue sente a kydde that Y bihiȝte, and thow hast not foundun hir. [verse 24] Loo! forsothe after thre monethis men tolden to Jude, seiynge, Thamar, thi sones*. [sone E.] wijf, hath doon fornycacioun, and the wombe of hir is seen to wexe ful greet. And Judas seide, Bryng hir forth, that she be brent. [verse 25] The which whanne she shulde be lad to the peyne, sent to her*. [his A.] housbond fader, seiynge, Of the man whos thes ben Y haue conseyued; know thow whos is the ryng, and the arm sercle, and the staf? [verse 26] The which, the ȝiftis knowun, seith, She is more riȝtwise than Y, for I haue not takun hir to Sela, my sone; and neuerthelater ouer that tyme he knewe hir not. [verse 27] Forsothe instondyng the beryng, gemels apereden in the wombe, and in that heeldyng out of the children, the toon putte forth an hoond, in the which the medewife bonde a reed threed, seiynge, [verse 28] This shal goon out rather. [verse 29] He forsothe drawynge aȝen the hoond, ȝede out the tother, and the womman seide, Whi is the wal for thee dyuydid? And for that cause she clepide the name of Page  163 hym Phares. [verse 30] Afterwarde ȝede out the brother of hym, in whos hoond was the reed threed, whom she clepyde Zaram.


[verse 1] Thanne Joseph was lad into Egepte, and bouȝt*. [brouȝte A.] hym Putiphar, the geldyng of Pharao, the prince of his oost Egipcien, fro the hondis*. [honde BDEH.] of Ismaelitis, of whiche*. [the which BDEFH.] he was brouȝt*. [bouȝt A.]. [verse 2] And the Lord was with him, and he was a man in alle thingis welsumly doynge. And he dwellide in [verse 3] the hows of his lord, the which alther|best knewe the Lord to be with hym, and alle thingis that he shulde doon, of hym to be greithid in the hoond of hym. [verse 4] And Joseph fonde grace bifore his lord, and mynystride to hym, of whom bifore putte to alle thingis, gouernede the hows takun to hym, and alle thingis that to hym weren bitauȝt. [verse 5] And the Lord blisside to the hows of the Egipcyen for Joseph, and multipliede, as wel in howsys as in feeldis, al the substaunce of hym; [verse 6] ne eny thing other knewe but the breed that he eete. And Joseph was fayr in face, and seemly in siȝt. [verse 7] And so after many dayes the ladi keste hir eyen in [verse 8] Joseph, and seith, Sleep with me; the which not assentynge to the shrewid dede, seide to hir, Loo! my lord alle thingis to me takun, vnknowith what he [verse 9] hath in his hows, ne eny thing is, that is not in my power, or hath not takun to me, saue thee, that art the wijf of hym; how thanne may Y that yuel don, and synne in my God? [verse 10] With siche maner wordis bi alle daies thei speken, and the womman was greuyd to the ȝonge man, and he*. [Om. H.] refuside the hordom. [verse 11] It felle forsothe a day, that Joseph shulde goo into the hows, and sumwhat of werk he shulde do with outen witnessis. [verse 12] And Page  164 she, the hemme takun of the clothing of hym, shulde seye, Slep with me; the which, forsakun the mantil in the honde of hir, fleiȝ, and ȝede oute. [verse 13] And whanne the womman hadde seen the cloth in hir [verse 14] hondes, and hir to be dispisid, clepide to hir men of hir hows, and seide to hem, Loo! he hath brouȝt yn an Ebrew man, that he shulde bigile vs; he was comun yn to me, that he shulde togidere goo with me, and whanne Y hadde vnder|cried, [verse 15] and he herde my voys, he forsoke the mantil that I heelde, and fleiȝ out. [verse 16] Thanne in argument of bileue, the holdun mantil she shewide to the housbonde turnynge aȝen hoom. [verse 17] And*. [Om. ABFH.] seith, To me is comun yn an Ebrew seruaunt, whom thow hidir brouȝtist, that he shulde bigijl [verse 18] me; and whanne he hadde seen me to crye, he forsoke the mantil that I heelde, and fleiȝ out. [verse 19] Thes thingis herd, and the lord to mych leueful to the wordis of [verse 20] the wijf, was ful wroth; and toke Jo|seph into prysoun, where the gyued men of the kyng weren kept, and he was there closid. [verse 21] The Lord forsothe was with Jo|seph, and hauynge rewthe of hym, ȝaue to hym grace in the siȝt of the prince of [verse 22] the prysoun, the which toke in the hond of him alle the gyued men*. [Om. BDEFH.] that weren holdun in kepyng, and what thing was [verse 23] doon was vndur hym, ne he knewe eny thing, alle thingis takun to hym; the Lord forsothe was with hym, and made redi alle the werkys of hym.


[verse 1] And so thes thingis doon, fel that two geldyngis synneden, the botler of the kyng of Egepte, and the baker, to her lord. [verse 2] And Pharao wroth aȝens hem, for the tother was bifore to botlers, and the [verse 3] tothir to bakers, putte hem into the pri|soun Page  165 of the prince of knyȝtis, in the which and Joseph was gyued. [verse 4] And the kepere of the prisoun tok hem to Joseph, the which and mynystryde to hem. A litil of tyme ȝede bitwixe, and thei in [verse 5] keping weren holdun, and both seen a sweuen oon nyȝt, aftir couenable vndoyng to hem. [verse 6] To whom whanne Joseph cam [verse 7] yn eerly, and sawȝ hem drery, askide hem, seiynge, Whi dreryer is ȝoure face to day than it was wonte? [verse 8] The which answeryden, A sweuen we han seen, and ther is not that wol vndo it vs. And Joseph seide to hem, Whether not of God is the vndoyng? Telle ȝe to me what ȝe han seen. [verse 9] And the prouest of botlers bifore tolde his sweuen; I sawȝ bifore [verse 10] me a vyne, in the which weren thre braunchis growun litil mele into clustris, and after floures the grapes to wexe rijp, [verse 11] and the chalice of Pharao in myn hoond; thanne I toke grapes, and wrong into the chalice that Y heelde, and toke drynke to Pharao. [verse 12] Joseph answeryde, This is the vndoyng of the sweuen; thre braunches [verse 13] thre ȝit dayes ben, after whiche Pharao shal record of thi seruyce, and shal re|store thee to*. [in to BDEFH.] the bifore had gree, and thow shalt ȝyue to hym a chalice, after thin office, as thow were wont to do bifore. [verse 14] As myche haue mynde of me, whanne it were wel with thee, and mercy thow shalt do with me, that thow make suggestioun to Pharao, that he lede me out of this [verse 15] prisoun; for theuelich Y am had a wey fro the loond of Hebrew, and here an ynnocent Y am sent into a laak. [verse 16] Seynge the mayster of bakers that he hadde vndo wiseli the sweuen, seith, And I sawȝ a sweuen, that I hadde three basketis of [verse 17] melow vpon myn heed, and yn the*. [that D.] o basket, that was heiȝer, Y trowide me to bere al maner metis that ben made with bakers craft, and bryddis to eet therof. Page  166 [verse 18] And Joseph*. [Josep A.] answeride, This is the vn|doyng of the sweuen; thre baskettis thre [verse 19] ȝit dayes ben, aftir whom Pharao shal take a wey thin heed, and shal honge thee in the crosse, and fowlis shulen teere thi fleish. [verse 20] And fro thens the thridde day was the birthe day of Pharao, the which makynge a greet feeste to his children, recordid amonge the meetis of the mays|ter of botlers, and of the prince of bakers; [verse 21] and restoryde the tother into his place, that he brynge forth drynke to the kyng, [verse 22] the tother he hongide in a gibite, that the sothnes of the remener were proued. [verse 23] And neuerthelater after fallynge welsum thingis, the prouest of botelers forȝete of his dreem reder.


[verse 1] After two ȝeer Pharao sawe a sweuen; [verse 2] he trowide him to stonde vpon a flood, of the which steyden vp seuene fayre oxen and ful fatte, and thei weren fed in [verse 3] mershi places; and other seuene out comen of the flood, fowle and al ouer|comen with leenesse, and thei weren fedde in the*. [that BDEFH.] brenke of the flood, in moost [verse 4] plenteuows grene places; and thei de|uouriden hem of whom was merueilows fayrnes and proporcioun of bodies. Pha|rao [verse 5] wakned*. [wakynde BDEH.], slepte eftsones, and sawȝ another sweuen; seuene eerys buriounde [verse 6] in o stalk and ful fayr, and other as feel eerys, thinne and smytun with meldew, [verse 7] weren growun, deuowrynge al the fayrnes of the first. Pharao, a wakynge after reste, [verse 8] and the morwetide bigunne, feerd for drede, sente to alle the reders of Egepte, and to all the wise men, and hem clepid to, tolde the sweuen, and there was not that vndide it. [verse 9] Thanne at the last the Page  167 maister of botlers remembrynge, seith, I [verse 10] knowleche my synne; the king wroth to his seruauntis, me and the mayster of bakers comaundid to be put in*. [in to E.] prisoun [verse 11] of the prince of knyȝtis, where either o nyȝt seen a sweuen, bifore shewynge of thingis that ben to comun. [verse 12] There was `a seruant, Hebrew childe*. [ane Hebrew chylde, seruaunt BDFH.], of the same duke of knyȝtis, to whom tellynge the sweuenes, [verse 13] we herden alle thingis*. [thing BEH.] that afterward the oute comyng of the thing proued; for|sothe Y am ȝoldun aȝen to myn office, and he was hongid in the crosse. [verse 14] Anoon thei doddiden*. [diden AF. dedden D. clyp|piden E pr. m. doddidyn sec. m.] Joseph lad out of the pri|soun, at the maundement of the kyng, and with chaungid clothing offreden to hym. [verse 15] To whom he seith, I sawȝ sweuens, ne there is that opnith, the which I haue herd the moost wiseli to caste. [verse 16] Joseph answerde, God with outen me shal an|swere welsum thingis to Pharao. [verse 17] Thanne Pharao tolde that he sawȝ; I wende me to stonde vpon the brynk of the flood, [verse 18] and seuen oxen fro the flood togideres steyden vp, ful greetli fayr and thurȝ oute with fatt fleish, the whiche in the pasture of mershe*. [the mershe BEFH.] the grene leswis cheseden; [verse 19] and loo! thes folweden other seuen oxen, in as myche defourme and leene, that neuer siche in the loond of Egipte Y [verse 20] sawȝ; the whiche the rather deuowrid [verse 21] and wastid, no merke of fulfedyng ȝouun, but with the same leenesse and foulnes thei dwelten. A wakynge, eftsones born [verse 22] doun with sleepe, I sawȝ a sweuen; se|uene eeris buriounde in o stalk, ful and [verse 23] moost fayr, and other seuen, thinne and smytun with a brennynge blaste, growiden [verse 24] of the stalk, the whiche deuowreden the fayrnes of the rather. [verse 25] I haue tolde to the reders the sweuen, and no man is that out openith. Joseph answeride, The Page  168 sweuen of the kyng is oon; the thingis that God is to do he shewede to Pharao. [verse 26] Seuen oxen fayr, and seuen eerys fulle, seuen ȝeris of plentith ben, and the same [verse 27] strengthe of sweuen holdun; and the seuen oxen thinne and leene, the whiche steyden after hem, and seuen eeris thinne and smytun with a brennynge wynde, seuen ȝeris ben of hungur to comen, the [verse 28] whiche bi this ordre shulen be fulfillid. [verse 29] Loo! seuen ȝeres*. [ȝeere BDEFH.] shulen come of greet [verse 30] plente*. [plentith BDEFH.] in al the loond of Egipte, whom shulen folwe othere seuen ȝeer of as greet bareynes, that to forgetyng be takun al the bihynd plentethnes*. [plentenes E.]; forsothe to [verse 31] waste is hungur al the erthe, and the greetnes of myseys*. [mysesis D.] is to spille the greet|nes of plentithe. [verse 32] That forsothe thow hast seyn secoundli a sweuen perteynyng to the same thing, shewyng is of fast|nesse*. [fatnes A.], therthurȝ that the worde of God be doon, and swiftloker be fulfild. [verse 33] Now thanne puruey the kyng a wise man and a*. [Om. E.] redi, and bifore maak hym to the loond [verse 34] of Egipte, the which ordeyn prouestis*. [pro|uest A.] thoruȝ out alle regiouns, and the fifte part of fruytis thurȝ out the seuen ȝeer of [verse 35] plenteth, that now ben to comen, now ge|der he in to the beernes; and al the wheet be leide vndur the power of Pharao, and [verse 36] be kepte in the cytee*. [cytees BDEH.], and be bifore made redi to the hungur to come of the seuen ȝeer, the which is to oppresse Egipte, and the loond be not consumed with myschef. [verse 37] The counseil pleside to Pharao, and to [verse 38] alle the mynystris of hym, and he spake to hem, We mowen not fynde such a man the which be ful of the spiryt of God. [verse 39] Thanne he seide to Joseph, For God hath shewed to thee alle thingis that thow hast spokun, whether a wiser or a*. [Om. B.] liyk to thee fynde Y may? [verse 40] Thow shalt be vpon myn hows, and at the maundement of thi Page  169 mouth al the puple shal obeishe; in o thing oonli in dignyte of the rewme thee Y shal go bifore. [verse 41] And eft Pharao seide to Joseph, Loo! Y haue ordeynyde thee vpon al the loond of Egipte. [verse 42] And he took a ryng of his hoond, and ȝaue hym in his hoond, and he clothide hym a stool of biys, and putte aboute his necke a goldun [verse 43] beeȝe, and made him steyȝ vpon his se|cound chaar, criynge a bedel, that alle men shulden bifore hym knele, and thei shulden wite hym to be prouest to al the loond of Egipte. [verse 44] And the kyng seide to Joseph, I am Pharao, with outen thi maundement shal not eny man meue hoond or foot in the loond of Egipte. [verse 45] And he turnede the name of hym, and he clepide hym in Egipcian tunge, the saueor of the world; and he ȝaue to hym a wijf, Asenech, the dowȝter of Putifar, preest of Helyopoleos. And so Joseph, goon oute to the loond of [verse 46] Egipte, forsothe was of thritti wynter whanne he stode in the siȝt of kyng Pha|rao, and he ȝede aboute alle the regiouns of Egipte. [verse 47] And plentithnes cam of the seuen ȝeer, and the cornes maad into handfullis ben gederyd into beernes*. [the beernes BDEFH.] of [verse 48] Egipte, and al the plentith of fruytis in [verse 49] alle the citees was leide to kepe, and the plentithe of wheet was so myche, that to the grauel of the see it was mesurid euen, and the plentith passide mesure. [verse 50] To Jo|seph forsothe weren borne two sones bifore that the hunger cam, whom to him bare Asenech, the dowȝter of Putifar, preest of Helyopoleos. [verse 51] And he clepide the name of the first gotun Manasses, seiynge, God hath maad me to forȝete alle my trauayls, [verse 52] and the hows of my fader; and the name of the secounde he clepide Effraym, sei|ynge, God hath maad me growe in the loond of my pornes. [verse 53] Thanne ouerpassed seuen ȝeer of plentithe that weren in E|gipte, [verse 54] Page  170 bigunne to come to*. [Om. DEH.] the*. [Om. B.] seuen ȝeer of meseys*. [meseses D.], whom Joseph seyde byfore, and in al the world hungur wex greet; also in al the loond of Egipte was hun|gur; [verse 55] the which hungring, the peple cryede to Pharao, askynge lyuelod, to whom he answeride, Goth to Joseph, and what euere he shal seye to ȝow, doth. [verse 56] For|sothe ech day hungur encreside in al the loond, and Joseph openyde alle the beernes, and solde to Egipcyens, for and [verse 57] hem oppresside hungur; and alle the*. [Om. E.] prouynces camen into Egipte, that thei myȝten bigge meetis and the yuel of myseis swagen.


[verse 1] Jacob forsothe herynge that lyuelodes weren solde in Egipte, seide to his sones, Whi ben ȝe necgligent? [verse 2] I haue herd that wheet is solde in Egipte, descende ȝe, and biggith to vs nedeful thingis, that we mowen lyue, and we ben not consumed with myseys*. [mesesis D.]. [verse 3] Thanne descendynge the ten britheren of Joseph that thei myȝten [verse 4] bigge whete in Egipte, Beniamyn with|holdun at home of Jacob, the which seide to the britheren of hym, Lest perauenture in the weye eny thing he suffre*. [suffrid A pr. m.] of yuel. [verse 5] Thei ben goon into the loond of Egipte, with othere that ȝeden to bigge; forsothe there was hungur in the loond of Cha|naan. [verse 6] And Joseph was prince of Egipte, and at his bikenyng whete cornes weren solde to the peplis. And whanne his bri|theren [verse 7] hadden lowtid him, and he knewe hem, as to aliens harder he spak, askynge hem, Whens cam ȝe? The which an|sweryden, Fro the loond of Chanaan, that we biggen nedeful thingis to oure lyue|lod. [verse 8] And neuerthelater he the britheren [verse 9] knowinge is not knowun of hem, and re|cordid Page  171 of the sweuen*. [sweuenes BDEFH.] that sumtyme he sawȝ, seith to hem, A spies ȝe ben, ȝe ben comen that ȝe myȝten se the febler thingis of the loond. [verse 10] The whiche seiden, It is not so, lord, but thi seruauntis comen, [verse 11] that thei myȝten bie meetis; alle the sones of o man we ben, pesibli we comen*. [ben comen BDEFH.], ne thi seruauntis eny thing casten of yuel. [verse 12] To whom he answeryde, Other weies yt is, the vnwardid thingis of this loond ȝe ben comen to biholde. [verse 13] And thei seiden, Twelue britheren, thei seyn, thi seruauntis we ben, the sones of o man in the loond of Chanaan; the leest is with oure fader, the tother is not aboue. [verse 14] That is, he seith, that I speke, a spies ȝe ben, [verse 15] for now experyment of ȝow I shal taak, bi the helthe of Pharao ȝe shulen not goon hens, to the tyme that ȝoure leest [verse 16] brother come; sendith of ȝou oon, and bringe he him, ȝe forsothe shulen ben in boondis, to the tyme that the thingis that ȝe han seide ben proued, whether fals or soth thei ben; ellis bi the helth of Pha|rao aspies ȝe ben. [verse 17] Thanne he took hem [verse 18] to warde thre daies; the thridde for|sothe dai ledynge out of prisoun, seith, Do ȝe that I seide, and ȝe shulen lyue, [verse 19] God forsoth Y drede; if ȝe be pesible, ȝoure o brother be boundun in prisoun; ȝe forsothe goth, and berith the whete [verse 20] that ȝe han bouȝt into ȝoure howsis, and ȝoure leest brother bryngith to me, that Y may proue ȝoure wordis, and ȝe not die. [verse 21] And thei diden as he seide, and thei speken to gideres, Thurȝ desert thes thingis we suffren, for we han synned in oure brother, seynge the angwishe of the soule of hym, while he preyde vs, and we herden not, therfore cometh vpon vs this tribulacioun. [verse 22] Of the whiche oon, Ru|ben, seith, Whether Y seide not to ȝow, Nyle ȝe synne in the childe, and ȝe herden Page  172 not me? loo! the blood of hym is out souȝt. [verse 23] Thei wisten not forsothe that Jo|seph shulde vndurstonde, therthurȝ that bi a mene persone vndoynge both the lan|gagis he spak to hem. [verse 24] And he turnyde hym silf a wey a litil, and he wepte, and [verse 25] turned aȝen he spak to hem; and takynge Symeon, and byndynge hym, hem pre|sent, and comaundide to the mynystris, that thei shulden fille the sackis of hem with whete, and leggen aȝen the money of eche in her sackis, ȝeuun ouer meetis in the weie; the whiche diden so. [verse 26] And thei berynge*. [bryngen A.] the whete in her assis ȝeden [verse 27] forth, and the sak of oon openyd, that he myȝte ȝyue to his beest meete in an inturnyng place to reste, biholdun the [verse 28] money in the mouth of the sak, seide to his britheren, To me is ȝoldun my money, loo! it is had in the sak; and thei sto|nyed al aboute and sturbed, seiden to|gideres, What forsothe is this that God hath doon to vs? [verse 29] And thei comen to Ja|cob, her fader, in the loond of Chanaan, and tolden to hym alle thingis that was [verse 30] fallun to hem, seiynge, The lord of the loond hard spake to vs, and he wenyde [verse 31] vs to be spies of the prouynce; to whom we answerden, We ben pesible, ne we ben [verse 32] not aboute eny spies; twelue britheren of o fadur getun we ben, the oon*. [tone BDEFH.] is not aboue, the leest with the fadur dwellith in the loond of Chanaan. [verse 33] The which seith to vs, So I shal proue that ȝe ben pesible; ȝoure o brother leeue ȝe*. [Om. E.] anentis*. [anens BDEFH.] me, and meetis to ȝoure housis nedeful [verse 34] take ȝe, and goth, and ȝoure leest brother ledith to me, that Y knowe that ȝe ben not aspyes, and this that is holdun in boondis ȝe mowen reseyue, and theraftir of biggyng that ȝe wolen*. [wylne BDEFH.] ȝe han leue. [verse 35] Thes thingis seid, whanne eche heelden out whete, thei founden in the mouth of the sackis boundun moneys. And alle Page  173 [verse 36] togideres afeerd, the fader Jacob seide, With outen free children ȝe han maad me to be; Joseph is not aboue, Symeon is holdun in bondes, Beniamyn ȝe shulen take a wey fro me; alle thes yuels in me han bacwarde fallun. [verse 37] To whom an|swerde Ruben, My two sones sle thou*. [ȝe E.], if Y brynge hym not aȝen to thee; taak hym in myn hoond, and Y hym to thee shal ȝelde aȝen. [verse 38] And he, My sone, he seith, shal not descende with ȝow; the brother of hym is deed, and he alone abidith*. [abyt BDEFH.]; if ony thing to hym of aduer|site falle in the loond to the which ȝe shulen goon, ȝe shulen lede doun myn hoore heeris with sorwe to helle.


[verse 1] The meene tyme hungur al the loond [verse 2] greetly bare doun; and, the meetis brouȝt to ende, that fro Egipte thei hadden brouȝt, Jacob seide to his sones, Turne ȝe aȝen, and bigge ȝe to vs a litil of meetis. [verse 3] Judas answerde, Thilke man denounside to vs vndur witnessyng of othe, seiynge, Ȝe shulen not se my face, but ȝoure leest bro|ther [verse 4] ȝe bryngen with ȝow; if thanne thow wolt sende hym with vs, we shulen goon togidere, and to thee we shulen bye nede|ful [verse 5] thingis; if forsothe thou wolt not, we wolen not goon; the man forsothe, as we han ofte seide, denounside to vs, seiynge, Ȝe shulen not se my face with outen ȝoure leest brother. [verse 6] And Israel seide, This ȝe han doon in to*. [in A.] my wrecchidnes, that ȝe wolden shewe to hym and another ȝow to han a brother. [verse 7] And thei answerden, The man askide vs bi ordre oure progenye, if the fader lyued, if we hadden a brother; and we answerden to hym sewyngly, aftir that that he askide; whether we myȝten wite that he was to seyn, Bryngith with ȝow ȝoure brother? [verse 8] And Judas seide to his fader, Send the child with me, that we goon forth, and we mowen lyue, [verse 9] lest dien we and oure children; I take Page  174 the child, of myn hoond aȝen aske hym; but if I come*. [brynge BDFH.] aȝen and take hym to thee, Y shal be gilti of synne in thee al tyme; [verse 10] if tariyng hadde not falle bitwix, now eftsones we hadden comen. [verse 11] Thanne Yrael, the fader of hem, seide to hem, If so it is nede, doth what ȝe wolen; take ȝe of the beste fruytis of the loond in ȝoure vessils, and berith ȝiftis to the man, a litil of precious licoure of swete gumme, and of hony, and of licoure*. [the lycour BDEFH.] of the tree of storax, and of stactes, the licoure of myrre tree, [verse 12] and of therebynt, and of almaundis; and dowble money bere ȝe with ȝow, and that that ȝe han foundun in the sackis bere ȝe aȝen, lest perauenture thurȝ errour it be [verse 13] doon; but and ȝoure brother takith, and [verse 14] goth to the man; and my God Almyȝti make hym plesable to ȝow, and send he aȝen with ȝow ȝoure brother, that he holdith in boondis, and this Beniamyn; Y forsothe as priued with outen free chil|dren shal be. [verse 15] Thanne the men token ȝiftis, and dowble money, and Beniamyn, and descendiden into Egipte, and stoden*. [stonden D.] bifore Joseph. [verse 16] Whom whanne he hadde seen, and Beniamyn togidere, he co|maundide to the dispensatowr of his hows, seiynge, Lede yn the men hoom, and slee the beestis of sacrifice, and ordeyne a feeste; for with me thei ben to etun to day. [verse 17] And he dide as it was comaundid, [verse 18] and brouȝte in the men hoom; and there thei agast seiden to gideres, For the money that we brouȝten bifore in oure sackis we ben lad yn, that chalengyng he turne in vs, and violently sugette to thraldom and vs and our assis. [verse 19] Wherfore in thilke ȝatis goynge to, speken to the dispensa|tour, [verse 20] Syre, we preyen thee, that thow here vs; now bifore we descenden*. [descendeden BDEFH.] that [verse 21] we biggen meetis; the whiche bouȝt, whanne we comen to the place of turn|yng Page  175 into reste, we opnyden oure sackis, and we fonden money in the mouth of the*. [Om. BDEF sec. m. H.] sackis, that now in the same peyse [verse 22] we han brouȝt aȝen; but and other money we han brouȝt, that we biggen thilke thingis, that ben necessarye to vs; it ys not in oure conscience, who it putte in oure bagges. [verse 23] And he answerde, Pees with ȝow, wole ȝe not drede; ȝoure God and the God of ȝoure fader hath ȝyue to ȝow tresours in ȝoure sackis; for the money that ȝe ȝyuen to me, I haue it aproued*. [proued A pr. m.]. And he ladde out to hem Sy|meon; [verse 24] and thei in lad hoom, brouȝt wa|tir, and thei weschen her feet, and he ȝaue fodder to the asses of hem. [verse 25] Thei forsothe greithiden ȝiftis to the tyme that Joseph shulde come yn at mydday, thei hadden herde forsothe, that there thei weren to etun breed. [verse 26] Thanne Joseph cam into his hows, and thei holdynge ȝiftis in her hondis, offerden to hym, and lowtiden bowid into the erthe. [verse 27] And he goodly hem aȝen salutid, askide hem, sei|ynge, Whether ȝoure oold fader is saaf, of whom ȝe spaken to me? ȝit lyueth he? [verse 28] The whiche answerden, He ys al hool, thi seruaunt oure fader ȝit lyueth; and thei bowid lowtiden hym. [verse 29] And Joseph heuynge vp the eyen, sawȝ Beniamyn, his brother of o wombe, and seith, This is ȝoure litil brother, of whom ȝe speken to me? And eft, God, he seith, haue mercy of thee, sone myne. [verse 30] And he hiȝede into the hows, for the entrayls of hym weren moued vpon his brother, and teeris bristen oute, and he, goynge in to the bed place, wepte. [verse 31] And eft his face waishun, goon oute, stillide hym self, and seith, Settith looues. [verse 32] The whiche sett forth, Joseph bi hym self, and the bri|theren bi hem seluen, and the Egipciens togideres*. [that to githers BDEFH.] eetun bi hem seluen; forsothe it is vnleueful to Egipciens to etun with Page  176 Ebrews, and a fowle thing thei wenen sich a manere feeste. [verse 33] Thei setten bifore hym the first geten, aftir the riȝtis*. [ȝiftis H.] of his first getyng, and the leeste aftir his [verse 34] age; and thei wondreden mych, the par|tise takun that thei token of hym, and the more party cam to Beniamin, so that bi fyue partis he passide; and thei drunken, and ben fulfillid with hym.


[verse 1] Joseph forsothe comaundide to the dis|pensatour of his hows, seiynge, Fille the sackis of hem with whete, as myche as thei mowen take, and ley the money of [verse 2] eche in the cop of her sak; my silueren forsothe coppe, and the prise of whete that he ȝaf, putte in the mouth of the sak of the ȝonger; and it is do so. [verse 3] And the morwetyde sprongun, thei ben lete go with her assis. [verse 4] And now the cyte thei ȝeden oute, and forth ȝeden a litil; also Joseph, the dispensatour of his hous clepid, seith, A ryse, he seith, pursue the men, and hem takun sey thow, Whi han ȝe ȝoldun yuel for good? [verse 5] The coppe that ȝe han stoln, it is in the which my lord drynkith, and in the which he is wonte to dyuyne; the moost yuel thing ȝe han do. [verse 6] He dide as he comaundide, and, hem takun, bi ordre spak. [verse 7] The whiche an|swerden, Whi thus spekith oure lord, that thi seruauntis so meche of wickidnes shulden han doon? [verse 8] The money that we founden in the cop of the sackis we han brouȝt aȝen to thee fro the loond of Cha|naan, and what maner is it folwynge that we shulden haue stolne fro the hows of thi lord gold or siluer? [verse 9] Anentys whom euere of thi seruauntis it were foundun that thou sekist, be he deed, and we the seruauntis shulen be of oure lord. [verse 10] The which seide to hem, Be it doon after ȝoure sentens; anentis whom it be foundun, be he my seruaunt; ȝe forsothe shulen Page  177 be giltles. [verse 11] And so blyue doynge down into the erthe the sackis, eche opnyde; [verse 12] the which aserchinge, bigynnynge fro the more vnto the leeste, fonde the coppe in the sak of Beniamyn. [verse 13] And thei the clothis to-rent, and eft chargid the assis, ben turned aȝen into the wallid town. [verse 14] And Juda the firste with the bretheren wente in to Joseph; ne forsothe ȝit fro the place he hadde goon; and alle to the erthe togidere fallen. [verse 15] To whom he seith, Whi thus wolden ȝe doon? whethir ȝe vnknowen, that there is noon lijk me in kunnynge of dyuynynge? [verse 16] To whom Juda, What, he seith, shulen we answere to my lord, or what shulen we spek, or riȝt|wisly we mowen aȝen stryue? God hath foundun the wickidnes of thi seruauntis; loo! alle seruauntis we ben of my lord, and we and anentis whom the cuppe is foundun. [verse 17] Joseph answerde, Fer be it fro me, that Y thus do; he that hath stolne the cuppe be my seruaunt; ȝe forsothe goth awey free to ȝoure fader. [verse 18] For|sothe Judas comynge ner, seith tristily, My lord, Y preye, thi seruaunt spek a word in thin eeris, and ne wrath thow to thi seruaunt; thow art forsothe after Pharao, my lord. [verse 19] Thow askidist bifore thi seruauntis, Haue ȝe a fader or bro|ther? [verse 20] And we answerden to thee, my lord, There is to vs a fader oold, and a litil child, the which in eeld of hym is born, whos brother of o wombe is deed, and him oonli hath his moder; the fader forsothe tenderli loueth him. [verse 21] And thow seidist to thi seruauntis, Bryngith hym to me, and Y shal putte myn eyen vpon hym. [verse 22] We meueden to thee, my lord, the child may not leeue his fader; if forsothe he leeue hym, he shal dye. [verse 23] And thow seidist to thi seruauntis, But ȝoure leeste brother come to vs*. [with ȝou D sup. ras.], ȝe shulen no more Page  178 se my face. [verse 24] Thanne whanne we hadden steyed vp to oure fader, thi seruaunt, we tolden hym alle thingis that my lord [verse 25] spak; and oure fader seyde, Goth aȝen, [verse 26] and biggith*. [bygge E.] vs a litil of whete; to whom we seiden, We mowen not goon; if oure leeste brother shul descende with vs, we shulen go togideres; ellis, hym absent, we dorun not se the face of the lord. [verse 27] And he answerde, Ȝe witen that two children [verse 28] gat to me my wijf; the oon*. [toone BDEFH.] is goon oute, and ȝe seiden, a beest hath deuowryd hym, and ȝit hidir to he aperyde not; [verse 29] and if I take this, and eny thing to hym shal falle in the weye, ȝe shulen doun lede myn hoore heeris with mournyng to helle. [verse 30] Thanne if I shal goo to thi ser|uaunt, oure fader, and the child were thens, sith the lijf of hym hongith of the [verse 31] lijf of this, and se hym not be with vs, he shal dye, and thi seruauntis shulen down lede the hoore heeris of hym with sorwe to*. [into A sec. m. D.] helle. [verse 32] Be I propirli thi ser|uaunt, the which haue resseyued this into my feith, and haue bihoote, seiynge, But I brynge aȝen hym, Y shal be gilti of [verse 33] synne in my fader al tyme; and so Y shall dwelle thi seruaunt for the child in to the seruyce of my lord, and the child [verse 34] ascend with his britheren; forsoth Y may not turne aȝen to my fader, the child ab|sent, lest a witnes I stonde to of myschef, that is to oppresse my fader.


[verse 1] Joseph myȝte no ferthere with holde hym self, many biforn stondynge nyȝ; wherfor he comaundide that alle men shulden goon out, and noon alien were amonge to the knowyng togideres. [verse 2] And he arerid a voys with wepyng, that Egip|cyens herden, and al the hows of Pharao. [verse 3] And he seide to his bretheren, I am Jo|seph; ȝit my fader lyueth? The britheren myȝten not answere, for ful myche drede Page  179 afeerd. [verse 4] To whom he goodliche, Come*. [commith BDE sec. m. FH.] ner, he seide, to me. And whanne thei weren comun nyȝ, Y am, he seith, Joseph ȝoure brother, whom ȝe solden in to E|gipte; [verse 5] wole ȝe not drede, ne seme it to ȝow to be harde, that ȝe han soold me in thes regiouns; forsothe for ȝoure helthe God hath sent me bifore ȝow into Egipte. [verse 6] Two ȝeer it ys that hungur began to be in the loond, ȝit fyue ȝeers leeuen, in the whiche it may not be eerid, ne ropun; [verse 7] and God hath bifore sent me, that ȝe ben kepte vpon erthe, and meetis to lyue han ȝe mowen. [verse 8] Not thurȝ ȝoure counseil, but thurȝ the wil of God Y am sent hydir, the which hath maad me as the fader of Pharao, and lord of al the hows of hym, and prince in al the loond of Egipte. [verse 9] Hye ȝe, and stye ȝe vp to my fader, and ȝe shulen seye to hym, This biddith thi sone Joseph; God me hath maad lord of al the loond of Egipte; descende to me, [verse 10] ne abide thow, and dwel in the loond of Gessen; and thow shalt be biside me, thow, and thi sones, and the sones of thi sones, thi sheep, and thi droues, and al [verse 11] that thou hast, and there Y shal fede thee; ȝit forsothe fyue ȝeer ben leeued of hungur, lest and thow perishe, and thin hows, and al that thow hast. [verse 12] Loo! ȝoure eyen, and the eyen of my brother Benia|myn seen, that my mouth spekith to ȝow; [verse 13] tellith to my fader al my glorie, and alle thingis that ȝe han seen in Egipte; hye ȝe, and bryng ȝe hym to me. [verse 14] And whanne cleppid hadde thrist to hym the necke of Beniamyn, his brother, he wepte, and hym wepynge also vpon the necke of hym. [verse 15] And Joseph kisside alle his bri|theren, and wepte vpon echone; aftir that thei weren hardi to speke to him. [verse 16] And it is herd, and with solempne word pup|plishid in the halle of the kyng, The bre|theren of Joseph ben comun. And Pha|rao Page  180 ioyede, and al the meyne of hym; [verse 17] and he seide to Joseph, that he shulde comaunde to his britheren, seiynge, Chargynge the beestis goth into the [verse 18] loond of Chanaan, and takith fro thens ȝoure fader, and kynrede, and cometh to me, and I shal ȝyue to ȝow al the goodis of Egipte, that ȝe eeten the mary of the loond. [verse 19] Comaunde also, that thei taken the waynes of Egipte to the kariyng of her children, and wiues, and sey thow, Takith*. [take E.] ȝoure fader, and anoon as ȝe [verse 20] mowen comynge makith redi, ne leue ȝe not eny thing of eny purtenaunce to ȝoure howshold, for al the ryches of Egipte shulen be ȝouren. [verse 21] The children of Yrael diden, as it was bodun to hem; to whom Joseph ȝaf waynes, after the heeste of [verse 22] Pharao, and metis in the weye; and to echone he comaundide to be brouȝt forth two stolys; forsothe to Beniamyn he ȝaf thre hundryd silueren*. [siluer BDEFH.] pens, with fyue [verse 23] the best stolis; as feele of money and of clothing seendynge to his fader, addynge to hem ten hee assis, that shulden karye of alle the ricchessis of Egipte, and as feele she assis, whete in the weye, and breed berynge. [verse 24] Thanne he lafte his bri|theren, and to hem forth goynge seith, Ne wraththe ȝe in the weye. [verse 25] The whiche steyynge vp fro Egipte camen into the loond of Chanaan, to her fader Jacob; [verse 26] and tolden to hym, seiynge, Joseph, thi sone, lyueth, and he is lord in al the loond of Egipte. The which herde, Ja|cob as of a greet sleep awakynge; neuer|thelater he trowide not hem. [verse 27] Thei aȝen|ward tolden al the ordre of the thing; and whanne he hadde seyn the caryagis, and al that he hadde sent, aȝen quyckenyd [verse 28] the spiryt of hym, and seith, It sufficith to me, if ȝit Joseph my sone lyue, I shal go and shal se hym or Y dye.Page  181


[verse 1] And Yrael forth goon with al that he hadde, cam to the pit of ooth; and slawn there the beestis of sacryfice to the God [verse 2] of his fader Ysaac, herde hym bi a vy|sioun the nyȝt clepynge hym, and sei|ynge to hym, Jacob! Jacob! To whom answerde, Loo! I am nyȝ. [verse 3] God seith to hym, Y am the moost strong God of thi fader; nyl thou not drede, descend into Egipte, for into a greet folk of kynde Y [verse 4] shal make thee there; I shal descende with thee thidir, and Y shal thens lede thee comynge aȝen, and Joseph shal leye his honden vpon thin eyen. [verse 5] Jacob aroos fro the pit of ooth, and his sones token hym, with the children, and his wyues, in the waynes that Pharao sente to bere [verse 6] the*. [in the A sec. m.] oold man, and al that he hadde in the loond of Chanaan; and he cam into [verse 7] Egipte with al his seed, and*. [Om. BDE.] the sones of hym, and cosyns, dowȝteres*. [douȝtren BDEFH.], and al the progenye togideres. [verse 8] Thes ben forsothe the names of the sones of Yrael, the whiche ben goon into Egipte; he with his free children. The firste getun Ruben; [verse 9] the sones of Ruben, Enoch, and Phallu, and Esrom, and Carmy. [verse 10] The sones of Symyon, Jemuhel, and Jamyn, and Ȝa|hoth, and Jachyn, and Sab, and Saber, and Saul, the sone of Chanynytidis. [verse 11] The sones of Leuy, Gerson, Caath, and Me|rary*. [Methary AF.]. [verse 12] The sones of Juda, Her, and Onam, and Sela, and Phares, and Zara. Deed forsothe ben Her and Onam in the loond of Chanaan; and born ben the sones of Phares, Esrom, and Amul. [verse 13] The sones of Ysachar, Thola, and Phua, and Jobab, and Semron. [verse 14] The sones of Zabulon, Sa|red, and Thelom, and Jahelel. [verse 15] Thes the sones of Lye, that she gat in Mesopotanye of Syrie, with Dyna hir dowȝter; alle the soulis of the sones of hir and of douȝ|tres*. [douȝtre BFH. douȝtren E.], three and thretti. [verse 16] The sones of Gad, Sephyon, and Aggy, Suny, and Hesebon, Hery, and Arodi, and Arely. [verse 17] The sones Page  182 of Asar, Jamne, and Jesua, and Jesuy, and Berya; and Sara, the douȝter of hem. The sones of Berya, Heber, and Melchiel. [verse 18] Thes the sones of Zelphe, whom Laban ȝaf to Lye, his douȝter, and thes gat Ja|cob, sixtene soules. [verse 19] The sones of Rachel, wijf of Jacob, Joseph, and Beniamyn. [verse 20] And born ben the sones of Joseph in the loond of Egipte, the which gat to hym Asenech, the douȝter of Putyphar, of the preest of Heliopoleos, Manasses, and Ef|fraym. [verse 21] The sones of Beniamyn, Bela, and Becor, and Asbelgora, and Naaman, and Jethi, and Resemophym, and Ophyn, and Ared. [verse 22] Thes the sones of Rachel, the whiche gat Jacob; alle the soules four|tene. [verse 23] The sones of Dan, Vsym. [verse 24] The sones of Neptalym, Jasyel, and Gumy, and Jeser, and Salem. [verse 25] Thes the sones of Bale, whom ȝaf Laban to Rachel, his douȝter. [verse 26] Thes gat Jacob, alle the soules seuen. And alle the soules that ben goon with Jacob into Egipte, and goon out of the leende of hym, with oute wyues of his children, sexti and sexe. [verse 27] The sones forsothe of Joseph, that ben born to hym in the loond of Egipte, soules two. Alle the soules of the hows of Jacob, that ben goon into Egipte, weren seuenty. [verse 28] Jacob forsothe sente Juda before hym to Jo|seph, that he shulde telle to hym, and he shulde aȝen come into Gessen. [verse 29] Whider whanne he was comun, Joseph, ioyned his chare, steiede vp to mete with his fader at the same place. And seynge hym, felle vpon the nek of hym, and bitwix the clippyngis wepte. [verse 30] And the fader seide to Joseph, Now glad Y shal dye, for I haue seen thi face, and at thin aboue thee Y leeue. [verse 31] And he spak to his bretheren; and to al the hows of his fader, Y shal steye*. [stey up BDEFH.], and telle to Pharao, and Y shal seie to hym, My bretheren, and the hows Page  183 of my fader, the whyche weren in the [verse 32] loond of Chanaan, ben comen to me, and ben men kepers of sheep, and han bisynes of flockys to ben fedde; her beestis, and her droues, and al that thei mowen haue, thei brouȝten with hem. [verse 33] And whanne he shal clepen ȝou, and seie, What is ȝoure werke? [verse 34] ȝe shulen answere, Men sheep|herdes we ben, thi seruauntis, fro oure childhod vnto the tyme that is now, and we and oure faders. Thes thingis for|sothe ȝe shulen seye, that ȝe mowen dwelle in the loond of Gessen, for alle Egipcyens haten alle sheepherdes of sheep.


[verse 1] Joseph thanne goon yn tolde to Pha|rao, seiynge, My fader and bretheren, the sheep of hem, and droues, and alle the thingis that thei han, ben comen fro the loond of Chanaan; and loo! thei ben in the loond of Gessen. [verse 2] And fyue men, the last of his bretheren, he sette bifore the [verse 3] kyng, whom he askide, What han ȝe of werke? Thei*. [the A.] answerden, Sheepherdes of sheep we ben, thi seruauntis, and we and [verse 4] our fadres; to pilgrimage into thi loond we ben comen, for there is noon eerbe to the flockis of thi seruauntis; hungur*. [hurgur A.] meche wexynge greuows in the loond of Chanaan, and we axen that thow co|maunde vs to be thi seruauntis in the loond of Gessen. [verse 5] And so the kyng seide to Joseph, Thi fader and thi bretheren [verse 6] ben comen to thee; the loond of Egipte is in thi siȝt, in the beste place make hem to dwelle, and tak to hem the loond of Gessen; and if thow hast knowe to be redi men in hem, ordeyne hem maystrys of my beestis. [verse 7] After thes thingis Joseph ladde yn his fader to the kyng, and sette hym beforn hym, the which blessynge to [verse 8] hym, and askyde of hym, How feele ben the dayes of the ȝeris of thi lijf? [verse 9] He answerde, The dayes of the pilgrimage*. [Om. BDEFH.] Page  184 of my lijf ben of an hundrid and thretti ȝeer, litil and yuel, and thei comen not vnto the dayes of my fadris, in the whiche thei han pilgrimagid. [verse 10] And the kyng blissid, he ȝede oute. [verse 11] Joseph forsothe to the fader and to his bretheren ȝaf posses|syoun in Egipte, in the best soyl of the loond of Ramesses, as comaundyde Pha|rao; [verse 12] and he fedde hem, and al the hows of his fader, ȝyuynge meetis to eche oon. [verse 13] Forsothe in al the world breed lackide, and hungur oppresside*. [ouerpressid BDEFH.] the erthe, moost [verse 14] of Egipte and of Chanaan; of the whiche al the money he gederyde togider for the sellyng of whete, and putte it to*. [in to BDEFH.] the tre|sorye of the kyng. [verse 15] And whanne to the biggerys faylide prijs, cam al Egipte to Joseph, seiynge, Ȝif to vs breed; whi dien we bifore thee, faylynge money? [verse 16] To whom he answerde, Bryngith ȝoure beestis, and Y shal ȝyue to ȝow for hem meetis, if prijs ȝe han not. [verse 17] The whiche, whanne thei hadden brouȝt, he ȝaf to hem foode for horsis, and sheep, and oxen, and assis; and he susteynede hem that ȝeer for chaungyng of beestis. [verse 18] And thei camen the secounde ȝeer, and seiden to hym, We hiden not to oure lord, that failynge the money and the beestis to|gideres han failid, ne it is priue fro thee, that with outen bodies and loond we han [verse 19] not; whi thanne shulen we dye, thee se|ynge? and we and our loond of thee shulen ben, bie vs in to the kyngis thral|dom, and ȝif vs seedes, lest peryshynge the tilyer*. [tylyers D.], the loond be turned aȝen into wildernes. [verse 20] Thanne Joseph bouȝte al the loond of Egipte, echoon sellynge his pos|sessiouns, for the greetnes of hungur; [verse 21] and he sugettide it to Pharao, and al the puplis of it, fro the laste termes of [verse 22] Egipte vnto the vttmest*. [vttermest BDEFH.] coostis of it, out takun the loond of prestis, the which of the kyng was take to hem, to whom and certeyn meetis of the comoun beernes Page  185 weren ȝouun, and therfor thei ben not nedid to sellen her possessiouns. [verse 23] Thanne seide Joseph to the peplis, Loo! as ȝe be|holden, and ȝow and ȝoure loond Pharao hath; takith seedis, and sowith feeldis, [verse 24] that ȝe mowen han lyuelodis; the fyfthe part*. [party BDEFH.] ȝe shulen ȝyue to the kyng, the tother foure partis Y leeue to ȝow into seed, and into metys, to meynes, and to ȝoure children. [verse 25] The whiche answerden, Oure helthe is in thin hoond; oure*. [and oure A.] God oonly bihold vs*. [in vs A.], and gladliche we shu|len serue to the kyng. [verse 26] Fro that tyme vnto the day that is now, in al the loond of Egipte the fifthe part to kyngis is payed, and yt is maad as into a lawe, with outen the preestis loond, that free was fro this condicioun. [verse 27] Thanne Yrael dwelte in Egipte, that is, in the loond of Gessen, and hadde it, and was encreesid and multiplied greetly. [verse 28] And he lyuede in it sixtene*. [seuenten D sup. ras.] ȝeer, and alle the dayes of the lijf of hym ben maad of an hundryd and seuene and fourti ȝeer. [verse 29] And whanne he bihelde the day of deeth to neiȝ, he clepide his sone Joseph, and seide to hym, If Y haue foundun grace in thi siȝt, putte thin hoond vnder myn hippe, and thow shalt do to me mercy and treuthe, that [verse 30] thow byrie me not in Egipte; but I shal sleepe with my fadris, and thow shalt take me fro this loond, and birye me in the sepulcre of myn eldres*. [eldren BDEFH.]. To whom Joseph answerde, I shal do that thow hast bodun. [verse 31] And he, Sweer thanne, he seith, to me; whom swerynge, Yrael anowrede God, turned to the heed of the bedde.


[verse 1] And so thes thingis passid ouer, it was toold to Joseph, that the fader of hym wex sik. The which with hym takun two sones, Manasses and Effraym, forth ȝeden to go. [verse 2] And it was seide to the olde man, Loo! thi sone Joseph is comen Page  186 to thee; the which coumfortid sat in the bedde. [verse 3] And to Joseph comun in to him, seith, God Almyȝti aperyde to me in Luza, that is in the loond of Chanaan, [verse 4] and he blisside to me, and seith, Y thee shal encreese and multiplie, and make into cumpanyes of peples, and Y shal ȝyue to thee this loond, and to thi seed after thee, into euerlastynge possessioun. [verse 5] Thanne thi two sones, that ben born to thee in the loond of Egipte bifore Y com hider to thee, shulen ben myne, Effraym and Manasses as Ruben and Symeon [verse 6] shulen ben acountid to me; the tother forsothe whom thow shalt gete after hem shulen be thine, and bi name of her bre|theren shulen be clepid in her posses|siouns. [verse 7] To me forsothe whanne Y cam fro Mesopotanye, Rachel was deed in the loond of Chanaan, in that weie, and it was veer tyme; and Y cam into Effra|tam, and Y biryede hir biside the weie of Effrathe, the which in another name is clepid Bethleem. [verse 8] And Jacob, seynge the sones of hym, seide to hym, Who ben thes? [verse 9] He answerde, My sones thei ben, whom God hath ȝouun to me in this place. Bryng hem, he seith, to me, that I blisse to hem. [verse 10] The eyen forsothe of Yrael weren derke for greet eelde, and cleerli he myȝte not se; and hem put to [verse 11] hym, kissynge and cleppynge hem, seide*. [seith E.] to his sone, Y am not bigilid of thi siȝt; forthermore God hath shewid to me thi seed. [verse 12] And whanne Joseph hadde takun hem fro the bosum of the fader, he anowride, bowid into the erthe. [verse 13] And he putte Effraym at his riȝt hoond, that is, at the left syde of Israel; Manasses for|sothe in his lift side, at the riȝt side of the fader, and he putte bothe to hym. [verse 14] The which strecchynge out the riȝt hoond, putte vpon the heed of Effraym, the lasse brother; the left forsothe vpon Page  187 the heed of Manasse, the which was more thurȝ birthe. Jacob togidere chaungynge [verse 15] the hondes blisside the sones of Joseph, and seith, God, in whos siȝt ȝeden my fadres Abraham and Ysaac; God, that fedde me fro my ȝongthe*. [ȝouthe BDEFH.] into the day [verse 16] that is now; that aungel that delyueride me fro alle yuels, blesse to thes children, and my name be inwardly clepid vpon hem, and the names of my fadris Abra|ham and Ysaac; in multitude vpon erthe growe thei. [verse 17] Joseph forsothe seynge that his fader hadde putte the riȝt hoond vpon the heed of Effraym, greuowsly tok, and the hoond of the fader takun, enforside to heue fro the heed of Effraym, and to ber ouer vpon the heed of Manasse. [verse 18] And he seide to the fader, Not so, fader, it fallith to be, for this is the first getun; put thi riȝt hoond vpon the heed of hym. [verse 19] The which forsakynge seith, I knowe, sone myne, Y knowe; and this forsothe shal be into puples, and shal be multi|plied; but the brother of hym lasse more than he shal be, and the seed of hym [verse 20] shal growe into folk of kynde. And he blisside hem in that tyme, seiynge, In thee Yrael shal be blissid, and shal be seide, God do to thee as to Effraym and Manasse; and he sette Effraym bifore Manasse. [verse 21] And he seith to Joseph, his sone, Loo! Y dye, and God shal be with ȝow, and he shal brynge ȝow aȝen to the [verse 22] loond of ȝoure fadris; Y ȝyue to thee o parti oute of thi bretheren, that Y tok of the hoond of Amorrey, in swerde and in my bowe.


[verse 1] Jacob forsothe clepide his sones, and seide to hem, Be ȝe gederid togidris, that Y telle that ben to comen to ȝou in [verse 2] the laste daies; be ȝe gadered togidris, Page  188 and here ȝe, the sones of Jacob, here ȝe Yrael ȝoure fader. [verse 3] Ruben, my first getun, thow my strengthe, and the bigyning of my sorwe; first in ȝiftis, and more in co|maundyng; [verse 4] thow art held out as water; ne grow thow, for thow hast steied up the cowche of thi fader, and thow hast defoulid the bedde of hym. [verse 5] Symeon and Leuy, bretheren, the vessels of shrewid|nes, [verse 6] makynge batails; in the counseil of hem come not my soule, and in the cum|panye of hem be not my glorie; for in her woodnes thei slewen a man, and in her owne wil thei vndurdelueden the [verse 7] wal; cursid is the woodnes of hem, for it is stedfast, and the indignacioun of hem, for it is hard; Y shal deuyde hem in Jacob, and I shal scater hem in Yrael. [verse 8] Juda, thee shulen preyse thi britheren, thin hondis in the skulles of thin ene|myes, the sones of thi fader shulen lowte thee. [verse 9] The whelp of lyon Juda; to the prey, sone myne, thow steydist vp; rest|ynge thow ley down as a lyon, and as a lionesse who shal arere hym? [verse 10] The septre fro Juda shal not be takun awey, and a duke fro the leende of hym, to the tyme that he come that is to be sent, and he shal be the abidynge of folk of kynde, [verse 11] byndynge to a vynȝerd his colt, and to a vyn, O*. [of A.]! my sone, his*. [is his H.] she asse; he shal wasshe in wyne his stoole, and in blood of [verse 12] a grape his mantil; fayrer ben the eyen of hym than wyn, and the teeth of hym whitter than mylk. [verse 13] Zabulon in the brynke of the see shal dwelle, and in the stacioun of shippes, arechynge vnto Sidon. [verse 14] Ysa|char, an hee asse strong, liggynge bitwix [verse 15] the teermes, sawȝ rest that it was good, and the loond that it was best, and vn|derputte his shuldur to bere, and he is maad to tributis seruynge. [verse 16] Dan shal Page  189 deme his puple, and as another lynage in Yrael. [verse 17] Be maad Dan an eddre of sha|dowe in the weie, and an horned eddre in the path, bitynge the cleen of an hors, that the steyer up of hym falle bac|ward; [verse 18] and thi ȝyuer of helthe*. [hele E.] Y shal abyde, Lord. [verse 19] Gad gird shal feiȝt bifore hym, and he shal be gird bihynde. [verse 20] Aser, the fat breed of hym, and he shal ȝeue delices to kyngis. [verse 21] Neptalym, the herte sent out, and ȝyuynge the spechis of fayrnes. [verse 22] The sone acreesynge, Joseph, the sone acresynge, and semly in siȝt; the douȝtres*. [douȝtren BDEFH.] hidir and thider renneden [verse 23] vpon the wal, but thei eggiden hym out, and streuen, and enuyden to hym, hau|ynge dartis. [verse 24] Sat in the strong the bowe of hym, and vnbounden ben the bondis of armes*. [the armes BDEFH.], and of the hondis of hym bi the hoond of the myȝti of Jacob; thens a shepherde ȝede out, the stoone of Yrael. [verse 25] God of thi fader shal be thin helper*. [helpe A pr. m. D.], and the Almyȝti shal blesse to thee with blessynges of heuene fro aboue, and with blessyngis of the see liggyng beneth, and with blessyngis of tetis, and of the wombe; [verse 26] the blissyngis of thi fader ben coumfortid with the blissyngis of the fadris of hym, to the tyme that were comen the desyre of euerlastynge hillis; ben thei maad in the heed of Joseph, and in the heed of Nazarei amonge his bretheren. [verse 27] Benia|myn, a wulf raumpynge, the morwen tide he shall eete a pray, and the euentide he shal dyuyde spoylis. [verse 28] Alle thes in the lynagis of Irael twelue; thes thingis spak to hem her fader, and blesside hem eche with propre blessyngis. [verse 29] And he comaundide hem, seiynge, Y am gedered to my puple, birye ȝe me with my faders in the dowble spelunk, that is in the feeld [verse 30] of Effron Ethei, aȝens Mambre, in the Page  190 loond of Chanaan, that Abraham bouȝte with the feeld of Effron Ethei, into pos|sessioun of a sepulcre. [verse 31] There thei bi|rieden hym, and Sara, the wijf of hym; there also byried is Ysaac, with Rebecca the wijf; there and Lya biried lieth. [verse 32] And endid the maundementis with whiche the sones he enfourmyde, he gederede to|gedere his feet vpon the bed, and dyed, and put he*. [Om. E.] is to his puple.


[verse 1] That seynge Joseph, fel vpon the face of the fader, wepynge, and kyssynge hym, [verse 2] and comaundide to the seruauntis, his leches, that with swete oynementis thei shulden anoynte the fader. [verse 3] The whiche the maundementis fulfillynge, passiden ouer fourti dayes; this forsothe manere was of bodies anoynt, and Egipte wepte hym seuenti dayes. [verse 4] And fulfillid the tyme of weilyng, Joseph to the meyne of Pharao spak, If Y haue founde grace in ȝoure siȝt, spek ȝe in the eeris of Pharao, [verse 5] therthurȝ that my fader hath chargid me with ooth, seiynge, Loo! Y dye, in my sepulcre that I deluede to me in the loond of Chanaan, thow shalt byrye me; thanne I shal steie vp that Y byrye my fader, and shal turne aȝen. [verse 6] And Pharao seyde to hym, Stey vp, and byry thi fader, as thow hast sworne. [verse 7] Whom stiynge vp, ȝeden with hym alle the oold men of the hows of Pharao, and alle the more thurȝ [verse 8] birthe of the loond of Egipte, the hows of Joseph with his bretheren, with outen litil children, and flockis, and droues, that laften in the loond of Gessen. [verse 9] And he hadde*. [ladde BDFH.] in his ledyng chares, and rydynge men, and there was maad the companye not a litil. [verse 10] And thei camen to the thresshyng feelde of Adad, the which is set biȝonde Jordan, where holdynge the Page  191 offices for the deed, with greet weilyng and hydows, fulfilliden*. [thei fulfilliden E.] seuen dayes. [verse 11] That whanne hadden seen the dwellers of the loond of Chanaan, seiden, A greet weil|yng is this to the Egipcyens, and therfor thei clepiden the name of that place The weylyng of Egipte. [verse 12] Thanne the children of Yrael diden as it was comaundid hem, [verse 13] and berynge hym into the loond of Cha|naan, byryden hym in the dowble spel|unk, that Abraham bouȝte with the feelde, into possessioun of a sepulcre, of Ephron Ethei, aȝens the face of Mambre. [verse 14] And Joseph is turned aȝen into Egipte, with his britheren, and with al the cumpanye, the fader beryed. [verse 15] The which deed, dred|ynge the bretheren of hym, and togidere spekyng, lest perauenture he haue mynde*. [in mynde DH.] of the wrong that he suffrede, and ȝeelde [verse 16] to vs al the yuel that we han do, senten to hym, seiynge*. [Om. H.], Thi fader comaundide [verse 17] vs or he shulde die, that thes wordes to thee we shulden seye, Y preye, that thow forȝete the wickidnes of thi bretheren, and of the synne, and of the malyce that thei wrouȝten in thee; and we preyen, that to the seruaunt of God, thi fader, thow forȝeue this wickidnesse. The whiche thingis herd, Joseph wepte. [verse 18] And to hym comen his bretheren, and mekid into the [verse 19] erthe lowtiden, and seiden, Thi seruauntis we ben. To whom he answerde, Wole ȝe not dreden, whether mowen we aȝen|stonde the wil of God? [verse 20] Ȝe thouȝten of me yuel, and God turneth it into good, that he shulde enhaunce me, as ȝe now seen, that saaf he make many puples; [verse 21] wole ȝe not dreden, Y shal fede ȝow, and ȝoure children. And he coumfortide hem, [verse 22] and fayre and softly he spak, and dwelte in Egipte, with al the hows of his fader, and lyuede an hundrid and ten ȝeer, and sawȝ the sones of Effraym vnto the thridde generacioun; and the sones of Page  192 Machir, sone of Manasse, ben born in the kneen of Joseph. [verse 23] The whiche thingis ouerpassid, he spak to his bretheren, After my deeth God shal visite ȝow, and make ȝow steyen vp fro this*. [the B.] loond to the loond that he fastnede with ooth to Abraham, Ysaac, and Jacob. [verse 24] And whanne he hadde adiuryd hem, and seide, God shal visite ȝow, bere ȝe with ȝow my [verse 25] bones fro this place, he diede, fulfillid an hundred and ten ȝerys of his lijf, and anoyntide with swete oynementis, was leid in to*. [Om. BDEFH.] towmbe in Egipte.

Heere endith Genesis and now bigynne[th] Exodus*. [Here endith Genesis D. No rubric in BFH.]